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I'm not sure. It's a good idea to do it at school as an optional thing if you want to cycle to school, but I think when you're 17/18 and doing your driving test, then you should have some real-life experience and qualification of cycling on the road, which will raise awareness about how when driving you need to be really considerate about other road users and pedestrians.

Also, motorway driving needs to somehow be incorporated into the driving test as well. Maybe make it compulsory to do a one day teaching and test thing within 1 year of passing your normal driving test.

Basically - Pubey for Minister for Transport

You're getting my vote, and I won't even resort to blackmail like that scoundrel MK. It seems insane to me that you can't drive on a motorway until after you've passed your test. Surely having the opportunity to do a couple of junctions under the supervision of an instructor makes sense?
You're getting my vote, and I won't even resort to blackmail like that scoundrel MK. It seems insane to me that you can't drive on a motorway until after you've passed your test. Surely having the opportunity to do a couple of junctions under the supervision of an instructor makes sense?

Sod motorways....the day after I passed my test I drove down the A13 to the magic roundabout near Benfleet. Now THAT was scary!
How is joining a motorway any different to joining a dual carriagway?

The speed is normally faster, the lane regulations/merges are often different. It's not just teaching people that they are different, but also the fact that they aren't very different - if that makes sense. I know people who freak out on motorways, or just refuse to drive on them altogether, but are fine on various fast and complex A roads.

Also, it's hard to hog the middle lane on a dual carriageway.

Motorways are much more about anticipation and I think good motorway driving comes with experience, but also people get into bad habits and so compulsory teaching is required IMO because motorway accidents are often fatal.
Sod motorways....the day after I passed my test I drove down the A13 to the magic roundabout near Benfleet. Now THAT was scary!

Haha there's one in Hemel Hempsted which is a bit of a ******* too, I got it quite wrong once after professing to my wife I was an expert at these after Magic Roundabout training!
Essentially, I think we agree. Less ********s on the road please, whether they are on bikes, behind a steering wheel or on foot!

Yeah, we're cool. Can I just add that, as cars are lethal weapons, cyclists should have a legal right, nay obligation, to bare and use arms against bad drivers. That is the most Daily Mail I'm gonna get today.
The bane of freelance life.

I do some Cambridge exam classes at the LFB.They regularly pay late-ie a fortnight after the end of the month.

My Wife's a physio with her own practise, and she works with a University to give placements to their students for a month. It's always October time. This year a new student started before she had been paid for the last one, i.e. they had taken nearly a year to pay her.

I suggested to my wife that she allow the new student to start, and work for a couple of weeks. She should then email the university's accounts department, copying in the student's lecturers, explaining that if she isn't paid in full by the end of the next week she will refuse to attend to final assessment of her current student, meaning that the current student will fail.

She did, and it caused such a stink that they paid up.
My Wife's a physio with her own practise, and she works with a University to give placements to their students for a month. It's always October time. This year a new student started before she had been paid for the last one, i.e. they had taken nearly a year to pay her.

I suggested to my wife that she allow the new student to start, and work for a couple of weeks. She should then email the university's accounts department, copying in the student's lecturers, explaining that if she isn't paid in full by the end of the next week she will refuse to attend to final assessment of her current student, meaning that the current student will fail.

She did, and it caused such a stink that they paid up.

A year? Wow. My longest was a month before I called in the heavies.
Haha there's one in Hemel Hempsted which is a bit of a ******* too, I got it quite wrong once after professing to my wife I was an expert at these after Magic Roundabout training!

I love our magic roundabout :smile:

Takes a bit of getting used to, but it does work pretty well.
Around Essex with a fridge. I can see a BBC4 documentary being filmed as we speak. :smile:
That would be great people on here could beinterveiwed and tell every one how we have all come to love and respect the fridge .:smile:
Not if it has three lanes.


There aren't many dual-carriageways/A roads with 3 lanes for a significant stretch, definitely rare. The A12 is the only one I can think of, and some odd roads by Manchester and Leeds.
breaking key off in lock on car top box. Luckily it was on returning from holiday with the box empty, or else it would have been far more than an annoyance. Now looking at 'broken key removal tools' on ebay
My Wife's a physio with her own practise, and she works with a University to give placements to their students for a month. It's always October time. This year a new student started before she had been paid for the last one, i.e. they had taken nearly a year to pay her.

I suggested to my wife that she allow the new student to start, and work for a couple of weeks. She should then email the university's accounts department, copying in the student's lecturers, explaining that if she isn't paid in full by the end of the next week she will refuse to attend to final assessment of her current student, meaning that the current student will fail.

She did, and it caused such a stink that they paid up.

My own record was when I was doing some teaching for the UAB here.

In my final year (and I worked for them for 8 years),they were paying my monthly salary up to 10 months late, despite monthly calls to the accounts department.

Frankly, I was relieved when they informed me two years ago, that they could only employ tenured staff in future.