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Sagem Freesat box. They sent out an update called 1.6.6 to my in-laws over the air. The update is faulty and has infected most sagem boxes, resulting in complete loss of picture on the tele. Phone up Sagem and they advised to re install old version 1.6.3, but they will need a computer which they haven't got, and a memory stick. So I said I will do it for them. The first 2 agents on the phone gave me wrong out of date instructions as to where the old version is. The 3rd agent(they were all African by the way) gave me a page that was no longer in use. Now really fed up, I stay on the expensive line with this one, and finally get the correct link. When downloading to memory stick, error message came up, windows can't find these files, Jeez. Had to work all that out. Finally done it. God knows how O.A.Ps are meant to do it. So I download the old version and take memory stick to in-laws and plug into machine. Machine says old version successfully installed, but wont find TV stations. Tried factory reset and everything. Phone up Sagem, they said it's because new update has infected machine, so even installing old update might not work, Lol. And also, I had a right go at them because they wouldn't send the old version over the air, like they did the new update, expecting everyone to have a computer and memory stick. Most people I know over 65 haven't got those.
In-Laws take machine back to Curry's as fed up dealing with Sagem on the phone. They had the 'anything goes wrong' insurance. Curry's test machine and can't get it working. They give a new and more expensive machine, but not a Sagem as Curry's man said they are fed up with Sagem themselves.
U2 tickets.

Bono, the man of charity work, the man who forced a billion people to have his album for free.

So today I spend $50 to joing U2.cm to get the privilege of being able to buy U2 tickets pre-sales.

I then get average seats for £90 each, (Cheapest standing was £55) and I then have to pay £1 a ticket facility charge. Ok fair enough. Hold on I now have to pay another £11 "facility charge" Wtf is that ?. Postage £5

So over £200 for two tickets + the $50 membership.

Gee thats ok though, I got the album for free after all.
And to think some people moan about our ticketing charges!
Still waiting to hear of the plane is back from its annual. I have it booked all week. It was supposed to be back a week ago, then Friday, then Saturday, and now today...

My friends daughter has just started school this year. There are a few Muslim children in the school, but not many. They had their first rehearsal of the nativity play. She was picked to play Mary, and was so pleased and excited.
Because of complaints from the Muslim parents, they have now changed the nativity play to a winter celebration, along with hundreds of other schools across Britain.

I vaguely recall something surrounding the nativity at my school in the 60's, The girl who had to sit outsides during assembly's mum said something. I think they were Jehovahs Witnesses. It wasn't cancelled though
I vaguely recall something surrounding the nativity at my school in the 60's, The girl who had to sit outsides during assembly's mum said something. I think they were Jehovahs Witnesses. It wasn't cancelled though

They would have taken no notice in the 60s. Nowadays they bow down to a certain religion. Unreal, considering that if the situation was reversed in their countries, they never bow down to any other religion, and nasty things would happen to you for even suggesting it.
They would have taken no notice in the 60s. Nowadays they bow down to a certain religion. Unreal, considering that if the situation was reversed in their countries, they never bow down to any other religion, and nasty things would happen to you for even suggesting it.

Hence this country rules!

My little girl is at a pre-school with a load of muslim kids and they've got a mini Christmas play/singalong on Thursday so meh....not to mention she went to school in her Elsa dress during Eid and all the Muslim mums praised her.
They would have taken no notice in the 60s. Nowadays they bow down to a certain religion. Unreal, considering that if the situation was reversed in their countries, they never bow down to any other religion, and nasty things would happen to you for even suggesting it.

Not sure I'd agree, children in JW families were always excluded from things like Nativity as far back as I can remember. Of all religions, I think I find Jehovah's Witnesses one of the hardest to understand...it's a Christian faith, so surely they have the same version of the Nativity as the rest do? I understand they celebrate His death rather than His birth but surely the idea of Jesus being born in a stable and the Wise Men bearing gifts etc is the same whichever Christian faith you follow?
Hence this country rules!

My little girl is at a pre-school with a load of muslim kids and they've got a mini Christmas play/singalong on Thursday so meh....not to mention she went to school in her Elsa dress during Eid and all the Muslim mums praised her.

I'm sure if they were praising your little girl rather than Allah they would have been stoned by now, and not in the good way.
Not sure I'd agree, children in JW families were always excluded from things like Nativity as far back as I can remember. Of all religions, I think I find Jehovah's Witnesses one of the hardest to understand...it's a Christian faith, so surely they have the same version of the Nativity as the rest do? I understand they celebrate His death rather than His birth but surely the idea of Jesus being born in a stable and the Wise Men bearing gifts etc is the same whichever Christian faith you follow?

I wasn't talking about children allowed to be excluded, I can accept that if it's against their religion, what I can't accept is changing the whole thing to suit other religions. I feel we have been bullied into it.
The rest of your post I agree, very strange.
I wasn't talking about children allowed to be excluded, I can accept that if it's against their religion, what I can't accept is changing the whole thing to suit other religions. I feel we have been bullied into it.
The rest of your post I agree, very strange.

Ah, ok, my misunderstanding. I agree, you wouldn't for example, get a Muslim faith school changing anything to suit a Christian, certainly not in a Muslim country.