People thinking Friday 13th is bad luck!
Worst thing about that, is if something happens either side of Friday the 13th.
Car breaks down on Wednesday the 11th.
'Ooooohh Friday the 13th?'
People thinking Friday 13th is bad luck!
The **** behind me who still thinks it's funny to sneeze as loud as humanely possible every time he does so.
Thats actually quite decent of him surely ??
No he's an irritating knobend.
Those utterly cringeworthy Ladbrokes adverts with that ****ing horrible little eyetie running round shouting Corner, or Free Bet or I'm a ****ing spaghetti ******* greaseball who needs to be struck about the face with a machete
Uncle Leo, can you find out who the bright spark in your organisation that approved this ad strap is and call them a **** please
The fact that I was prescribed glasses at the weekend after my first ever eye test. Gutted.
Hmmm, strange. Didn't you have your eyes tested to discover whether or not you needed glasses?
No lids for the large paper cups in our staff canteen. The Dickensian working conditions in this place...