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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

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I doubt they will walk on Tuesday. I suspect they will set a deadline on Tuesday for later in June, which will not be met.

It doesn't matter either way I suppose. It's over.
Is there any hope or do you really think it's over?
Presumably the Consortium paid the wages for May? If so, another set of outgoings which Ron has avoided paying. What a chancer he is!!
I think all we can now is wait and see what the outcome is from Tuesday and what statement the Consortium put out.
I think we are all worn out by the whole saga of it over the length of time it is taking and zapping the energy out of all of us. My life atm is revolving around this and desperate for an outcome.

Buying something should not take this long but, then again look at what he has done to OUR club. I totally understand the council have to be vigilant and as a council tax payer I somewhat agree with caution but surely, someone can do something about that hideous being and his family that is holding everyone to ransom.
IT is a fact he cant pay the wages For the same reson he cant clear his debts .He is broke with no money It is only Rats son that is lending king rat money what a prat he is .Just like daddy .
We go from the absolute despair of nearly ceasing to exist, embargoes and points deductions, to the unbridled joy of the consortium, the plans, ambition and direction they want to take the club in. We talk about transfer targets, Kev wins manager of the year, everything is set for the fans to finally have something to shout about. Months later and we’re back to square one. Weeks away from ceasing to exist, transfer embargo, consortium walking away etc.

It’s the hope that kills you. If I’ve said that once I’ve said it a million times. And **** Ron Martin. I’ve said that a million times too.
I never
So according to many Ron, @ForeverBlue mainly, has never planned to sell but has also kept us limping along when he could have let us fold before.

Most likely reason for this I presume was he needed club to drive deal for FF through no matter what. He’s as close as ever, now it’s so far down the line if club dies he could still make it happen despite the backlash. This has been the plan all along, I’m guessing.

Therefore Ron’s obvious masterplan was to let JR pay the bills until his deal gets green light then he keeps club, reneges on deal and continues to run it into ground? Obviously, if they bail in middle of June he neither has cash somewhere to pay bills to scrape through or he does as previously pays nothing as HMRC and other creditors will have to wait a couple of months to get us shut down officially. We either get big points deduction or thrown out NL as he plays chicken like before with them and loses again.

The current WUP is the only potential fly in the ointment of above masterplan for Ron. If consortium pull plug mid June we likely go under on 26th then he has neither a club to bargain with or a deal over the line with it still probably 2 months away from completion at best, as mentioned elsewhere. Unless the judge will see deal for sale of FF as enough to limp us on past 26th June, thus killing the club.

Do the fans go nuclear at this point and torpedo the club we love out of existence to stop him getting his deal, not sure how but surely something will happen? Regardless, will he go bankrupt to avoid all debt with everything in his son’s and family’s name, take the pain and push it through or simply let them sell whatever they can?

Only option it seems of survival, highly unlikely is as follows.

JR and his band of concerned brothers try one last grab for power, pay WUP through season card sales or their own funding, line up some needed transfers quick to get them in before others can organise another embargo then wait it out if Tuesday is at all favourable. Take the hit on next season knowing KM could complete a miracle for them anyway. I said it was unlikely.

Either that or RM somehow limps through 26th court date, I’m pretty certain he could do this with council’s help. Then we get absolute slow death torture, relegated to whatever league, all players and staff leave, apart from Demi (last to go down with ship).

Am I about right?
I never said he didn’t plan to sell the club, what I actually said was that he was never going to sell to Kimura or the consortium.
My stance on that has never once changed and neither will it change either.

Ron and Jack have used the whole sale process to steal as much money as possible off potential buyers to fund the club and the many debts the Martin’s have managed to accumulate.

The press conference last March announcing the sale of the club was a farce. Ron stated he only appointed Jez Moxley’s agency the day before the press conference, that was a lie. The agency and the Martin’s had been talking to perspective buyers many months before the press conference.

I firmly believe Ron now thinks the only way he’ll come out of this financially on top is to send the club under.

He’ll make out he’s tried every possible avenue to sell the club and blame everyone but himself for the club going under, but the only ones to blame for the death of SUFC will be Jack and Ron Martin and no one else!

Justin and the consortium (apart from one of them) have my full respect for what they have done for the club over the past few months, but I’m afraid all they are doing is pouring more and more money down the drain each month.
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I never

I never said he didn’t plan to sell the club, what I actually said was that he was never going to sell to Kimura or the consortium.
My stance on that has never once changed and neither will it change either.

