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Supporters Group News Protest News

Heard recently that although the protests have allowed us to vent or anger and frustration at Ron’s doorstep it’s also had a detrimental affect. It’s actually allowed Ron to use the protests as a counter motion and basically meant that he has further delayed passing documents and correspondence forward to the council and COSU at various times. I believe he has also blamed JR for some of these protests I’ve attended quite a few at Ron’s but on this occasion I won’t be. Ron has the deadline in black and white. It’s a yes or no simple as that. If it’s a no then We have every right to go all guns blazing at him but if protesting this week puts the deal at risk then it would be ill advised to do. The Trust and COSU have specifically asked for the protest to not take place and they are the people closest to what’s going on so surely they should be listened to. But it’s everyone’s right so if you wish to then so be it.
Genuinely can’t believe my eyes.

Ron claimed protests were deterring potential investors this time last year.

He now cries to everyone in his script of “blame everyone but me” and people still lap it up hook, line and sinker.

When will we learn?
Genuinely can’t believe my eyes.

Ron claimed protests were deterring potential investors this time last year.

He now cries to everyone in his script of “blame everyone but me” and people still lap it up hook, line and sinker.

When will we learn?
Think you know the answer to that. Always someone else’s fault. Well if he fails to agree by Friday then he only has himself to blame and no where to hide
Think you know the answer to that. Always someone else’s fault. Well if he fails to agree by Friday then he only has himself to blame and no where to hide
No, I don’t know the answer as to why you’ve decided to accept that Ron blaming fans should be taken seriously.

The position here is “if Ron doesn’t suffer protests, then he’s more likely to sign off the deal this week”. If you say that out loud, given the history of the last 20 odd years of his reign, can you hear how ridiculous this claim sounds?

“Do nothing guys and I’ll absolutely sign it off this week, no problems”.
No, I don’t know the answer as to why you’ve decided to accept that Ron blaming fans should be taken seriously.

The position here is “if Ron doesn’t suffer protests, then he’s more likely to sign off the deal this week”. If you say that out loud, given the history of the last 20 odd years of his reign, can you hear how ridiculous this claim sounds?

“Do nothing guys and I’ll absolutely sign it off this week, no problems”.
As much as I understand your point, when the people we want to buy the club say that they think protests are disruptive and we should stay away, I would trust them above any supporters group who know less than they do.
No, I don’t know the answer as to why you’ve decided to accept that Ron blaming fans should be taken seriously.

The position here is “if Ron doesn’t suffer protests, then he’s more likely to sign off the deal this week”. If you say that out loud, given the history of the last 20 odd years of his reign, can you hear how ridiculous this claim sounds?

“Do nothing guys and I’ll absolutely sign it off this week, no problems”.
Bang on literally.
As much as I understand your point, when the people we want to buy the club say that they think protests are disruptive and we should stay away, I would trust them above any supporters group who know less than they do.
They say that for no other reason than they can’t deal with his accusations that they instigated the protests. Perhaps that inability to deal with Ron on such a simple matter by the council leader and COSU leader are indicative of why the negotiations have progressed so catastrophically over the past 9 months?

I’d rather have faith in fans that have followed the club home and away for decades than a two week council leader with divergent interests and a consortium lead by someone who’d never seen Southend until last year and could be gone by Friday.

We’ll all still be here….
It's the same deal as always over protests. If you think it's the right thing to do, then do it. If you don't agree, for whatever reason, then don't. It'd called freedom of choice.

Giving posters stick for not acting is counter productive as I've yet to see any improvement in attendances because of it (yeah, I have attended them at Benfleet). Conversely, quoting interested parties requests on here against protests cuts no mustard with would be protesters. So, like I say, do as you think right.
No, I don’t know the answer as to why you’ve decided to accept that Ron blaming fans should be taken seriously.

The position here is “if Ron doesn’t suffer protests, then he’s more likely to sign off the deal this week”. If you say that out loud, given the history of the last 20 odd years of his reign, can you hear how ridiculous this claim sounds?

“Do nothing guys and I’ll absolutely sign it off this week, no problems”.
I’m telling you what I know, the trust, the council the consortium have all said that protest are not helping and counter productive so why not listen. Not Ron saying this but the people trying to help save the club. But I’ve already said if you wish to protest then do so, that’s your choice
They say that for no other reason than they can’t deal with his accusations that they instigated the protests. Perhaps that inability to deal with Ron on such a simple matter by the council leader and COSU leader are indicative of why the negotiations have progressed so catastrophically over the past 9 months?

I’d rather have faith in fans that have followed the club home and away for decades than a two week council leader with divergent interests and a consortium lead by someone who’d never seen Southend until last year and could be gone by Friday.

We’ll all still be here….
Just because we all have supported the club for such a long time does not automatically make us know better than those close to the deal and to think we do is a bit naive and maybe a little dangerous!
I’m telling you what I know, the trust, the council the consortium have all said that protest are not helping and counter productive so why not listen. Not Ron saying this but the people trying to help save the club. But I’ve already said if you wish to protest then do so, that’s your choice
Unfortunately it is this irrational thinking from the 🐀 that could lead to a delay in progress even at this late juncture, just because that's him! People have to balance their desire to get him out against where we are in the process, SCC and COSU have let their reservations about protesting at this time be known and that message is conveyed clearly in the Trusts statement today. So do we help or hinder?
Just because we all have supported the club for such a long time does not automatically make us know better than those close to the deal and to think we do is a bit naive and maybe a little dangerous!
I’d agree if we were talking about economic or legal terms that were confidential, but in this case, the whole premise is Ron Martin’s reaction to protests.

We all know Ron Martin better than the other two parties in this deal, whom if anyone has been naive, they could certainly be charged with.
How on earth can protesting affect Ron’s decision one way or another.
How on earth can NOT protesting affect Ron’s decision one way or another.
Ron will do what Ron wants to do, regardless of protests or lack of protests.
What matters is that every supporter acts on their gut feeling of whether to protest or not. And no one should argue against their decisions.
I guess one thing to be said for the protests is that Ron at least comes out to speak to the protesters (if he’s home) and as he’s making no public statements at the moment this is our best chance of understanding his reaction to the deal.

Personally, although I’ve protested outside his home a few times, I won’t be this week as I’m listening to what COSU and the Shrimpers Trust are saying about it. However, I respect everyone’s right to do what they think will help.
I guess one thing to be said for the protests is that Ron at least comes out to speak to the protesters (if he’s home) and as he’s making no public statements at the moment this is our best chance of understanding his reaction to the deal.

Personally, although I’ve protested outside his home a few times, I won’t be this week as I’m listening to what COSU and the Shrimpers Trust are saying about it. However, I respect everyone’s right to do what they think will help.
Unfortunately he lies to those there so it’s effectively the same as not making a statement.

Also he has to decide what to wear to meet the protesters. Either a suit with a white shirt, a suit with a white shirt unless it’s the weekend. Then it’s a suit with a white shirt. Decisions decisions.
Ron is the pinnacle of a narcissist, he will blame absolutely everyone apart from himself and will try his very best to keep his public image.

Whatever Ron thinks - think the opposite.

Whatever Ron says - do the opposite.

When Ron says don’t protest - protest.