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Running out of ideas aren't you. What ever you say about Powell, apart from the rivers of blood bit he was pretty much bang on the money.

By the way, calling UKIP supporters racist all the time doesn't make it so. It does however, make you look very pathetic.
Calling UKIP supporters racist, so it is ok to be prejudiced then?
I like the fact you defer to Brand to gauge what is the benchmark in 'GB' politics. (And the Plough clientele).

Running out of ideas aren't you. What ever you say about Powell, apart from the rivers of blood bit he was pretty much bang on the money.

By the way, calling UKIP supporters racist all the time doesn't make it so. It does however, make you look very pathetic.

Funnily enough, you were two out of the three people I thought would be quick off the mark to reply tonight, ( Callan obviously has a more interesting social life).:smile:

Here's a quote for you from the book I'm currently reading:-

"The summer of 1948 was even more of a defining moment in the centuries old story of immigration in Britain.For many years the most widely stigmatised "others" in British society had been the Jews and the Irish,bythe end of the war numbering repectively some 400,000 and 600,000 (ie on the mainland).Althought it is possible to exaggerate the extent of the prejudice,Jews in particular were demonised,even after the film cameras had entered Belsen and Auschwitz;shockingly British fascism revived quickly after the war,little impeded by the men in blue."

(Austerity Britain 1945-51).David Kynaston.

(My bolded text).
Go on then, enlighten me.

You'll no doubt remember the fat bint on QT last night.

Despite claiming that Canterbury prison was "full to capacity with immigrants" and asserting her area was "overcrowded" (obviously a UKIP sympathiser and presumably voter) she didn't make an overtly racist remark,although she did call for a "cap on immigrants" (which is part of the current UKIP mantra and a coded racist remark).
I think maybe Barnaby is right on this one, except for the 'lowest part' piece. I am an unashamed racist and I'm also an awful snob. I definitely look down my nose at illiterate halfwits who insist on sticking their oar in to every discussion and making it all about them.
You'll no doubt remember the fat bint on QT last night.

Despite claiming that Canterbury prison was "full to capacity with immigrants" and asserting her area was "overcrowded" (obviously a UKIP sympathiser and presumably voter) she didn't make an overtly racist remark,although she did call for a "cap on immigrants" (which is part of the current UKIP mantra and a coded racist remark).

So, let me get this right. In your opinion to call for a cap on immigration because we are but a small island and our social infrastructure clearly cannot cope with the current levels of people entering the UK is racist is it?
So, let me get this right. In your opinion to call for a cap on immigration because we are but a small island and our social infrastructure clearly cannot cope with the current levels of people entering the UK is racist is it?

Of course it is. Everybody knows that.
But surely, calling for control is not rascist, just common sense. I am a bit like Miss Marple, in that I try to put the big picture into a small situation that I can get my head around (I don't travel around the country and live for specific periods in different towns, so how can I talk with authority on it?).
In my street, there was a guy who wanted to start building houses in the gardens of a couple of houses he owned. I objected. Not because I don't want more people living around here or that housing is not an issue (countrywide) but because our local amenities (schools, drainage, parking etc) are at capacity. Councils won't allow mass building where it is not suitable, and this is just sensible capping, not a form of local racism. And so it is with immigration, allow it where it is suitable or desirable and prevent it where it is not.
You'll no doubt remember the fat bint on QT last night.

Despite claiming that Canterbury prison was "full to capacity with immigrants" and asserting her area was "overcrowded" (obviously a UKIP sympathiser and presumably voter) she didn't make an overtly racist remark,although she did call for a "cap on immigrants" (which is part of the current UKIP mantra and a coded racist remark).
You really do have your own pre defined ideas and are unable to see past them. It's totally possible to want a cap on immigration and not to be a racist. Only in your head are the two mutually exclusive
You really do have your own pre defined ideas and are unable to see past them. It's totally possible to want a cap on immigration and not to be a racist. Only in your head are the two mutually exclusive
Barna and Rusty to be fair.

