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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

I’m just looking forward to this football club running properly and honestly which I’m sure the new owners will do, as soon as this goes through I’m expecting a fair few fans to come back and boost the average gates, it’ll be interesting to see season ticket sales also, think it’ll be a good season and I’m looking forward to seeing us in top seven from the start.
Once takeover is complete and the National League are happy

Until then, we are going to have to live with what we have (Which is a better squad and coaching team than half the teams in our league have)
To ask a stupid question, why are we still under an embargo? All players have been paid and we have no wup's.

If we are under an embargo because the league don't like our current owner that's a rubbish reason
To ask a stupid question, why are we still under an embargo? All players have been paid and we have no wup's.

If we are under an embargo because the league don't like our current owner that's a rubbish reason
I'm not an expert, but as there was a risk of the consortium walking, the league wanted to ensure we could fulfill our fixtures so they put the £1m bond in place

As the league sees it, we technically don't have an owner that is paying for the club, so letting COSU sign players would actually cause alot of damage

Once shares are transferred, we should be back open for business
Can the **** puns and jokes go elsewhere?

Hard enough to catch up with the good info normally, without all that to get through.
NO! you are just 1 person on here, some relieve the tension of the past years with humour. Get some .

EDIT Actually i think you are some senile idiot if you cannot see the stress it has caused others, but i better not say that.

If you do not come on here regularly to catch up is that our fault?
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