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Question What is making you happy today?

Not that you worked that deliberately...

Admittedly when I noticed they were in relegation trouble I obviously put in a bid to try and unsettle their best player (Delroy Facey) but it didn't unsettle him and they got relegated of their own accord.
Admittedly when I noticed they were in relegation trouble I obviously put in a bid to try and unsettle their best player (Delroy Facey) but it didn't unsettle him and they got relegated of their own accord.

If "Airshot" Facey was their best player, they wouldn't need help in the relegation stakes!
From the Grauniad....

The fate of Channel 4’s Eden is perhaps the funniest thing to ever happen in television history. In short, the channel sent a handful of strangers to the Scottish Highlands to build a new society. Nobody watched, so the channel stopped broadcasting new episodes. But they didn’t tell the contestants, who continued to scrape and fight and break their teeth on chicken feed for seven whole months in the mistaken belief that they were slowly becoming household names.

:hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:
A really lovely evening last night with my football sisters! Lots of lovely grub and booze, lots of gossip and lots of laughs - perfect evening! Hanging a little today though, as a result.
64 16 year olds over for a birthday party - no damage, all cleared up and good time had by all (including getting rid of a gatecrasher haha). Oh and yes they bough drinks, yes we provided watered down drinks- only two people got blotto...
64 16 year olds over for a birthday party - no damage, all cleared up and good time had by all (including getting rid of a gatecrasher haha). Oh and yes they bough drinks, yes we provided watered down drinks- only two people got blotto...

Not a proper party unless their Candice drunk too much and was in bits because, like, Gary cheated on her with Stacey in the bushes, and I'm like so not joking - but she's over it now 'cos Gary told her he luvved her. That Stacey is such a slag!
Not a proper party unless their Candice drunk too much and was in bits because, like, Gary cheated on her with Stacey in the bushes, and I'm like so not joking - but she's over it now 'cos Gary told her he luvved her. That Stacey is such a slag!

people sick - 2
people who twisted their ankle -1
people who damaged their phone - 1
testerone in the house - lots
This story:


The "before" and "after" photos are incredible. It's difficult to believe it's the same person.