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The State of Roots Hall

Until the rat is properly gone I won't be spending a penny, or doing a seconds collar for the club because once again he is getting bailed out. I do not understand why we are bothering listening to TL £300K stories they need to get a clear message from the fans that we want the rat gone for good.

I’d view it as doing things to ease his exit - I believe it would have been/will be a condition of Kimura to get the ground into shape.
He needs to be paying for this stuff to be done. I can't believe (well I can!) so many people are willing to do stuff for him for free! Mind boggling.
As long as it gets done and hastens his exit does it really matter who does it? There are a lot of people willing to help get Roots Hall ready, me included, and I’m certainly not going to wait for Mr Martin to do it. This is an opportunity to do something tangible but I respect those who want to sit on their hands. Utbs.
Why does it bother you?

Because it does. Is that okay with you!? Yourself, BW and a couple of other posters seem to disagree with my opinions, thats fair enough, but why do you need to question why it bothers me!? Does my opinion bother you that much!?

It bothers me because its his role as chairman to fund the club he owns. Like its his role to pay his staff, pay the tax man, pay the physio, treat people decently. He can't manage ANY OF THEM. Yet people want to give him a free ride and "help out". Hey look if that's what makes people happy then feel free but there are still too many people enabling RMs behaviour by various means and if people want to dress it up as to "help the club out" like some fans dressed it up as "I like my seat" when it comes to buying a seaso' then that's on them.

I don't agree with that. It's that simple. And this is an Internet forum where I can air MY views. I appreciate I'm in the minority but this has been my stance for a couple of years now and it won't change until he is TOTALLY gone.
He needs to be paying for this stuff to be done. I can't believe (well I can!) so many people are willing to do stuff for him for free! Mind boggling.
How I see it, he either sells the club and we start the season under new ownership. Or he doesn’t sell the club and we get kicked out the league.

So either way, people aren’t doing it for Ron. It’s either for the new owners, fans, and the club as a whole or for nobody.
It's a mystery wrapped up in an enigma. Certainly isn't on the bloody toilets...
I'm sure it wouldn't take too much effort to adapt the spring on the East Stand toilet door to fire a medium range shell a couple of miles!!! The times I've gone to the bog for a p*ss and then shat myself with the effort of trying to get the bloody door open.
Until the rat is properly gone I won't be spending a penny, or doing a seconds collar for the club because once again he is getting bailed out. I do not understand why we are bothering listening to TL £300K stories they need to get a clear message from the fans that we want the rat gone for good.
It can still be done but just ensure press statements to media outlets specifically state the fans are doing it for their club. NOT rm. Make it even more publicity for our plight.