I wonder how many Brexiteers back in 2013 would sit in their living rooms thinking "curse the EU and its undemocratic processes". Just a thought that past mind as I surveyed the carnage of last night..... anyway I digress.
It is all very well people going "you lost". Yeah, we lost. But you won and really it was down to the winners to explain what they wanted. They didn't. There have been bland statements about Canada+, Norway, etc, but no-one really knows how they would work. Both certainly involve a border in Northern Ireland. And that's the problem that isn't going away.
Without playing the poster, I asked you
@Bielzibubz how you'd solve the Northern Ireland issue. It wasn't a fair question (I knew the answer), but your answer was honest. You didn't know and gave responsibility to those who have to think about that kind of thing.
However, these were the very same people who were saying in June 2016 that Northern Ireland wasn't solveable without there being significant risks to the Good Friday Agreement, and the UK's standing in WTO rules. The same people Michael Gove said of "I think we've had enough of experts". And so here we are with no practical working solution to Northern Ireland that will keep the Union intact, meets WTO rules, be agreeable with the EU and will get DUP support.
You also asked for a solution to the impasse.....
It is in fact what she should have done at the beginning and ascertain what Brexit really was. She needed to move away from the "Brexit means Brexit" and "No Deal is better than a bad deal" mantra. We needed some honesty about how things really work, and not just dismiss them as "Project Fear". It is utter insanity that even now when Government issue technical notices about Day One that sections still shout "scaremongering". The entire ****show has been toxic and devisive.
So, her plan should be.
* Seek an extension to A50. If that is rejected she should revoke A50 (she can invoke it again later)
* Seek cross party support to find out what kind of arrangement could get the support of Parliament. This effectively means ignoring the ERG wing of her party (that spat its load in November and now cannot bring down her Premiership). Make it clear that a second referendum and no deal are not options. Concentrate on the issue of leaving.
* Go back to Brussels with a set of priciples that would form the basis of a new negotiation, this time in the knowledge it has backing from the HoC.
* Negotiate transparently, so the HoC isn't faced with something drastically different than the negotiating plan.
* Once negotiations are completed, take it back to the HoC for ratification,
* If needs be invoke A50 again, but with an extremely short timescale (days, not months), and a transition period tagged on the end to allow for new legisation, technology and guidance to be brought into line
* Leave.
I think the one thing we can all agree on. This entire process has left the country broken and divided.