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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

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Will be interesting to see if it’s a planned announcement (ie timed so at say 10am or 12 on the dot) or just announced as soon as the ink goes down.
Genuine question , we are out of the embargo, no takeover at present if it drags on for a few more days, would the guardians give up the money to buy players or does Kev have to wait with a promise to the player and hope he holds on till deal gets over the line?
Bit like being the fat kid at school , you know you will be last in line to get picked ( Me 55 years ago 🤣) , similar to players are we left with the dregs who cannot get in anywhere else ?
Squads are rarely finalised in early July - many teams will still be active well into august
Question for Daniel Cowan @CllrDanielCowan. Hi Daniel, when you see this. Thank you again for everything you have done, and the after hours and effort you have put in to help get an acceptable version of the deal, over the line.
It's been mentioned that the lawyers are working to get it all finalised. The question is, are the Council lawyers involved in any way at this crucial last stage?
What bit has to go through the Council?

I thought the point of decoupling it from the property stuff meant this wasn’t required and could be done at a later date?

I would hazard a guess that it to do with the £20 now £12m and the release of RH and the training ground rather than the club itself. What if SCC decide to change things then Ron will certainly want to scrap that payment. Is he going to fully lease RH to COSU or can that be altered if his plans at FF are blocked/changed at national level?

If any of us were part of COSU we would surely want that water tight. Better to suffer the extra delay rather than rush through the legalities just to suit some impatient fans and pay for it later.
thank you, I hope they can take away this constructive feedback ( I assume I am not alone)
We have made regular statements on the takeover process and its may moving parts. These have been released via the Trust's website, social media channels, shrimperzone and via emails to members.

We try, as regularly as is practicable, to provide updates that contain certainties. The situation moves and changes constantly and one thing that might have been true when everyone goes to bed may no longer be the case when we all wake up the next day.

In a normal football sale there are 2 active participants. There are over 10 here (Ron Martin, Jack Martin, Southend Council, the local MP, The National League, CBRE, Merseyside Pension Fund, HMRC, The High Court, PG Site Services, The FA, other petitioners) before you even GET to The Trust. Any of those legal entities can do something that changes the situation for almost all the other related parties.

We have tried as much as possible to remain calm and enocouraged others to do the same. We have put plans in place for outcomes we didn't want because we knew that the worst might happen regardless. We have tried to control the things we can control, to speak to people in positions of power & influence in order to ensure that the club was being protected and to position ourselves as a legitimate body that may one day play a role in protecting the club in perpetuity.

We're also looking at our own internal processes, listening to feedback from sections of the fanbase and seeking to adjust & modernise behaviours and goals; even though that isn't particularly sexy.

We want to be an organisation that truly represents fans: our fears, our hopes, our talents & abilities to support the club in formal ways. We are working on lots of things but only try to provide others with the certainty we all deserve.
I would hazard a guess that it to do with the £20 now £12m and the release of RH and the training ground rather than the club itself. What if SCC decide to change things then Ron will certainly want to scrap that payment. Is he going to fully lease RH to COSU or can that be altered if his plans at FF are blocked/changed at national level?

If any of us were part of COSU we would surely want that water tight. Better to suffer the extra delay rather than rush through the legalities just to suit some impatient fans and pay for it later.
I am ‘guessing’ that this in itself will be one of many issues to overcome. COSU lawyers will want watertight language, Ron will want the exact opposite.

Plus issues where they are just plain arkward/difficult/my knobs bigger than yours
We have made regular statements on the takeover process and its may moving parts. These have been released via the Trust's website, social media channels, shrimperzone and via emails to members.

We try, as regularly as is practicable to provide updates that contain certainties. The situation moves and changes constantly and one thing that might have been true when everyone goes to bed may no longer be the case when we all wake up the next day.

In a normal football sale there are 2 active participants. There are over 10 here (Ron Martin, Jack Martin, Southend Council, the local MP, The National League, CBRE, Merseyside Pension Fund, HMRC, The High Court, PG Site Services, The FA, other petitioners) before you even GET to The Trust. Any of of those legal entities can do something that changes the situation for almost all the other related parties.

We have tried as much as possible to remain calm and enocouraged others to do the same. We have put plans in place for outcomes we didn't want because we knew that the worst might happen regardless. We have tired to control the things we can control, to speak to people in positions of power & influence in order to ensure that the club was being protected and to position ourselves as a legitimate body that may one day play a role in protecting the club in perpetuity.

