Ricky Otto
That has nothing to do with police funding and is poor excuse for the likes of Choudary.
Think of all those wonderful benefits you enjoy because of 'exploitation'...….Lloyds is a magnificent building.....How is the global market these days?
Oh don't get me wrong I don't excuse it at all. Two wrongs don't make a right. The point was people like him aren't the fault of the EU.
We have all profited from it and are fortunate to have been born in this country. Lloyds coffee shop at the docks where the 1st marine insurers sat and insured the cargo of ships going back and forth to the colonies, I'm very well versed in it's history and the opportunity I have because of it. The truth is our whole economic standing is down to that exploitation and whilst we were not directly responsible for it we can at least recognise it.