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Question What is making you happy today?

So we lost the football. But OBL very kindly sorted us out so we could walk from the East round to the West and the children got to high five Phil Brown, Adam Barrett and Will Atkinson (who shares their birthday!). A good friend also brought his two children and we had a lovely day, ending with a pint of IPA and a few black currant squashes at East Coast Social.

Hopefully they'll take these memories with them rather than the inability of Southend to defend set pieces
So we lost the football. But OBL very kindly sorted us out so we could walk from the East round to the West and the children got to high five Phil Brown, Adam Barrett and Will Atkinson (who shares their birthday!). A good friend also brought his two children and we had a lovely day, ending with a pint of IPA and a few black currant squashes at East Coast Social.

Hopefully they'll take these memories with them rather than the inability of Southend to defend set pieces

It was a pleasure, hope their first visit was memorable for good reasons, rather than the bad one of the result!
Seeing E.T. at the open air cinema at the Forum in Southend this evening. Soon forgot about the dismal Blues performance we'd just seen, watching one of the finest films ever made. It's WALL-E next week, Close Encounters the week after (going to miss that one due to holiday) and then The Force Awakens on the 27th.
Bought a DVD case from Abba-Land, and the back had cuts out to rest on skirting boards - which didn't fit my house. Bit of tinkering with a jigsaw and bingo, fits like a dream.
Did a speed reading course on Friday. At initial assessment, was on 600 words a minute, (which the trainer hadn't seen before at that stage of the course - average is 300). After using the accelerator, I did 1350 words a minute, the fastest he had ever seen - and he can't do it (he uses too many fixations per line - I only do one apparently). Boom!
Nice walk on Southend seafront yesterday with the pup. Kept getting stopped by people wanting a stroke. (of the dog). Shame there's so much rubbish on the floor.
Not sure if this should go in this thread, or the whats hacking you off today thread.
Got a job to Manchester for £350, 3 Kuwait women plus a ton of luggage. However they complained about the time it took to get there (m1 onwards just one big car park). Then they wanted a discount due to the time it took, then they wanted to pay by card but didn't want to pay the 5% additional cost. Once I got the money off them it was back to the crawl back home. Complete round journey 12 hours, and listening to sycanised diving on the radio, just doesn't work.
Cracking ride yesterday to Ace Cafe, got some great shots and some nice food too. Nice the weather holds off for half a day that I can actually go for a ride.
Cracking ride yesterday to Ace Cafe, got some great shots and some nice food too. Nice the weather holds off for half a day that I can actually go for a ride.

Railway depot right near there. Never been, but kept meaning too.
Filmed a bloke falling over his bike as he was going into his office earlier. Should get me a couple of hundred of the folding stuff from Harry Hill.
Railway depot right near there. Never been, but kept meaning too.

It's worth going to nice food and lots of memorabilia. I can imagine on meet nights it's mega busy and I don't know how they manage to fit all the cars/bikes on that plot.
Not falling off or over my bike :winking:

I also overtook someone on the bridge nr work. :thumbsup:
Got my porridge juuuuuust right this morning.


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