We're also looking at internal processes, listening to feedback from sections of the fanbase and seeking to adjust & modernise our own behaviours and goals; even though that isn't particularly sexy.

We want to be an organisation that trule represents fans: our fears, our hopes, our talents & abilities to support the club in formal ways. We are working on lots of things but only try to provide others with the certainty we all deserve.
Well said old chap. :Clap:
I would hazard a guess that it to do with the £20 now £12m and the release of RH and the training ground rather than the club itself. What if SCC decide to change things then Ron will certainly want to scrap that payment. Is he going to fully lease RH to COSU or can that be altered if his plans at FF are blocked/changed at national level?

If any of us were part of COSU we would surely want that water tight. Better to suffer the extra delay rather than rush through the legalities just to suit some impatient fans and pay for it later.
If Ron will want to scrap the payment that is all the more reason to include it in the contract between COSU and the Martins!

But that is an agreement between COSU and the Martins and not one that the Council would be party to.

The contract to which the Council were to be a party to was the Agreement for Lease. The deal is to be decoupled from this though as this was what was causing delays.

Similarly the Council aren’t party to the lease of Roots Hall.

The one who wants the Council’s deal to be watertight is Ron as in giving up the club he is giving up his leverage of the emotional attachment people have for the club and his housing development becomes just another housing development and not a deal integral to the survival of the city’s football team.
The one who wants the Council’s deal to be watertight is Ron as in giving up the club he is giving up his leverage of the emotional attachment people have for the club and his housing development becomes just another housing development and not a deal integral to the survival of the city’s football team.
Spot on YB.
Rat and Family have used the club as a bargaining tool and continue to do so.
Everyone, COSU, Southend Council and the NL have all lent on him to push this through, so hopefully we are now very close to seeing the back of the parasite.
We have made regular statements on the takeover process and its may moving parts. These have been released via the Trust's website, social media channels, shrimperzone and via emails to members.

We try, as regularly as is practicable, to provide updates that contain certainties. The situation moves and changes constantly and one thing that might have been true when everyone goes to bed may no longer be the case when we all wake up the next day.

In a normal football sale there are 2 active participants. There are over 10 here (Ron Martin, Jack Martin, Southend Council, the local MP, The National League, CBRE, Merseyside Pension Fund, HMRC, The High Court, PG Site Services, The FA, other petitioners) before you even GET to The Trust. Any of those legal entities can do something that changes the situation for almost all the other related parties.

We have tried as much as possible to remain calm and enocouraged others to do the same. We have put plans in place for outcomes we didn't want because we knew that the worst might happen regardless. We have tried to control the things we can control, to speak to people in positions of power & influence in order to ensure that the club was being protected and to position ourselves as a legitimate body that may one day play a role in protecting the club in perpetuity.

We're also looking at our own internal processes, listening to feedback from sections of the fanbase and seeking to adjust & modernise behaviours and goals; even though that isn't particularly sexy.

We want to be an organisation that truly represents fans: our fears, our hopes, our talents & abilities to support the club in formal ways. We are working on lots of things but only try to provide others with the certainty we all deserve.
thank you for your response, I am not sure I quite see it that way, but appreciate your views around how the trust see their input. There looks to be a lot of words within that email and alot of stakeholders suggested, the ones you represent havent been, us the fans.. again I am not looking for a battle, I still don't believe there has been a resent update or rounded constructive press release from yourselves, however I assume you have one sitting in draft for the big incoming day should it happen? I appreciate all the work you have done as you have itemised within your email.. A brief update to the fans would also be appreciated. I noted the one you sent out after the local and national election, but certainly non since, and none prior to that in the build up to court action. I would assume (however I don't know this for certain) having represented boards and trusts in my working career you would be privy to information that isn't in the public eye. I would assume (again this is only an assumption) Your obligation is to your members and fans... surely an update to that group you represent should be at the absolute for front of your strategy (keeping people updated) however chaotic your input is with all the other stakeholders and other items you are currently carrying out. Thank you for your response, I hope my feedback can be of benefit in the long run, and I very much look forward to your manifesto in how you will lobby and work closely with the new incoming owners, I think a lot of lessons (I hope) have been learnt with the very liberal approach to the current and soon to be previous owner that the trust adopted. I hope the new relationship has a much more structured non bias mechanism where the same mistakes are not allowed to play out again (For all our sakes you and I young and Old) Many Thanks Ian
“There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure,
There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
That ‘cannot be done,’ and you'll do it.”

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