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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

I'd imagine a fair few of our fans will be grateful for the exposure she gave of our plight. With attitudes such as yours, you'd wonder why any political figure would bother trying to help us.

I don't care whether she had other motives / was or wasn't a real fan. What she did, did no harm in our hour of need.

Btw, I have no political allegiance.
She did her bit for sure, but was only interested in photo ops and votes
Just been reading the lawers are still mulling over the paper work How bloody long done it take to read contracts .Its not like reading war and piece for criss sake .
Just been reading the lawers are still mulling over the paper work How bloody long done it take to read contracts .Its not like reading war and piece for criss sake .
Yeah I mean why would you want to thoroughly check a contract in a multi-million pound transaction that you could be sued for negligence if you skim over?
I'm beginning to remember all those lawyer jokes. I remember Paul Robinson say the classic one before introducing Alan Little as our new manager. You know the one from the film Philadelphia.
So, what do you call a thousand lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean? "A good start!"
Bollards, very few votes supporting the mighty Shrimpers unfortunately
Whilst that was historically the case it wasn’t the case this last election. All parties spent considerable time courting the Shrimper vote. The Shrimperscast had about 2 hours of hustings discussing SUFC and football in relation to the election for example. Politicians were seen trying to get in on the act which we’ve never really seen before.

This is a really welcome development IMO. I want it to be a pre-requisite to be a MP for Southend you need to be seen to be pro-SUFC.

Of course it helps that the seats were marginals that were contested rather than coronations that they were for many years with the votes weighed rather than counted.
Whilst that was historically the case it wasn’t the case this last election. All parties spent considerable time courting the Shrimper vote. The Shrimperscast had about 2 hours of hustings discussing SUFC and football in relation to the election for example. Politicians were seen trying to get in on the act which we’ve never really seen before.

This is a really welcome development IMO. I want it to be a pre-requisite to be a MP for Southend you need to be seen to be pro-SUFC.

Of course it helps that the seats were marginals that were contested rather than coronations that they were for many years with the votes weighed rather than counted.

Didnt the Parties say this

Give me my Club back
Get Southend Done
Stop the showboats
Dont give Cosu a massive majority
They will up Season tickets to £2000 per family
Dont Surrender x5
They will ruin our spending on defenders
Out walking the dog this morning in the wet, snails everywhere. Stood on one and I could just imagine the force blowing out his eye stalks and spreading its guts and brains over 360 degrees. The sound of its boney shell disintegrating into a thousand pieces. It brought a smile to my face as the thought of doing the same to a couple of other belly crawlers whose names I dare not mention here.
Just been reading the lawers are still mulling over the paper work How bloody long done it take to read contracts .Its not like reading war and piece for criss sake .
As a lawyer, I can tell you that it's very often much more complicated that that. Every single word may have an interpretation and a consequence.

People often forget the reason lawyers are there in the first place. They can get sued if the advice is wrong and they have to make sure that they act for and advise their client. If the client is going against advice given, then the lawyer has to be doubly vigilant.