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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

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Could we, as a fanbase, put up a candidate for the general election in each Southend constituency to run on the single issue of saving SUFC? Would anything prevent it?

£500 deposit per candidate. Could be a cost-effective campaign.
Could we, as a fanbase, put up a candidate for the general election in each Southend constituency to run on the single issue of saving SUFC? Would anything prevent it?

£500 deposit per candidate. Could be a cost-effective campaign.
Interesting idea 💡
We are at deaths door and yet despite them putting the fan base on alert and ready for action at the call for action the supporters groups remain silent?

Waiting for the statement on Tuesday will be to late imho and I'm sure I won't be the only one who thinks that we've missed the boat now with regards to any meaningful action.
What do you suggest. Protest outside the council? Not sure they can do much more than they are. Outside The Rats house, I’d happily join in but he is that thick skinned that I don’t think he gives a **** whether it’s 2 or 200. He is so stubborn that he will do what he wants regardless of the consequences. I understand your frustration as I expected a statement of some sort but guess they as you say are waiting for Tuesdays news
I don’t often post on the zone but like many, I’ve spent more and more time over the past year or so, desperately searching for signs of life and positivity surrounding the future of the club. There are certain posters on here that I look for and view as a good source of info and it seems they’re now fearing the worst. It’s so sad and frustrating that it’s come to this but if we have 20 odd days left, we really need to make it count in any and all ways that we can. We cannot let our great club die with a whimper. I’m not condoning violence but if the clock really is ticking, the fight has to start. I understand waiting on Tuesday’s outcome but the waiting then has to stop. I don’t know what the answers are but trying and failing is always better than failing to try.
I never

I never said he didn’t plan to sell the club, what I actually said was that he was never going to sell to Kimura or the consortium.
My stance on that has never once changed and neither will it change either.

Ron and Jack have used the whole sale process to steal as much money as possible off potential buyers to fund the club and the many debts the Martin’s have managed to accumulate.

The press conference last March announcing the sale of the club was a farce. Ron stated he only appointed Jez Moxley’s agency the day before the press conference, that was a lie. The agency and the Martin’s had been talking to perspective buyers many months before the press conference.

I firmly believe Ron now thinks the only way he’ll come out of this financially on top is to send the club under.

He’ll make out he’s tried every possible avenue to sell the club and blame everyone but himself for the club going under, but the only ones to blame for the death of SUFC will be Jack and Ron Martin and no one else!

Justin and the consortium (apart from one of them) have my full respect for what they have done for the club over the past few months, but I’m afraid all they are doing is pouring more and more money down the drain each month.
Have you attempted to reach out to any members of the consortium to make them aware of this, or at least to warn them? If not, why not?
Next Tuesday is going to be the longest day yet in this saga.
As I have previously stated, I believe that we have until the end of June to get this sorted.
Options are ;
1/ Ron gives in - almost zero chance
2/ SCC pass DD in time-highly unlikely
3/ Consortium have a cunning plan B - possible
4/ We go broke- highly likely
In my eyes option 3 is our best hope as in the consortium we have 10 clever and talented individuals. Just hope they are working on a plan B.
If the consortium paid the wages on Friday they aren’t going to kick the club into touch on Tuesday. Please can we stop referring to this fictitious deadline. Things are grim enough.
The consortium continue to pay wages as they are decent people. Their comes a time where it is not viable for them to continue. We are edging nearer to this point. Let`s see what happens Tuesday, however, IMHO, I cannot see a good outcome.

  • Sad
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Option 1. Consortium walk
Option 2. Consortium give hard deadline of 25th June for issues from DD to be ironed out...
Think it’s most likely to be option 2, no inside information. Feel that they would be crazy to walk away with the amount invested thus far. What would be the harm in waiting until the 25th to them?
How can he want to sell and yet not when the option is there?

It could be to sell to someone else or just on different terms.

Could we, as a fanbase, put up a candidate for the general election in each Southend constituency to run on the single issue of saving SUFC? Would anything prevent it?

£500 deposit per candidate. Could be a cost-effective campaign.
Didn’t Charlton do something similar for getting back to the Valley?

@Fitz fancy becoming a MP?

I don’t often post on the zone but like many, I’ve spent more and more time over the past year or so, desperately searching for signs of life and positivity surrounding the future of the club. There are certain posters on here that I look for and view as a good source of info and it seems they’re now fearing the worst. It’s so sad and frustrating that it’s come to this but if we have 20 odd days left, we really need to make it count in any and all ways that we can. We cannot let our great club die with a whimper. I’m not condoning violence but if the clock really is ticking, the fight has to start. I understand waiting on Tuesday’s outcome but the waiting then has to stop. I don’t know what the answers are but trying and failing is always better than failing to try.
If you’re looking for optimism, deals often appear to be falling apart just before there is major movement.

If you’re ever bargaining with someone to buy something you always start to walk away at least once in order to ensure you have the best deal available.

Maybe the Consortium threatening to walk is what is needed to make Ron concede on the mix of affordable housing at Fossetts? Because if he doesn’t get this deal through his whole house of cards is in danger of collapsing June 26th.

Remember it’s not just SUFC that faces winding up orders: Martin Dawn plc does too, from Taylor Wessing. And if the Consortium walk his deal with the Council surely collapses. He’s tried to separate himself out to isolate the fallout but there will invariably be knock on consequences.
Could we, as a fanbase, put up a candidate for the general election in each Southend constituency to run on the single issue of saving SUFC? Would anything prevent it?

£500 deposit per candidate. Could be a cost-effective campaign.
Nothing to prevent it being done. Single issue Independent candidates have won before.

The deadline for declaring candidacy for the General Election is June 7th.
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