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Finding out that Arsenal have contractors for catering etc etc, and they pay the minimum wage of £6.50 per hour to their workers. The minimum living wage in London is £9.15 per hour. If football clubs can afford to pay lots of players Millions per year for actually only working less than about 20 hours per week average(if you call it work), then surely they can at least make sure that all workers employed directly or through contractors, are given at least the minimum living wage per hour.
Having to use the Dartford crossing...... Thankfully it's only twice a week now... New Dart Charge account applied for :'(:'(
After watching Frozen for the 400th time yesterday, I've got Let It Go firmly wedged in my brain....it's great song but come on! :stunned:
Getting a bit fed up with people being "offended" by nearly anything anyone says these days.

Are we still allowed to call the Scottish Jocks?

It almost seems like everytime anybody in football says anything that "Kick it Out" jump in and demand an investigation and want people sacked. Is saying that the jewish chase money really that offensive?

How long until the campaigners want retrospective charges brought against anyone that ever said anything in the 1970's.

Don't get me wrong, racism is a bad thing, but I think these are being blown out of all proportion.

As Dave Whelan said, if someone called you a Limey as you're English, would you really be offended????
Getting a bit fed up with people being "offended" by nearly anything anyone says these days.

Are we still allowed to call the Scottish Jocks?

It almost seems like everytime anybody in football says anything that "Kick it Out" jump in and demand an investigation and want people sacked. Is saying that the jewish chase money really that offensive?

How long until the campaigners want retrospective charges brought against anyone that ever said anything in the 1970's.

Don't get me wrong, racism is a bad thing, but I think these are being blown out of all proportion.

As Dave Whelan said, if someone called you a Limey as you're English, would you really be offended????

Well the Jewish thing is racist. It's a perjorative connotation. Limey really isn't.
Hacking - not really, but a few women in the office seem to be having tea without milk (diet bollox?)....yet one put six sugars in it because she didn't like the taste.... :dim:
Making a coffee and asking the bloke next to me if he wants the milk - "Yeah"

Where are your manners you toss rag? Wished I'd put it back in the fridge :angry: