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while we're here, looks like Neil Hamilton wants to run in South Basildon and East Thurrock...

And for something slightly more important to those of you who do live in this country, I give you the what the opposition want to do.


Cameron will take us back to 30's and UKIP will take us back to the 50's.

Labour will take us back to the Stone Age with clowns like Milliband and Balls holding the purse.
And for something slightly more important to those of you who do live in this country, I give you the what the opposition want to do.


Cameron will take us back to 30's and UKIP will take us back to the 50's.

Labour will take us back to the Stone Age with clowns like Milliband and Balls holding the purse.
I'm not sure your dates are that accurate.

The Ed / Ed statement sounds reasonable to me. In practice it won't quite pan out as predicted as we can see from Osborne's never achieved predictions but you have to have an aim that sounds reasonable. What is true is that the low paid low skilled jobs that have been created over the last couple of years do little to help the treasury as they pay no or little tax and get in work benefits in many cases. The state is subsidising the employers effectively.
The Tory plan seems to be carry on as we are but with extra cuts. UKIP plans on the economy I don't think are finalised?

ps fair call that news of Labour's ideas for government are more important than UKIP's!
I'm not sure your dates are that accurate.

The Ed / Ed statement sounds reasonable to me. In practice it won't quite pan out as predicted as we can see from Osborne's never achieved predictions but you have to have an aim that sounds reasonable. What is true is that the low paid low skilled jobs that have been created over the last couple of years do little to help the treasury as they pay no or little tax and get in work benefits in many cases. The state is subsidising the employers effectively.
The Tory plan seems to be carry on as we are but with extra cuts. UKIP plans on the economy I don't think are finalised?

ps fair call that news of Labour's ideas for government are more important than UKIP's!

Sounds reasonable? Whats reasonable about not saying what or where he will make cuts until after the general election?

Sounds reasonable? Whats reasonable about not saying what or where he will make cuts until after the general election?


Only the Tories can possibly do that in their pre-election budget (which they'll probably never get a chance to implement).

Labour have already pledged to maintain Government spending at its current level for their first year in office,while they have a proper look at the books.
I see UKIP are in some (sexual) hot water.


personally I think it is a bit of a non story but today there has been the added angle that UKIP's a Roger Bird also had an affair with their deputy chair Suzanne Edwards - I bet Farage just wants the focus to swing back to sensible electioneering like his appearance on the Gogglebox special.
"Racism is the lowest form of snobbery"


"Racism is the lowest form of snobbery." Discuss.

Unlike Hanif Kureishi, I was 17 and in the 6th form, when Powell made his famous speech.*

I remember going to the Plough around that time (with a couple of mates from SHC) and getting into an argument with an elderly gent (and his wife) sharing the same table as us, who were staunch defenders of Powell.

He concluded the discussion by saying :-How would you know,you've hardly got the cradle marks off your arse?"

Well, I think I got "the cradle marks off my arse" a long time ago now and yet I still thoroughly agree with Kurishi's remarks on Powell,who is still today a bench mark in GB politics, as Russell Brand confirmed yesterday on QT when he called Nigel Farage " a pound-store Enoch Powell."

For me, nothing has substantially changed in the UK about this debate, except that UKIP voters (and other closet supporters of racism) have got more subtle over the years.

They now talk in coded terms of "caps" on immigration,a quota system and leaving the EU, rather than calling for an outright ban on immigration,as such.

*(PS I saw Powell talk in person a few years later, during the referendum campaign and was impressed by his intellect,if not by his politics).
I like the fact you defer to Brand to gauge what is the benchmark in 'GB' politics. (And the Plough clientele).
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