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Last night's **** up in Parliament and Labour's call for a vote on the EAR on the day before the R and S by-election must be grist to the mill for UKIP.

Can't see UKIP likely to take on any "vested interests" like Labour.


As I may have stated before, I'd drop UKIP and burn my membership in a heartbeat if that ever happened.
You may as well burn it now then, there is no way of knowing if Labour or Tories will edge ahead but I can't see either with a majority. Means UKIP or Libs will be make weights and as Nige has said he would do a deal with the devil.... his anti establishment party will be siding with one side of the establishment or the other. He has as good as said that a UKIP vote is a wasted vote as he'll just look to tag along with the party with the most MPs. Political revolution was short lived.
You may as well burn it now then, there is no way of knowing if Labour or Tories will edge ahead but I can't see either with a majority. Means UKIP or Libs will be make weights and as Nige has said he would do a deal with the devil.... his anti establishment party will be siding with one side of the establishment or the other. He has as good as said that a UKIP vote is a wasted vote as he'll just look to tag along with the party with the most MPs. Political revolution was short lived.

I'll hang on until next May if you don't mind but Farage had better be very careful what he wishes for. The backlash from the membership could see him gone very quickly.
You may as well burn it now then, there is no way of knowing if Labour or Tories will edge ahead but I can't see either with a majority. Means UKIP or Libs will be make weights and as Nige has said he would do a deal with the devil.... his anti establishment party will be siding with one side of the establishment or the other. He has as good as said that a UKIP vote is a wasted vote as he'll just look to tag along with the party with the most MPs. Political revolution was short lived.

I can't see Labour making a deal with the Kippers for an in/out referendum on Europe next summer,which would be Farage's price,can you?

The proportion of UKIP voters coming from the Labour party has trebled from 7% to 23%

Editors licence ?

The article very plainly states that, with a huge guess involved, the proportion of RECENT Labour converts to UKIP has gone from the more normal 2% to 8%

The article used two different formulas each proved the same thing, that Ukips support had trebled from labour....how correct the formulas are May be questionable, one thing is sure that ukip is taking more and more votes from labour.
The EU ruling on bankers bonuses is an odd one for UKIP. It's front page in the Standard - being painted as the EU telling us what to do and the implication is that would boost UKIP's vote. But really the legislation is to limit banker's bonuses to 200% of their pay - Osborne and Farage are arguing that bonuses should be allowed to be higher than that. As most people have seen their income effectively drop since the banking crisis and as we are aware it was the tax payer that bailed out the banks that over stretched themselves I can't see this being a vote winner for ex City trader Farage.
The EU ruling on bankers bonuses is an odd one for UKIP. It's front page in the Standard - being painted as the EU telling us what to do and the implication is that would boost UKIP's vote. But really the legislation is to limit banker's bonuses to 200% of their pay - Osborne and Farage are arguing that bonuses should be allowed to be higher than that. As most people have seen their income effectively drop since the banking crisis and as we are aware it was the tax payer that bailed out the banks that over stretched themselves I can't see this being a vote winner for ex City trader Farage.

Interesting you highlight his working history outside politics - something you would struggle to do with the current Labour leader - you know, the bloke "just like us" representing the working classes.
Congrats to the GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING so called scum on another MP,oh dear oh dear.
Mr Reckless, whose defection from the Tories to UKIP triggered the contest in Kent, said: "If UKIP can win here, we can win across the country." (As long as it is with sitting MPs who are merely changing which right wing party they represent).

the key to how well UKIP do at the general election could be how many Tory MPs they persuade it's the best way to preserve their salary and benefits.
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