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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

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It could be to sell to someone else or just on different terms.
This is what has been hinted at but he’s made it even less saleable with bow the consortium as debtors makes no sense. I’m sure he’d like someone like him to take it on and run it into the ground for him. If this is about the £20m then we need to let it go. I know that’s easy to say but it’s that or no club. The council could give it to us if they wanted, they have ability to do such things.
Could we, as a fanbase, put up a candidate for the general election in each Southend constituency to run on the single issue of saving SUFC? Would anything prevent it?

£500 deposit per candidate. Could be a cost-effective campaign.
Honestly? It would be a total waste of the deposit. We need to bear in mind that a significant minority of our crowds travel in from outside of the City boundaries and the likelihood of attracting votes from non SUFC aligned voters in the two constituencies is pretty low. The idea is always attractive, but if we were going to go down that route, then the local elections just gone would have been a better choice. Hindsight is a wonderful science!
If we get wound up, I'm assuming Stewart's et al. get nothing, or very little, of what they're owed back. Is it in their interests to rescind the petition, or does that just give the council/Martins more time to dither/arse about meaning nothing gets done?
Thanks Tribal Chief. I thought Justin said at the time of exchanging contracts in December that the £20m renovation contribution was not necessarily a deal breaker
I was a bit jet lagged yesterday but didn't somebody post a tweet saying that contacts had finally ben exchanged?
If we get wound up, I'm assuming Stewart's et al. get nothing, or very little, of what they're owed back. Is it in their interests to rescind the petition, or does that just give the council/Martins more time to dither/arse about meaning nothing gets done?
Yes, one of the great mysteries of why they created the WUP - unless they think someone will put money in to pay them off
Honestly? It would be a total waste of the deposit. We need to bear in mind that a significant minority of our crowds travel in from outside of the City boundaries and the likelihood of attracting votes from non SUFC aligned voters in the two constituencies is pretty low. The idea is always attractive, but if we were going to go down that route, then the local elections just gone would have been a better choice. Hindsight is a wonderful science!
Plus the election isn't until July 4th, we'll be dead before then.
Chelmsford City have announced a takeover which involves two business guys who are also fans of the club. They have bought out owner John Holmes who if anyone is aware of his background is a replica of the Martins. Dodgy deals, trail of debts etc. Good luck to CCFC. Let's hope that we have similar good news soon, hope being the word rather than probability.
Chelmsford City have announced a takeover which involves two business guys who are also fans of the club. They have bought out owner John Holmes who if anyone is aware of his background is a replica of the Martins. Dodgy deals, trail of debts etc. Good luck to CCFC. Let's hope that we have similar good news soon, hope being the word rather than probability.
Absolute carbon copy.
I haven't heard anything to make me change my mind, the sale will go ahead, although things are going slow. Will the judge close the club down when DD is so near along with completion? People have spent too much time and money trying to take control of the club to give up now. I don't believe Ron Martin wants the sale to fall through, he wants the club sold and FF to go ahead so he can get his money. I hope I'm not proved wrong though!
I haven't heard anything to make me change my mind, the sale will go ahead, although things are going slow. Will the judge close the club down when DD is so near along with completion? People have spent too much time and money trying to take control of the club to give up now. I don't believe Ron Martin wants the sale to fall through, he wants the club sold and FF to go ahead so he can get his money. I hope I'm not proved wrong though!
If the DD come out with a possotive yes But it takes say a couple of weeks to sign off .Yes it will go close to the 25th date .But if and its a big if Surly the council can send someone along tp the courts To stop the death of the club And then exchange contracts So all old debts can be payed .Hears hoping .
I never

I never said he didn’t plan to sell the club, what I actually said was that he was never going to sell to Kimura or the consortium.
My stance on that has never once changed and neither will it change either.

Ron and Jack have used the whole sale process to steal as much money as possible off potential buyers to fund the club and the many debts the Martin’s have managed to accumulate.

The press conference last March announcing the sale of the club was a farce. Ron stated he only appointed Jez Moxley’s agency the day before the press conference, that was a lie. The agency and the Martin’s had been talking to perspective buyers many months before the press conference.

I firmly believe Ron now thinks the only way he’ll come out of this financially on top is to send the club under.

He’ll make out he’s tried every possible avenue to sell the club and blame everyone but himself for the club going under, but the only ones to blame for the death of SUFC will be Jack and Ron Martin and no one else!

Justin and the consortium (apart from one of them) have my full respect for what they have done for the club over the past few months, but I’m afraid all they are doing is pouring more and more money down the drain each month.
Exactly this first Tara, then the electrical company then PG site services and now the consortium , from Ron handing brown envelopes to the hired grounds man to tidy the training ground before the plane from Amsterdam lands to patsy investors… I’ve said it all along this club is not for sale. And for the majority of the time been lambasted and mocked because it didn’t fall in line with boy wonder and London shrimper … we have limped into the next phase of Martins manipulation getting further planning for futher homes … all whilst his club is funded by another …
I haven't heard anything to make me change my mind, the sale will go ahead, although things are going slow. Will the judge close the club down when DD is so near along with completion? People have spent too much time and money trying to take control of the club to give up now. I don't believe Ron Martin wants the sale to fall through, he wants the club sold and FF to go ahead so he can get his money. I hope I'm not proved wrong though!
Yes, one of the great mysteries of why they created the WUP - unless they think someone will put money in to pay them off

I said a long time ago that with little to no progress being made then Stewarts could be acting "on behalf of the consortium" to get things moving - complete speculation on my part and just me scratching my head of course but these sort of tactics are not unknown, are they?

I have no evidence to support this but things have certainly started to move & the winding up petition seems to have concentrated the minds of certain parties.
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