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He said 'perhaps might want to ask women to sit in a corner' when he was asked to clarify saying that originally. I don't see how that as a direct quote can be misinterpretation - it seems he blames the media for whatever comes out of his own mouth. Vey convenient but not very convincing.

It was a question thrown at him on a radio phone in which he gave a answer to. Suddenly it becomes the biggest news story of the day? Really? Is that really the most important thing happening in the world, some woman breast feeding in a hotel that would have prefered her to not. What next, perhaps I'll take a dump on a table in Starbucks, after all, it's perfectly natural to do that as well.
It was a question thrown at him on a radio phone in which he gave a answer to. Suddenly it becomes the biggest news story of the day? Really? Is that really the most important thing happening in the world, some woman breast feeding in a hotel that would have prefered her to not. What next, perhaps I'll take a dump on a table in Starbucks, after all, it's perfectly natural to do that as well.
He gave the same answer in the second interview so it doesn't qualify as a slip of the tongue - it is just his answer.

Its not the biggest story of the day but the opinion of high profile politicians does get reported.

Likening breastfeeding to taking a dump is luckily for him not a comparison he made. If that is how you wish to express opposition to their tax policies then I'm sure that would get a fair bit of coverage.....
Oh please, did you actually hear what he said? LBC were debating what he said for most of the night and almost everyone [including the crackpots and obvious plants] were in agreement that he didn't say anything out of place. Talk about a slow news day. And it was a total misinterpretation of what he said which seems to be becoming the norm within the media for almost every high profile person involved in politics.

Agree with the slow news day. I'm certainly not a UKIP fan but the media are going a bit OTT on trying to make Farage a figure of ridicule. Anything to maintain the status quo
Agree with the slow news day. I'm certainly not a UKIP fan but the media are going a bit OTT on trying to make Farage a figure of ridicule. Anything to maintain the status quo

As another non- UKIP voter I have to agree with this and I think it even plays into Nigel Farage's hands as it boosts his claim to be the outsider that's got the establishment running scared.
It was a question thrown at him on a radio phone in which he gave a answer to. Suddenly it becomes the biggest news story of the day? Really? Is that really the most important thing happening in the world, some woman breast feeding in a hotel that would have prefered her to not. What next, perhaps I'll take a dump on a table in Starbucks, after all, it's perfectly natural to do that as well.

I'm afraid you can't pick and choose what scrutiny you would like to face. I agree with *** that Farage was quoted in context saying, essentially, that women should sit in the corner. I doubt it will do him much harm anyway. UKIP's support is largely old and largely male. I doubt there are too many anti EU, anti-immigration feminists who will now switch their support.

As to the importance of the comments, I agree they entirely irrelevant. Given that there is no need to get so upset about the reporting. No one will remember it in six months time.

When you don't have many policies you'll find that the media report on trivia (Ed Miliband and bacon sandwiches anyone?). UKIP have literally nothing to say on the economy so expect more trivia until they do.
I'm afraid you can't pick and choose what scrutiny you would like to face. I agree with *** that Farage was quoted in context saying, essentially, that women should sit in the corner. I doubt it will do him much harm anyway. UKIP's support is largely old and largely male. I doubt there are too many anti EU, anti-immigration feminists who will now switch their support.

As to the importance of the comments, I agree they entirely irrelevant. Given that there is no need to get so upset about the reporting. No one will remember it in six months time.

When you don't have many policies you'll find that the media report on trivia (Ed Miliband and bacon sandwiches anyone?). UKIP have literally nothing to say on the economy so expect more trivia until they do.
All true. The media gun for any politician that's says or does anything that can be deemed controversial.

Whenever he has appeared on Question Time 'the EU' was his answer no matter what the question. With his self constructed high profile now that he is expanding his remit he has to expect his comments to be reported. The fact he is thinking beyond the EU makes it more interesting and more likely to be reported.
Don't forget to watch Question Time this week. Nigel Farage and Russell Brand,it's a bun fight just waiting to happen.
Remember when Uncle Leo deleted the Live Thread? Wish it would happen here...
Remember when Uncle Leo deleted the Live Thread? Wish it would happen here...

If you do not like it then don't read it,Barna likes it and that's all that matters,one person say one thing and then another person goes blah blah blah and that in a nutshell politics.
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