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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

I think @CllrDanielCowan will be back on the beers tonight after the results for both Southend seats.

Will the change in MPs from Blue to Red help or hinder the deal. Shame on Anna Firth to lose her seat with her beng quite a vocal supporter of the club (Duddridge less than vocal in my opinion,)

So congratulations to David Burton-Sampson and Bayo Alaba. Hope to see then continuing to champion the cause of Southend United during their terms in office.

Slightly political so I do hope the mods don't remove as I would like to know if the change in party could affect the deal long term with the transfer of assets to POSU once the planning is all agreed.
I think @CllrDanielCowan will be back on the beers tonight after the results for both Southend seats.

Will the change in MPs from Blue to Red help or hinder the deal. Shame on Anna Firth to lose her seat with her beng quite a vocal supporter of the club (Duddridge less than vocal in my opinion,)

So congratulations to David Burton-Sampson and Bayo Alaba. Hope to see then continuing to champion the cause of Southend United during their terms in office.

Slightly political so I do hope the mods don't remove as I would like to know if the change in party could affect the deal long term with the transfer of assets to POSU once the planning is all agreed.
In theory a change of MP shouldn't now make a difference, but I simply don't trust the rats to not try to use it to their advantage somehow.
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Heard yesterday wasn’t a great day in regards to getting this over the line but today was a much more positive day
Thanks for this information. But I am a bit puzzled.

I thought the Consortium and RM/JM had already agreed a deal and the lawyers were simply double-checking the wording to make sure it was legally watertight and consistent with what was agreed between the parties...
I think @CllrDanielCowan will be back on the beers tonight after the results for both Southend seats.

Will the change in MPs from Blue to Red help or hinder the deal. Shame on Anna Firth to lose her seat with her beng quite a vocal supporter of the club (Duddridge less than vocal in my opinion,)

So congratulations to David Burton-Sampson and Bayo Alaba. Hope to see then continuing to champion the cause of Southend United during their terms in office.

Slightly political so I do hope the mods don't remove as I would like to know if the change in party could affect the deal long term with the transfer of assets to POSU once the planning is all agreed.

Without going down the politics road......Labour have said 40% of new builds should be affordable (usually meaning small one bedroom flats). So possible before ground is broken at FF they will be back towards the Cox rather than Cowan plan.

Either way there is never large development that doesn't change at some stage. The Garrison, Gas works and Seaway car park are a few recent and local examples. Thats why it was inevitable that the Ron RH for £1 and the £20m deal was always going to change.

Hopefully not long before the highly paid legal guys stop dragging out minor points, as they always do.....At your expense. Then the deal will be completed.
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Thanks for this information. But I am a bit puzzled.

I thought the Consortium and RM/JM had already agreed a deal and the lawyers were simply double-checking the wording to make sure it was legally watertight and consistent with what was agreed between the parties...
They have. There will always be rumours, whether you chose to believe them or not is a 'choice' thing. In the absence of any news from the involved parties, you have to think that we are on track for an announcement today or Monday.
tribal chief as you seem to be in the know Is this deal water tight so rattie cant back track .And will we hear good news today at long last . And our club has a new chairman .