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Supporters Group News Protest News

I must be going soft in the head but for once Rat’s explanation seems quite straightforward?

None of his usual vague, pass the blame, ramblings.

Please someone else confirm this or I may have to lock myself away in a dark room 🥴

I’m gonna say that from experience, Ron is a master of talking bull**** but making it sound totally plausible. You could think back to countless promises he’s made over the years and nothing that comes out of his mouth comes to fruitition. Yes some of it has been out of his control but do you really buy his sob story of ill fortune culminating in us failing to have a new stadium or new owners?

Covid, economic downturns etc happened to plenty of other clubs, but we’re still by far the worst run club in the country IMO.
I’m gonna say that from experience, Ron is a master of talking bull**** but making it sound totally plausible. You could think back to countless promises he’s made over the years and nothing that comes out of his mouth comes to fruitition. Yes some of it has been out of his control but do you really buy his sob story of ill fortune culminating in us failing to have a new stadium or new owners?

Covid, economic downturns etc happened to plenty of other clubs, but we’re still by far the worst run club in the country IMO.
Oh yes. The amount of lies from some of the zoom calls he did, was sooo disrespectful to us. Many business survived covid, economic conditions etc because they were well run businesses in the first place and had contingency plans in place for unforeseen events. Ours wasn't. We were already heavily in debt, and that just finished us off
Oh dear!!!

After reading the Southend Echo article (#76) I feel terrible.

Should we reconvene on Ron's front lawn, early tomorrow morning, before he goes to Church, and offer our deep and heartfelt apologies for any misunderstanding and hurt that we have caused him.

In an effort to make amends, and hold out an Olive Branch since our joint Damascus Road experience, perhaps we could offer him, and hope that he accepts, a position of Honorary President of Southend United Football Club.

I believe it's the least we should be doing.

:Winking: :Winking: :Winking:
Having been mulling over Chris Phillips article, I would say Ratty has been very careful to say what we needed to hear. If the deal falls through he will blame the Consortium. I hope I am wrong, but he is definitely expecting them to clear the WUP having pushed them into a corner.
Having been mulling over Chris Phillips article, I would say Ratty has been very careful to say what we needed to hear. If the deal falls through he will blame the Consortium. I hope I am wrong, but he is definitely expecting them to clear the WUP having pushed them into a corner.
Indeed, and they know that. And I’m not sure that they will. In order to move forward, they have to trust Ron. Would you?
It will be interesting. If the deal is indeed agreed - and we are trusting Ron’s word on that - then the timelines may be forthcoming as a few weeks. The further modeling and admin part of due diligence. It will be back on track. Maybe that will be enough for the consortium.

They could balance that risk with season tickets - and an honest statement so individuals know if they are personally exposed. There is talk of the trust doing a go fund me page. I’d far rather pay for my season ticket and if it doesn’t come good then so be it than pay to a go fund me and have to pay for a season ticket if it does come good.
It will be interesting. If the deal is indeed agreed - and we are trusting Ron’s word on that - then the timelines may be forthcoming as a few weeks. The further modeling and admin part of due diligence. It will be back on track. Maybe that will be enough for the consortium.

They could balance that risk with season tickets - and an honest statement so individuals know if they are personally exposed. There is talk of the trust doing a go fund me page. I’d far rather pay for my season ticket and if it doesn’t come good then so be it than pay to a go fund me and have to pay for a season ticket if it does come good.
As far as I am aware there are no plans to do a gofundme, certainly not to pay the WUP.

If COSU get the confidence they need it will get taken care of. If COSU do not get the confidence and walk, then we would be throwing good money after bad and delaying the inevitable whilst settling Ron’s legacy debt.

My opinion is that any future fundraiser by the Trust should be as a means for the fans to buy in to part ownership of the football club or Assets.
Not trying to stir up a hornets nest, but did Ratty ever payback the loan The Trust gave him
Seem to remember he promised to pay back with interest and ( maybe I have this bit wrong) from his own pocket ?
I think it became part of the debt that COSU needs to pay if they take over - there was a trust members vote on options of what to do as I think COSU were asking if it could be written off. I don't think I've seen the results of that vote.
Reflection: did yesterday’s demonstration achieve anything apart from Ronald coming to say hi?
Did it involve press, either local or national? Mr Philps doesn’t count as you’d expect him there.
Was there any council/new owners involved and or consulted with?
Are there plans for more protests?
SOUTHEND United chairman Ron Martin has spoken with Shrimpers supporters protesting outside his house.

Blues fans continue to fear for the future of the club as talks continue between the Martin family and Southend City Council over the Fossetts Farm project.

That must be agreed if the consortium headed up by Justin Rees are to officially start running the Shrimpers.

When pressed on the matter, Martin told fans he expected the deal to be completed in four to five weeks.

But he also admitted to being unsure how a winding up petition, issued against the club by Stewarts Law and PG Site Services would be settled.

When asked who would pay the petition, Martin said: “We don’t know yet but someone will have to pay it.