Ron and Jack have used the whole sale process to steal as much money as possible off potential buyers to fund the club and the many debts the Martin’s have managed to accumulate.

The press conference last March announcing the sale of the club was a farce. Ron stated he only appointed Jez Moxley’s agency the day before the press conference, that was a lie. The agency and the Martin’s had been talking to perspective buyers many months before the press conference.

I firmly believe Ron now thinks the only way he’ll come out of this financially on top is to send the club under.

He’ll make out he’s tried every possible avenue to sell the club and blame everyone but himself for the club going under, but the only ones to blame for the death of SUFC will be Jack and Ron Martin and no one else!

Justin and the consortium (minus one of them) have my full respect for what they have done for the club over the past few months, but I’m afraid all they are doing is pouring more and more money down the drain each month.
Unfortunately what you’ve said there I’m hearing from many others. I’m afraid the end seems nigh now. It’s simply heartbreaking and I’ve no idea what I would do without Sufc. My dad 72 years a shrimper before he passed. My my mum still a ST holder, me 44 years in and my son 14 years and nephew 12 years. It’s our club. I’d support a Phoenix but it can’t replace 118 years of history
No. He wants to sell. But he doesn’t want to give JR et al the £20m he committed to give them to spruce up RH. Ron is not a man of high morals but you are giving him too much credit in this portrayal as a master villain. He’s not a stupid man, but he’s a fairly average businessman who has got in way too deep and is looking for a way out where he can still make millions, despite doing next to nothing to earn it. I do think he wouldn’t be disappointed if the club folded and those pesky fans got what he sees as their just desserts.
Thanks Tribal Chief. I thought Justin said at the time of exchanging contracts in December that the £20m renovation contribution was not necessarily a deal breaker...
Thanks Tribal Chief. I thought Justin said at the time of exchanging contracts in December that the £20m renovation contribution was not necessarily a deal breaker...
They have. And ultimately that £20m is coming from the council as part of the developers profit from the deal.
We are at deaths door and yet despite them putting the fan base on alert and ready for action at the call for action the supporters groups remain silent?

Waiting for the statement on Tuesday will be to late imho and I'm sure I won't be the only one who thinks that we've missed the boat now with regards to any meaningful action.
The longer this has gone on and continues to go on, the longer the Consortium increase the amount they spend without the income streams they anticipated. Now there's even a shadow being cast over this season's income from season ticket sales, depending on what attitude the NL will take towards us due to the WUP. I imagine therefore that the £20m, whoever it comes from, has become a little more important to them.

Whether or not, the FF project is sufficiently viable to carry this extra burden is a good question and seems to me that the Rat family have been hoping to get this through 'on the nod' and saddle the council with the long-term financial consequences. Looks like the current administration at SCC have seen through this though and we are now where we are, which may not have been altogether apparent at the time the Consortium signed the pre-exchange contract in December 23.
I was a very young child and we were on a family holiday down here in August 1974. We went to my first SUFC game at home v Chesterfield, we won 2-1.

Despite living away for much of the time since, mostly because of work, I have followed the club.

Hard to believe what is happening.
So if the consortium walks and ownership is still rons, what happens next when he cant pay, administration? Liquidation? Any experts on those and what the reality will be?
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I never

I never said he didn’t plan to sell the club, what I actually said was that he was never going to sell to Kimura or the consortium.
My stance on that has never once changed and neither will it change either.

Ron and Jack have used the whole sale process to steal as much money as possible off potential buyers to fund the club and the many debts the Martin’s have managed to accumulate.

The press conference last March announcing the sale of the club was a farce. Ron stated he only appointed Jez Moxley’s agency the day before the press conference, that was a lie. The agency and the Martin’s had been talking to perspective buyers many months before the press conference.

I firmly believe Ron now thinks the only way he’ll come out of this financially on top is to send the club under.

He’ll make out he’s tried every possible avenue to sell the club and blame everyone but himself for the club going under, but the only ones to blame for the death of SUFC will be Jack and Ron Martin and no one else!

Justin and the consortium (apart from one of them) have my full respect for what they have done for the club over the past few months, but I’m afraid all they are doing is pouring more and more money down the drain each month.
How can he want to sell and yet not when the option is there?
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