A sensible discussion on immigration is no bad thing but the self declared figurehead of anti immigration is Nigel Farage and his methods are to claim that entire population of Eastern Europe are going to turn up on our doorstep and about how alarmed he would be to having a Romanian living next door. The fact that he dishes out comments with racist under or over tones is the reason that a lot of people are alarmed by the popularity of his party. The language he uses is a big reason why the discussions can't move on and reach some kind of agreement.
So, let me get this right. In your opinion to call for a cap on immigration because we are but a small island and our social infrastructure clearly cannot cope with the current levels of people entering the UK is racist is it?

But surely, calling for control is not rascist, just common sense. I am a bit like Miss Marple, in that I try to put the big picture into a small situation that I can get my head around (I don't travel around the country and live for specific periods in different towns, so how can I talk with authority on it?).
In my street, there was a guy who wanted to start building houses in the gardens of a couple of houses he owned. I objected. Not because I don't want more people living around here or that housing is not an issue (countrywide) but because our local amenities (schools, drainage, parking etc) are at capacity. Councils won't allow mass building where it is not suitable, and this is just sensible capping, not a form of local racism. And so it is with immigration, allow it where it is suitable or desirable and prevent it where it is not.

You really do have your own pre defined ideas and are unable to see past them. It's totally possible to want a cap on immigration and not to be a racist. Only in your head are the two mutually exclusive

Let's be quite clear about this.

There will be no cap, or control of immigration (at least from other EU countries),while GB is a member of the EU.

I see Jean- Claude Juncker has insisted that "the principle of free movement for labour in the EU meant there could be no discrimination against any EU countries."

Certainly, Cameron (and the City) wouldn't be too happy if other EU member states started questioning the free movement of capital, (one of the other key pillars of the EU).

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So, to confirm, do you think all UKIP voter and supporters are racist (whether 'closet' or otherwise)?
So, to confirm, do you think all UKIP voter and supporters are racist (whether 'closet' or otherwise)?

Not all certainly, though a lot of them clearly are.

However,as I suggested above-in post 15 on this thread-what I or anyone else thinks, is largely irrelevant, given that there is zero possibility of GB being able to make any change whatsoever to the free movement of labour within the EU.

For me, nothing has substantially changed in the UK about this debate, except that UKIP voters (and other closet supporters of racism) have got more subtle over the years.

*(PS I saw Powell talk in person a few years later, during the referendum campaign and was impressed by his intellect,if not by his politics).

Barna post? Check.
Guardian link? Check.
UKIP trolling? Check.
Little aside to make the post about the poster? Check.

So, to conclude, this should have been posted in the "Barna's thread of Guardian links about UKIP" thread. It does what it says on the tin and allows other posters to read/ignore as they see fit. Threads merged.
Barna post? Check.
Guardian link? Check.
UKIP trolling? Check.
Little aside to make the post about the poster? Check.

So, to conclude, this should have been posted in the "Barna's thread of Guardian links about UKIP" thread. It does what it says on the tin and allows other posters to read/ignore as they see fit. Threads merged.

You wouldn't be thinking of voting for UKIP next May,by any chance? :unsure: :winking:
You wouldn't be thinking of voting for UKIP next May,by any chance? :unsure: :winking:


No, I wouldn't be although it didn't surprise me that YOU might consider that as my reason for correctly merging your two threads. I say "might" because you're probably just playing your usual trolling game and I'm just feeding your ego. I won't be voting for them but I'm not about to make ridiculous determinations about everyone on here who may be.

Here's the thing: if you stopped both the trolling and the fallacious inference of wide conclusions from unrelated thoughts and actions (as you habitually do), you might even elicit a grudging respect from the people you set out to catch/anger/annoy/wind up/prove a point to on a daily basis. I figure that would involve a greater level of maturity than you're content to display on here though. Why don't you prove me wrong?

It's a shame because instead of driving interesting debate (something of which you're very capable), you are IMHO entirely ruining this fine forum with your continual spam and fishing.
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