Tangled up in Blue
Certified Senior Citizen⭐🦐
That would appear to be in Northern Ireland. While I acccept that NI is in the UK (which I'm sure Mrs May is currently very grateful for

No? Alluded then, maybe hinted, touched upon, guessed, suggested.
That would appear to be in Northern Ireland. While I acccept that NI is in the UK (which I'm sure Mrs May is currently very grateful for) it's not what is generally considered part of the mainstream system of justice in England,Scotland or Wales.as far as I'm aware.
There are always exceptions, Nile had opportunities and wasted them. What about Lee Sawyer, had opportunities and wasted them.
So, are you saying that black youths are more prone to be brought up in a life of poverty with a lack of available education and overall social deprivation?
If not, how do you square that with the point I made about the ratio of violent and serious crime committed by those black youths or are you going to question my point given that you know the source?
If both black and white youths have the same economic, educational and social opportunities when growing up in London and elsewhere why is there a disproportionate amount of crime committed by one and not the other?
I understand you may not be able to answer this properly what with not having lived here for 40+ years but give it a go. My friend, the retired senior Met officer would be intrigued to hear it.
That is simply not true. It is true that relative to some other groups, this group of kids are relatively underperforming but the ‘vast majority’ are not ‘failing’
If you saw Question Time last Thursday night, (which I doubt), then you would remember that the young,black panelist,George the Poet,shortly after the BBC clip which I linked to earlier, stated that none of "the persons of colour" in the audience had "called him out" (i.e. disagreed with him) on his opinions.It's certainly true that there were people of many different hues in the studio audience,filmed in Canary Wharf.
I do hope it's all right with you BTW that a young black man called audience members "persons of colour?"
When you get round to compiling your own highly idiosyncratic guide to political correcteness, where race and ethnicitity are concerned,I do hope you'll take the time to explain the difference between "people of colour" and "coloured,* (which was the term I originally used, BTW).
Meanwhile to use a football analogy,which I hope you'll understand,I suggest you concentrate on playing the ball in future, (ie the argument,in this particular case) rather than the man (ie the poster).
You seem to have such a low opinion of black men and what they can achieve. Nile took full advantage when he was put up in a flat with the help of SUFC......He stole the flat screen TV, amongst other things.
Not at all.In my playing days I played with several young black men in the Forest and District league in East London.They were exceptional players.Unfortunately,their mind set was a bit different from ours.I imagine that NR shared the same mindset.
You're right, I didn't see Question Time, going to work at anytime between 3.30 and 5.00am puts paid to that, but I fail to see how any creedence can be given to this man when he was breaking the law in the first place.
And I played the player because your moral code differs when it suits, 'coloureds' was the word you used in the past not coloured.
I imagine that George the Poet was invited on QT because he's an articulate young man and not for any other reason.
Your last sentence contains a blantant lie.
Yes some do, but it's disproportionate. Let's not forget that being a footballer doesn't require any academic skills, so in these cases poor schools don't really make a differenceThat was my point. People, even from disadvantaged backgrounds, do get opportunities.
Some will never take them, or as we witnessed in Nile’s case actually seek to destroy them.
Are you an American or Canadian? Didn't realise there was a Department of Justice in the UK.
No sir - Southend lad born and bred.
My sincere apologies, t'was but a slip of the digit there - it was of course meant to read MoJ (been spending way too much time chatting with my U.S. friends).
Best get back to TM I reckon
Shall I start ? Hell's teeth, that woman's got no rythm...... discuss.
Yep back to TM, she knows she looks ridiculous but she's so keen to distract from the disaster that is brexit
Disaster?.... Its actually going better than anyone predicted.
The only problem we have is a week PM who is a remainer. We need more Thatcher than May because it was always obvious the criminals in Brussles are desperate to keep the scam going at the expenses of the ordinary hard worker in northern Europe.
When other countries leave and the whole thing falls apart that's when we will really cash in. Your a lucky man Ricky. I reckon there will be a bigger City boom than the late 80's. When Europe is in trouble the safe bet has and always will be Britian.
No sir - Southend lad born and bred.
My sincere apologies, t'was but a slip of the digit there - it was of course meant to read MoJ (been spending way too much time chatting with my U.S. friends).
Best get back to TM I reckon
Shall I start ? Hell's teeth, that woman's got no rythm...... discuss.
I imagine that George the Poet was invited on QT because he's an articulate young man and not for any other reason.
Your last sentence contains a blantant lie.
yeah we'll see. Hope you are right but the expert opinion is very different. But hey they are just part of the system in another one of your conspiracy theories