“It will be the last hearing, it’s been marked final.

“I think we will find a solution.

“We’ve found many solutions.

“I don’t think it will be the end of the club.”

Martin confirmed he would not pay the winding up petition, which is believed to be around £500,000 and added the consortium had agreed to pay it once they were in charge.

“The deal is they pay for the operational costs on a day to day basis,” said Marttin.

“Historic costs like Stewarts Law and PG Site Services will be paid when they complete.”

Blues are therefore still facing an incredibly uncertain future but Martin does feel talks are progressing with the council over the property plans for Fossetts Farm.

“It’s entirely between the council and us,” said Martin.

“The conservative administration were happy and then labour took over.

“They wanted more houses and we don’t object to that.

“Yesterday we put to them a new proposal for them to consider and I think we’ll hear back next week. “

And Martin, who spoke to fans for close to 10 minutes, also stressed he had no ill feeling towards the council.

“I’m not blaming the council,” said Martin.

“They’ve got to go through their processes.

“It’s only fair Labour review it and I get that.

“It’s reasonable and they’ve now come back with what they want to see.

“Actually, it’s a complete flip from where we were and we’ve agreed it very quickly.

“We wrote to them yesterday agreeing to flip to houses from flats.

“That’s the main issue between us and everything in between we actually agree with.

“It’s now for them to do a financial analysis which I think we’ve done for them in yesterday’s email.

“They will come to a decision quite quickly.

“I’ve agreed in principle to everything they want.

“I spoke to Daniel Cowan yesterday and the council officers.

“They will come back to us but we have to give them time.

“We will come to terms I’m sure. “

And Martin also said he is keeping calm.

“I’m not stressed,” said the club chairman.

“I think the deal will be done and it will take four to five weeks.

“Daniel Cowan is a good guy and he’s trying to do the right thing, we all are.

“I want to see the club succeed but if we don’t get the council to approve it then the consortium will not want to buy Southend United.”

The consortium, headed up by Justin Rees, exchanged contracts with Martin for the sale of the club just before Christmas but are still waiting to take charge.

The consortium issued a statement to the Echo on Friday outlining the three things needed to stop them walking away from the deal.

Included in their demands was sorting an agreement with the Martins to provide security for the further funds the consortium would need to inject prior to the takeover.

But Martin seemed to suggest that would not be forthcoming.

“I’m not going to give them security,” said Martin.

“They are contracted to pay the debt, that’s their purchase price.

“They’ve paid £1.2million of it and they’ve got £1.3million to go.

“It’s a balanced agreement and Justin and I get on quite well.

“It’s gone on longer than he wanted and he feels exposed because he’s got less security for his debt other than the contract so I said look trust me.”

Martin received heckles for the response before adding: “I feel that’s pretty unfair.

“Have it your way but you’ll look back one day and you’ll see.”

“…so I said look trust me.”

Hahahahahahahahahaha good one Ron
“…so I said look trust me.”

Hahahahahahahahahaha good one Ron
Sheer audacity from a man who I believe says he goes to church & in that case is presumably a man of God.

I actually imagine dark clouds gathering overhead as he parks in the church car park then the doom laden notes of Ave Santini starting up as he walks down the path then his hand finally catching fire when he touches the church door handle…
Not trying to stir up a hornets nest, but did Ratty ever payback the loan The Trust gave him
Seem to remember he promised to pay back with interest and ( maybe I have this bit wrong) from his own pocket ?
Paying back people is not his ting. He also promised to reward all loyal staff, players and Management for sticking with the club whilst not being paid. That hasn't happened, and may not even happen out of his pot of gold. His talk and promises are very cheap.

Southend Fan Protest Group

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Another week, another missed deadline.
The club is hurtling towards an inevitable almighty reckoning. The Martins continue to use the club and its imminent demise as leverage to extract the maximum advantage from their land assets.

They do this on the gamble that if they hold long enough, COSU will crack and pay the WUP. This will then alleviate pressure on the council, where they can resume to negotiate in their own favour.

We have spent the past two weeks warning that the Martins are holding out and that coordinated fan action must bring maximum pressure for this deal to be accepted on the council’s terms with the utmost priority.

It is with a sense of relief and satisfaction that the council’s most recent update indicates they recognise the game they’re in and are adopting the postion many fans and locals have long called for.

Regrettably, we are where we were in January 2023, with the Trust reluctant to act for the fans and its membership and instead take counsel from invested parties above.
But we fear not. As we did then, we have conviction of what is needed and what is possible. Where there exists a vacuum, we will step forward as our club needs.

We will continue with our disciplined protest agenda:

*Tuesday 18th June 6pm Benfleet road*
*Friday 21st June 6pm Leigh station (Tom Martin)*
*Saturday 22nd June 11am Camden Town*

The demands we place upon the directors of the controlling parent entities of land and companies are crystal clear: accept the council’s ultimatum and now. The years of grift and failure end here.