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The State of Roots Hall

Over the past few seasons, as the ground has become increasingly delapidated, has the rent SUFC are being charged reduced? Also, shouldn't the company that is charging us rent be responsible for cost of maintenance and safety certificates?
With Commercial leases it's often the renter that is responsible for maintenance costs. Normally have to hand it back in same condition as at start of lease - but I guess since it's being demolished we're being let off that

With Commercial leases it's often the renter that is responsible for maintenance costs. Normally have to hand it back in same condition as at start of lease - but I guess since it's being demolished we're being let off that
Well Ron is the renter to as he owns the club. Best he get making it good again.
Not only us is it. The facilities at quite a few of the NL grounds are not up to standard. The porta cabin bogs last night at Boreham Wood were awash with an inch of **** on the floor. Some poor bugger had dropped a glove in it and decided against recovering it!
Not only us is it. The facilities at quite a few of the NL grounds are not up to standard. The porta cabin bogs last night at Boreham Wood were awash with an inch of **** on the floor. Some poor bugger had dropped a glove in it and decided against recovering it!
Well you have to hand it to him.
I think the sum of £300,000 for the safety certificate was first mentioned on one of the early Zoom meetings with Ron. At the time, when he said it, I took him to mean that a particular schedule of maintenance/improvements to satisfy certification of the stadium for the previous season had cost that sum and not necessarily that it was costing that amount every season. However, someone in the meeting or a subsequent meeting took him to mean it was costing that sum every year and it has since become cast in tablets of stone here on the Zone. At the time I thought there was a slight smirk from Ron when it became clear to him it had been understood as an annual outlay rather than a one off after several seasons of neglect. I may be wrong and if TL has confirmed it I probably am, but it does seem to be a huge sum to be spending annually although I do appreciate that as the stadium ages the deterioration through neglect accelerates.
didn’t Ron say it costs something like £10k a month to get the ground the safety cert required each month? This was about a year ago. Sure someone can dig his quote out
I think you mean that it costs SUFC £10k a month for something one of his companies carries out for a cost of £2k a month, the other £8k allegedly going into the Ron Martin pension fund.
What it needs is the new stadium to be passed by that so called council .The sooner it get finished the better .Then they can lay the goast of rootshall to bed a knock the dam thing down .before it falls down .
Not only us is it. The facilities at quite a few of the NL grounds are not up to standard. The porta cabin bogs last night at Boreham Wood were awash with an inch of **** on the floor. Some poor bugger had dropped a glove in it and decided against recovering it!
Doesn't help when fans themselves vandalise it by chucking the toilet paper in the toilet, blocking it
I'm expecting something like this to occur in our toilets.....

View attachment 25783
One of my hobbies is mycology (the study of fungi) and I was very excited to see this in the East Stand toilets a couple of weeks ago. It is not a killer fungus, but I think a Peziza species. More information can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peziza
I did wait until the toilet was empty before taking the photograph. It was worth the wait though because I have never seen a Peziza spp.. fungus before. It is also worth pondering what it is using for nutrients ... or maybe not.
One of my hobbies is mycology (the study of fungi) and I was very excited to see this in the East Stand toilets a couple of weeks ago. It is not a killer fungus, but I think a Peziza species. More information can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peziza
View attachment 25784
I did wait until the toilet was empty before taking the photograph. It was worth the wait though because I have never seen a Peziza spp.. fungus before. It is also worth pondering what it is using for nutrients ... or maybe not.

👽 👂 🤔
I don't know how quick mushrooms grow, but surely someone that cleans or puts the loo roll in the toilets (I'm assuming we have loo roll) would have seen it and thought "perhaps i should remove that and give it a quick spray with sone cleaning chemicals"
One of my hobbies is mycology (the study of fungi) and I was very excited to see this in the East Stand toilets a couple of weeks ago. It is not a killer fungus, but I think a Peziza species. More information can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peziza
View attachment 25784
I did wait until the toilet was empty before taking the photograph. It was worth the wait though because I have never seen a Peziza spp.. fungus before. It is also worth pondering what it is using for nutrients ... or maybe not.
We need a 'puke' button on here ....