Life President⭐🦐
Was always going to be a site for private development by Ron.
Everyone. The council prefers low-rise family homes, COSU want to stay at RH, & Ron needs to deliver a project.
COSU’s plans for RH would be good for this part of the city which needs regeneration.
Under COSU, yes.
Covenants are a tricky legal area to comment on but we want to protect the club and the stadium
There’s lots of parking in easy walking plus lots of public transport routes. Prioritising parking for 23 match days a year isn’t the best use of time/resources/space. The council will allow building anywhere in line with planning law.
Makes no difference as it’s the council’s involvement. I kept all informed and Anna’s efforts were much appreciated.
There is no going back to the Cox plan because it failed DD.
There’s legal paperwork to sort. As COSU said, it’s not done until it’s done but it’s agreed.
I'm not say The Cox plan. I meant possibly more units in line with all national Government targets.
Either way what ever plans are in place now there is high probability they will change. Its a good thing that COSU and us fans don't nee to be linked to any further changes.
Out of Interest, what are the current 15\20 year house building targets for our borough?