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Question What is making you happy today?

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, crusty toast and marmalade. Happy RHB household
after being unhappy (cos my snare drum broke) I am now very happy because I 've just bought a new one. it will make a monster noise :smile: for drummers n interested parties only - natal 14" x 6.5" (deep) hand hammered steel, evans heads but will probably change for remos
Just like to avoid the bars & clubs culture and high rise hotels in places like Benidorm or Alicante. Been there, done that. No thanks.

Malaga itself looks nice - has a Picasso museum which I shall be popping over to. Bit of culture. :thumbsup:

very nice, my Mrs grew up in Spain and so we go back 2-3 times a year to visit family and friends in Estepona/sabinillas/ducessa all lovely places but at certain time's of the year very very English and Malaga is the same very very English depending if you go in school holidays
Watching the multimillionaire man Utd players playing on a good non league pitch in Russia . I have seen Ryman league players with a better 1st touch.
Lovely walk with Mrs G and Lucy the airedale around Gt Walthem, lunch at the Leather Bottle Pleshey, sunny and dry; it could have been early May. And I do like a pint of Adnams Ghostship.
Ran my first 5k last night. Not a huge distance, and not a world beating time, but when I began this regime 7 weeks ago from a starting point of middle-aged, overweight, and totally unfit, I couldn't run 300 yards without blowing out of my 'aris. Feeling rather proud of myself today...
The cockroach that is Katie Hopkins being £24K poorer today, thanks to being sued by Jack Monroe. Couldn't happen to a nicer woman. :hilarious:
Go on then, I'll ask. Why do you need a red and green laser?
