Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
Brexit: Trump says May's Brexit plan could hurt UK-US trade deal
the narrative is that we leave the EU and start cutting deals with the rest of the world. US is the obvious go to place for that so their president saying it's not going to work like that is significant.It really has come to something when you resort to quoting Trump to try and make a point, and in bigger than normal type too, as if to emphasise the point.![]()
Trump slating May's deal has made a lot of the front pages so seemingly newspaper editors see that as significant news too.It really has come to something when you resort to quoting Trump to try and make a point, and in bigger than normal type too, as if to emphasise the point.![]()
Yes, because that's democracy. Leave won, so we your view, is no deal a better option over the next 20 years than remain?
There's an old saying "If your vote actually changed anything, you wouldn't be allowed one". As the last 2 years have proved that is very true.
Older people 50+ who didn't vote last time tell me they would vote leave because of the behaviour of the EU and our own politicians and they clear fact that the doomsday predictions of project fear have proved laughable. I have however met more people who voted leave but say they wont vote if we have another referendum, simple because they think what's the point. Its certainly not because they want to remain and will look at the so called 'far right' as an alternative.
Of course it could have been worded
1) leave
2) remain only because our politicians are to incompetent and self serving to sort a deal out, even if you do vote leave.
The sort of people who voted leave know that all the rest is nonsense. The laughable bit is remain cant sell the EU to anyone so they have resorted to "We have to stay because we cant sort out the paper work.,
I think it's inevitable.
the narrative is that we leave the EU and start cutting deals with the rest of the world. US is the obvious go to place for that so their president saying it's not going to work like that is significant.
I just copied and pasted it from BBC news site at nearly 1am. That's the size it came out and I didn't feel the need to fiddle around to change it.
President of US saying Brexit will hit UK-US trade at the point when we are discussing the only EU deal on the table is news as it's unhelpful to May.
May is fooling herself if she thinks her deal is getting through Parliament
Simple question. If on the referendum ballot paper of 2016 there had been two choices.
1) Remain in the EU
2) Leave the EU without a deal
what do you think the result would have been?
It's not been ignored, the two main parties accepted the result, unfortunately the party in power have spent two year arguing among themselves and managed to make leaving unworkable. I doubt that was their intention its just a result of their lack of ability.
with him it kind of is, you never know what he will sayTrump seems to agree with majority of people that May's deal is awful and the only winner is the EU. Don't really think this is startling news.
The laughable bit is that brexiteers think that the EU would give in to Boris Johnson or Rees-Mogg and accept a deal that is more detrimental to them.
That's ridiculous.
Really you could start by having chat in the Lloyds building.
The laughable bit is that brexiteers think that the EU would give in to Boris Johnson or Rees-Mogg and accept a deal that is more detrimental to them. Super Canada is pie in the sky as the EU would never agree to it, there is a reason why Boris cowered away from leading brexit.
Is she though? I mean, do you honestly believe she is totally oblivious to what’s going on?
The way I currently see it, is that the Tories as a party, are hanging by a thread. Public support for them has plummeted & they face the real possibility of losing power for a very, very long time.
I don’t wanna go all conspiracy theory, but it’s possible that this attitude/stance/approach from May, could be damage limitations. She knows the deal won’t get passed. She knows that a election is on the cards, and she knows that labour will win. It’s not ideal from the Tories, but limiting the time they are out of power would now be essential.
Therefore, in a Tory’s perspective & mindset... Labour gain control, fail to make the situation better, and possibly make it even worse, leaving the door ajar for a a new face to step in & say, “Look what’s happened with Labour. We weren’t perfect, but this lot have royaly ****ed it up. Give us another chance & we’ll solve all the problems for you”.
I guess it comes down to whether you believe that May & her party have the nations best interest at hearts, or whether they’re all in it for either themselves or their party’s interests.
I could be wrong here, but I don’t think (the majority?) of Brexiteers are even bothered by a deal now. They’d be happy to leave without one, so long as we leave.
May won’t leave without a deal. JRM would. That’s the point.
As far as I can tell May is trying to be all things to all people. Brexit is impossible to do without severly impacting the country financially.
And JRM is a millionaire who's moved all of his business to Ireland. Does that not stink of hypocrisy and goes to show that the only people who will gain from Brexit are the already vastly wealthy like JRM, Gove, Johnson and Aaron Banks.
you are jumping around a bit on this - its disgraceful that there was a need for our government to be taken to court to ensure that Parliament were involved in the biggest political process in decades - disgraceful.
'Tommy' - why do you see everything through the prism of one violent football thug? Do you feel like you get some cred for dropping his name into unconnected conversations the whole time?
Apparently has recently bought a million + house in Bedfordshire - presumably from donations - does he even have a job? Is he still running tanning shops or is it just Discussing on a Canadian website that is his official employment? I've always represented myself whenever I have had legal dealings, he should do the same as all of his convictions seem straight forward, the legal donations are very lucrative though.
I haven't avoided the Miller question you just don't like my answer.You will do anything to avoid the question over Gina Miller. Apart of course her unforgivable crime of praising an Evil Tory woman.....In my experience the Left have a real problem with women, you only have to read the comments about May on the zone to see that.
I'm pleased your keeping a close eye on Tommy. Maybe you could offer some of your legal advice. The cost of his false imprisonment is down to the government and the price we all have to pay for exposing 1m rapes in Britain.....That's right it is estimated that because multiple victims were raped multiple time the mainly muslim Pakistani rape squads are responsible for 1,000,000 rapes.
The Labour party obviously want to cover it up that's why they sacked Sarah Champion. Which is why we have Brexit. Remoan all you like but the Great British are sick of spineless politicians and their shrill activists.
The dangerously deluded think the 'peoples vote' will sweep JC into power and we are all going to live happily ever after. For those of you who have your doubts about Brexit think where Britian would be if that happened...….The very last place real business would want to come.....It truly would be the disaster project fear have predicted.
the Left are pro equality. Please flag up the sexist comments about May from Leftists on the zone or withdraw that comment.You will do anything to avoid the question over Gina Miller. Apart of course her unforgivable crime of praising an Evil Tory woman.....In my experience the Left have a real problem with women, you only have to read the comments about May on the zone to see that.
I'm pleased your keeping a close eye on Tommy. Maybe you could offer some of your legal advice. The cost of his false imprisonment is down to the government and the price we all have to pay for exposing 1m rapes in Britain.....That's right it is estimated that because multiple victims were raped multiple time the mainly muslim Pakistani rape squads are responsible for 1,000,000 rapes.
The Labour party obviously want to cover it up that's why they sacked Sarah Champion. Which is why we have Brexit. Remoan all you like but the Great British are sick of spineless politicians and their shrill activists.
The dangerously deluded think the 'peoples vote' will sweep JC into power and we are all going to live happily ever after. For those of you who have your doubts about Brexit think where Britian would be if that happened...….The very last place real business would want to come.....It truly would be the disaster project fear have predicted.
I could be wrong here, but I don’t think (the majority?) of Brexiteers are even bothered by a deal now. They’d be happy to leave without one, so long as we leave.
May won’t leave without a deal. JRM would. That’s the point.