Unfortunately its in everyone's interest the wider project gets delivered on- appropriate housing for SCC, COSU to get RH and the £12m etc. So to put understandable dislike (mildly put) of the Martins ahead of these things happening might feel right emotionally but not in terms of real outcomes..Whilst I hope the Martin's get what they deserve, we kind of still need them around for COSU to fully own the club and stadium. If they get banged up soon, surely that hinders COSU getting the stadium. That £18m of debt will still be attached to Roots Hall. Them getting punished doesn't help us get rid of them unfortunately
I have no idea what they may or may not have done. However, I remember when not so long ago Ron was charged with VAT fraud- that went from open and shut case to the discovery that there was absolutely no evidence and the judge saying case should never have been brought.
As Rigsby says will be interesting to see what the sale of the club to COSU means for a level of certainty re RH given the stadium needs significant investment