yogi bear up the cagire
Life President⭐
I disagree with the premise of a lot of this.
Labour (other than a very small number of MPs) backed Remain and got their vote out - 65% of Labour voters backed Remain. Those members of the public who voted gave a Leave result. That is what Labour had to work with, that was the result.
Labour absolutely would have got a different deal with the EU as the whole approach would have been different - the rights of EU citizens would have been guaranteed from day one, they wouldn't have spent time going to court trying to cut Parliament out, they would have full respect for the Good Friday Agreement, hard Brexit would never have been a consideration, so many things to do with the approach would have been different. Remain would still have been the best option, but they would have toatally different priorities in what to get from the deal.
Lots of people seem to have a need for other parties to take a share of a blame for the mess. The deal May has negotiated and the fact it won't get through Parliament is in no way the fault of Labour, LibDems, SNP or even UKIP - the deal is a Tory deal and its 100% the fault of the Tories that it is a shambles.
The Tories brought about the referendum and consequently Brexit, Their incompetent negotiations were hampered all the way by the deep divisions in their own ranks. That I think we can agree about.
For me, whether it had been a united Tory party or the Labour party negotiating the deal, the result wouldn't have been that different. As I've said above a 'good' Brexit deal was never going to be possible, it doesn't exist.. We were sold Brexit on a lie, i.e. that we could have virtually the same benefits outside the EU as we had as members and the good british public bought a pup. That was always a delusion, an impossible dream. Yet it is one that May held onto until quite recently and one that the Labour party still hangs onto even now.............read again the six tests they have laid down for accepting any plan that May brings back. If you need reminding this is N°2 ...........
"Does it deliver the “exact same benefits” as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?"