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I have a Nest thermostat I can control with my phone and which turns the heating off if it senses no one at home.

It's the future...

I would love to have that system but as I can barely afford to buy food and heating oil at the moment, such expense will have to wait until I have worked out the undetectable way to move my in-laws "on" and inherit....
My boiler has packed up and as a result we have no heating or hot water - a freezing cold shower this morning - and when I ring the boiler people up they say that despite us having our boiler serviced by them they can't get to me until tomorrow morning because there are no vulnerable people in our house. I responded that I am vulnerable as my wife is on her period but that, apparently, doesn't count.
My boiler has packed up and as a result we have no heating or hot water - a freezing cold shower this morning - and when I ring the boiler people up they say that despite us having our boiler serviced by them they can't get to me until tomorrow morning because there are no vulnerable people in our house. I responded that I am vulnerable as my wife is on her period but that, apparently, doesn't count.

Should put you at top of priority list as far as I'm concerned!
Hearing of a lot of people with labyrinthitus at the moment, nasty business if it is.

Why are people going down with it? It's bloody odd, a few at work and people I know have had it. It's horrid and I had it 2 years ago. Still not fully over it, apparently you never do make a full recovery, your brain just reprograms itself to do the same job, so if you're over worked it kinda goes weird again.
Why are people going down with it? It's bloody odd, a few at work and people I know have had it. It's horrid and I had it 2 years ago. Still not fully over it, apparently you never do make a full recovery, your brain just reprograms itself to do the same job, so if you're over worked it kinda goes weird again.

Depends if its bacterial or Viral I suppose

From the NHS website

Most cases of viral labyrinthitis occur in adults aged 30 to 60 years old.

Viral labyrinthitis is thought to be a relatively common ear condition among adults. Other types of ear infections are usually more widespread in children.

One study found that around one in six people who visited their GP with symptoms of vertigo had labyrinthitis.

Bacterial labyrinthitis is much less common. Younger children under two years old are more vulnerable to developing bacterial labyrinthitis.

Bacterial labyrinthitis carries a higher risk of causing permanent hearing loss. It's estimated that one in three cases of acquired hearing loss are caused by bacterial labyrinthitis. Read more about
Went to the docs and he wasn't concerned and said it'll clear up on its own. :pig:

If the patient presents with sudden-onset unilateral deafness, admission to hospital or urgent assessment by an ear, nose and throat specialist should be considered. The reasoning for this is that such deafness can be indicative of acute ischaemia of the labyrinth or brainstem. Emergency treatment in such cases can restore the patient's hearing.
Otherwise, the patient can usually be managed at home. During an acute attack the patient should lie still with eyes closed.
Patients should be advised to seek further medical care for worsening symptoms - especially neurological symptoms (such as diplopia, slurred speech, gait disturbances, localised weakness or numbness).[14]
Vertigo, nausea and vomiting may be helped by prochlorperazine, promethazine and domperidone. In an acute attack, gastric emptying will be slowed or even reversed and so a buccal version of prochlorperazine may be preferable.
Diazepam or other benzodiazepines are occasionally helpful as a vestibular suppressant.[15]
A short course of oral corticosteroids may be helpful.[16]
Currently, the role of antiviral therapy is controversial.[1]
Always advise patients not to drive or operate machinery when experiencing symptoms or taking medication, as appropriate.
Surgical treatment may be necessary - eg, myringotomy and evacuation of effusion in labyrinthitis secondary to otitis media and mastoidectomy for mastoiditis or cholesteatoma.
Although the labyrinthitis is usually considered benign and self-limiting, chronic or recurrent cases merit referral to exclude sinister aetiology. Also the morbidity of labyrinthitis, especially bacterial labyrinthitis, is more significant than is often appreciated. In the paediatric population the risk of hearing loss is significant.

The acute symptoms of vertigo and nausea and vomiting resolve after several days to weeks in all the different types of labyrinthitis.
Recovery of hearing loss is more variable:
Suppurative labyrinthitis usually leaves permanent and profound hearing loss.
Hearing loss associated with viral labyrinthitis may recover. Disequilibrium and or positional vertigo also may be present long-term following resolution of the acute infection.
Permanent hearing loss is a recognised complication of children with meningitis. Dexamethasone may have some protective effect against this complication but the evidence is equivocal.[17]
Permanent hearing loss occurs in about 10% of patients with herpes zoster oticus.[18]
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Practice tips
It is important:

Not to miss a potentially life-threatening condition, such as meningitis, cerebrovascular ischaemia, or brainstem tumour. Chronic or recurrent cases should be referred.
To counsel patients not to drive or operate machinery when suffering from vertigo or taking medication for symptoms.
People who wear a scarf and make sure the label is showing so that we all know it cost two hundred quid.
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Fat people on trains who decide to take up even more space by keeping their massive coat on.

I'm on one cheek here.
Fat people on trains who decide to take up even more space by keeping their massive coat on.

I'm on one cheek here.

At least you got a seat. Try using the Thameslink route.

Yet again I was delayed getting into work. The train terminated at Kings Cross so went to the underground, but they had closed the barriers because of the crush. I then had to get a bus the rest of the journey. I wonder if I'm entitled to yet more compensation.
Four Polish criminals have been jailed today for viciously beating up a man in his own home in London. Three of the four had previous criminal convictions in Poland. Yet another case that begs the question: why the hell do we not check criminal records before allowing people into the country? Madness. And why can't they just be deported rather than imprisoned at our expense?
Four Polish criminals have been jailed today for viciously beating up a man in his own home in London. Three of the four had previous criminal convictions in Poland. Yet another case that begs the question: why the hell do we not check criminal records before allowing people into the country? Madness. And why can't they just be deported rather than imprisoned at our expense?

Welcome to the EU
Get on the 05:34 train at Southend East, just me and another bloke in the whole carriage. I read my kindle he watches porn on his mobile with the sound turned full up