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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Please, someone close to the consortium, get JR to, on the first league game of the season, pre-match come out with a microphone and simply say "Wallop" - drop the mic, and return to the director's box.
I guess if Justin does come onto the pitch he will have more than one word to say ( once the noise & reception from the stands has died down)
Wasn't this £12m in stage payments anyway as the properties were being built? I'm sure JR said at the Cliffs event that if we see the houses going up then the money will be being paid.

I don't think it's in one lump (and was never meant to be) - at least that was my recollection.
correct Mark - it's profit related to the housing. When a house gets sold COSU get a cut of the profits.

The more that get sold the more dosh they get - up to (was £20 million now £12 million) squids
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I may have missed it then but is this quoted £12 million what we are supposed to receive instead of the original £20 million?
20 MILLON OR 12 MILLON as long as the deal is done That is all that matters we the deal is done im sure there will be many willing helpers to do what ever needs doing Even for a season ticket
Wasn't this £12m in stage payments anyway as the properties were being built? I'm sure JR said at the Cliffs event that if we see the houses going up then the money will be being paid.

I don't think it's in one lump (and was never meant to be) - at least that was my recollection.
With timing I expect we will have this! Would be perfect timing.

View attachment 32619

I would like to think, that in keeping with this film being their overall goal, JR walked into the meeting room with the 🐀, punched him squarely on the nose, and shouted 'Welcome to Earth!'

That would have set the tone for the whole meeting.

Let's just hope the legal eagles get everything done before 'someone' changes their mind again.
correct Mark - it's profit related to the housing. When a house gets sold COSU get a cut of the profits.

The more that get sold the more dosh they get up to (was £20 million now £12 million) squids
And we all know the accounts will show sale price £350,000, cost price £350,001
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