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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Can anyone explain what the remaining stage is likely to involve? It’s fairly vague to say “it’s with the lawyers”.

Some on here have hinted at mere working up of the final contracts to prepare for all involved to sign. And others have suggested things will come out in the wash about Ron which hints at more of a background check. My thoughts here are wasn’t that kind of work done during the due diligence stage?

Would be great to get some clarity on this and the likelihood of further setbacks. I remember someone on here saying they had a corporate lawyer in the family so would be great to get their insight.
I doubt, at such a sensitive stage, any details will be coming out.
How long do we expect the legals to take ? Last time lawyers were instructed under Kimura we never heard anything after that
Are the two partys staying in london to sugn the contracts Or has rattie snuck off back to rattie towers i guess Justin and Jason will be staying in england untill the contracts are signed
London Shrimper on X suggesting it’s been negotiated to £12 million now
Yeah, it was always going to be reduced, especially when the Martin family retirement pot took a hit with the changes in housing mix. I believe that figure is a hell of a lot better than what it was a few days back as well.

I'm still dubious we will even see that £12m, as I expect most of us are... but importantly it's allowed a deal to progress further than it ever has.

However, until it is all legally binding and the FF development is actually built, nothing at all is certain. Especially with who is involved.
I wonder what @ForeverBlue thinks of the updates from today

It’s not done , ( we are at the stage where we have all finally decided where we are going on holiday, no one’s paid for it yet certainly no one’s at the airport yet) terms have been agreed (again) from a firmly glass half empty position we are actually in a worse ( or not worse but a more premature ) place than when we last heard this. ( Kidderminster away last December) nothing is done as of yet .. it’s a new day another day for Ron and Jack to scarper things further … I have a nasty feeling we will not be seeing the back of Ron or his companies during this new proposition that’s on the table ( which is considerably worse than the previous )
It’s not done , ( we are at the stage where we have all finally decided where we are going on holiday, no one’s paid for it yet certainly no one’s at the airport yet) terms have been agreed (again) from a firmly glass half empty position we are actually in a worse ( or not worse but a more premature ) place than when we last heard this. ( Kidderminster away last December) nothing is done as of yet .. it’s a new day another day for Ron and Jack to scarper things further … I have a nasty feeling we will not be seeing the back of Ron or his companies during this new proposition that’s on the table ( which is considerably worse than the previous )
Morning our little ray of sunshine.