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Question What is making you happy today?

Just popped in the pub for a sly pint. Two old boys up at the bar with one showing the other his new phone. You could balance two pint glasses on it, it's bloody enormous. Loved his mate commenting 'How very modern'
Im not a fan of the EPL but when the cable company knocks at the door and offers to revamp my package who am to refuse? More channels plus EPL and Spanish plus plus fox sports plus on Demand sports. Also added to iPad and iPhone for no charge and watchable worldwide. Result! :happy: Oh and i can record and watch later.

All EPL games covered (not sure about Cups and lower league games, i would have thought not.
For your 3pm starts (10pm or 11pm in winter for me) each game is covered on a separate channel so I can swap if a game is dull.
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Im not a fan of the EPL but when the cable company knocks at the door and offers to revamp my package who am to refuse? More channels plus EPL and Spanish plus plus fox sports plus on Demand sports. Also added to iPad and iPhone for no charge and watchable worldwide. Result! :happy: Oh and i can record and watch later.

All EPL games covered (not sure about Cups and lower league games, i would have thought not.
For your 3pm starts (10pm or 11pm in winter for me) each game is covered on a separate channel so I can swap if a game is dull.

Technology's great, isn't it?
A colleague has bought in a huge tuppleware box full of luvverly and sweet home grown baby tomatoes. :thumbsup:
Saturday night walking back to my girlfriends flat in South Norwood down an alley and coming the other way a large group of black youths with bandanas covering their faces. I must admit I was a little bit worried but as we got closer they all very politely got out the way and said "come on let this guy through". Then I saw the camera man, turns out they were filming a rap video :hilarious:
Received a nude snapchat from the missus...

I'm in the Singapore office this week. Indian food here is the best I've tasted worldwide (never been to India). The crowd I went to lunch with today were a mixture of locals and Indians. I talked through the London curry experience the finished off with a YouTube clip of going for an English, Goodness Gracious Me. Pure genius sketch and they loved it!
Taking turns in the barrel I trust.

This is a maritime nation and and new blood has to take to the seas to maintain our proud heritage.

Then when all the boats are ashire it's time for me to relax with a few chilled continental strength beers.
Finally persuaded the other 9 members of my flying group to get the plane re-painted. I've put a lot of time and effort into the research on this and it seems to have paid off.

However, see the What is hacking you off today thread.