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Martin Carthy is going to own the Billet stage this year.

Shame that the rest of Steeleye Span won't be there. :smiles:

Most folkies would count the two albums that Martin Carthy made with Steeleye Span as their finest.
They would also cite his work with the Albion Country Band,the Watersons,Brass Monkey and his collaborations with Dave Swarbrick along with his solo work(which influenced Dylan and Paul Simon along with Richard Thompson and Paul Weller)as making him one of the pivotal figures of English folk song since the early 1960's.:soapbox:
On a related tip, we've got Tom Paley at the Leigh Folk Festival this year - he's still amazing at 83!

Yes should be coming up to see Tom, Martin Carthy, and Phil Burdett plus a good Cornish duo Corncrow (who played at Leigh last year)
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Indeed - if he was on the PB stage you wouldn't be able to hear him. All the louder acts are on there this year so it'll work out OK.
Most folkies would count the two albums that Martin Carthy made with Steeleye Span as their finest.
They would also cite his work with the Albion Country Band,the Watersons,Brass Monkey and his collaborations with Dave Swarbrick along with his solo work(which influenced Dylan and Paul Simon along with Richard Thompson and Paul Weller)as making him one of the pivotal figures of English folk song since the early 1960's.:soapbox:

Would they say that no English folk fest is worthy of the name unless He is there to endorse it? :unsure:
Just got tickets for Ravi Shankar at the Barbican next month.
The old boy is 90 this year, I figure this is my last chance to witness a genius at work...
Saw Low in Sheffield on Monday. absolutely fantastic gig. Such a superb band, and the new LP is excellent too.
Most folkies would count the two albums that Martin Carthy made with Steeleye Span as their finest.
They would also cite his work with the Albion Country Band,the Watersons,Brass Monkey and his collaborations with Dave Swarbrick along with his solo work(which influenced Dylan and Paul Simon along with Richard Thompson and Paul Weller)as making him one of the pivotal figures of English folk song since the early 1960's.:soapbox:

Would they say that no English folk fest is worthy of the name unless He is there to endorse it? :unsure:

They might I suppose.:winking:As (primarily)a Blues fan I wouldn't really know.
Villagers last night were excellent. Support from the girl from the Magic Numbers was good too.
Conor was totally sloshed but on good form with it... think they had been at the Ivor Novello's picking up their prize!
Worth seeing if you can, love Colchester Arts as a gig venue.
Rough Music

The World Turned Upside Down Tour.
Rough Music are Phil Lamble (vocals and GTR)and Pep Tomàs(Guitar).If you're ever in Barcelona on a Friday night, check them out at The Black Horse Pub, where they have an (occasional) residency.Phil used to play with The Barnyard Boys,quite a well known local Irish group(who've recorded several albums and toured with Billy Bragg).Phil Lamble prefers playing traditional English folk music, which he mixes up with covers of well known songs like the BB track above.He's also recorded a cd entitled All at Sea.
They're excellent.
ps Phil's a big fan of Martin Carthy too.:winking: