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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

The NL have given us until Monday to get our arses in gear.

All should be ok.
Is it really likely that we will be fully under COSU ownership by then to the satisfaction of the league? There is a lot of positive buzz around yesterdays proceedings, but most of us are probably a little immune to 'dates' these days and are constantly being told how complex the transaction is.
Just frustrated that the NL can impose for one thing, then when that issue is resolved, they change it to keep it in place.
Is it really likely that we will be fully under COSU ownership by then to the satisfaction of the league? There is a lot of positive buzz around yesterdays proceedings, but most of us are probably a little immune to 'dates' these days and are constantly being told how complex the transaction is.
Just frustrated that the NL can impose for one thing, then when that issue is resolved, they change it to keep it in place.
I think the biggest worry to them is the owner 🐀 , or the lack off. Once our new shiny owners are in, COSU, things will be stable and the club will be back on steady footings.

Hopefully won`t see the back of the NL again👍:LoyalSupporter:🍾
I’m just looking forward to this football club running properly and honestly which I’m sure the new owners will do, as soon as this goes through I’m expecting a fair few fans to come back and boost the average gates, it’ll be interesting to see season ticket sales also, think it’ll be a good season and I’m looking forward to seeing us in top seven from the start.
Strictly speaking, I think we’ll be 18th from the start. 😂
The solicitors are working hard to get this deal signed sealed delivered.

In an ideal world it will be done in the next 24 hours and season cards go on sale Monday. I think we will shift the most for years. I hope the ticket office staff are prepared.
I'm getting one despite not being able to make all of them

I imagine alot more fans like me will be in a similar vain

Once the takeover is done, we really are in a exciting era 🙌🏻🙌🏻