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SUFC: The Future The Takeover - Very very close.

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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Only one way to fight an embargo - with an embargo.

Admittedly it’s a lot easier on the ear at 930am unless you’re currently in ToTS, Zero 6, Rain or that great alternative if you’ve been refused entry everywhere else, Chester’s, crammed full of rejected men and under age women. Yes I know they’ve all gone I’m having a mini mid life crisis 😀

Re the first point my question to you would be - would you trust the word of the council without getting it in writing? I wouldnt.

Re point 2 - numerous people have been told it by JR directly and I believe it was mentioned at the AGM last week too so no it hasnt come from Ron at all.
On the first one - as I said if he's wanting assurances on planning then he needs to put an application in! If it's the financial agreement then wheels are in motion - but we simply don't know what the issue is - we know a month ago the council committee was supportive

The second one - you've missed my point - where is JR getting his info that the council are holding up, is it in his talks with Ron - cos on the face of it the consortium aren't part of the talks with the council.
The time for talking is now over Ron stop trying to destroy the club .You are like a small child .Cant get what you want so you stamp your feet .Someone some where is going to sort this mess out that you and you alone have created .Ron your mother created a monster you are it .So grow up and sign the contacts And move on to making your millons from fossetts farm . And leave rootshall for good .
Only one way to fight an embargo - with an embargo.

Admittedly it’s a lot easier on the ear at 930am unless you’re currently in ToTS, Zero 6, Rain or that great alternative if you’ve been refused entry everywhere else, Chester’s, crammed full of rejected men and under age women. Yes I know they’ve all gone I’m having a mini mid life crisis 😀

Ah but what good memories though!!
Your trust in the politicians is admirable…I would trust neither party. But if you trust the politicians can we have a chat about a bridge I have for sale? Trust none of them. They all want to avoid blame, what they need is all to feel the heat. Automatically blaming Ron is entirely understandable but risks giving those every bit as unreliable a free pass…and that’s unwise
I'm not trusting politicians. I'm pointing out the process could have started months ago.
And if without sufficient commitment from SBC the charge holders on RH won’t transfer the charge or the development backers won’t provide funds to satisfy the charge?
But whatever assurance they give won't be enough unless it's legally binding, and I don't believe the council can promise that without a full council meeting.

Moreover, even if the council agrees, he then has the worry that he might not get planning permission. So is he going to then make us wait until he's submitted plans and got them approved?

At some point he needs to take a leap of faith.
Until some people on here open their view that it isnt always Ron with the issues we arent going to get anywhere.

Ron is a leach and has been killing us for years but for gods sake guys pull your heads out the sand and understand that it isnt just Ron causing issues and isnt just him who has contributed to us getting to this stage (albeit Ron is the biggest issue).

I dont know how many more times some people need to be told by consortium members etc that the council are the ones holding this up on this occasion and not Ron. We can all go and protest at Rons but is that going to achieve anything if the issue is on the council side?

The council are useless with everything. None of them can tell the difference between their arse and their elbow and Anna's recent update appears to show that she hasnt got an idea what is going on at the moment fully. Matt Dent for example made a comment the other day which showed he clearly wasnt aware of what was going on. Anna's comments today - are they correct or wide of the mark? The difference in comments from different parties is so different yet I would much rather believe the man in charge of the consortium who must clearly hate Ron over politicians who arent involved much at all with them.

For those of you that want to take action (and I fully agree with the reasons behind it) then it needs to be aimed at the correct people. The hatred for Ron is the same as Man Utd fans hatred to the Glazers which means that anyone else not pulling their weight gets a free ride (Erik Ten Haag) but in our case the people who have always had a free ride is the council. They are constant failures like Ron.

May I suggest protests alternatively at council offices and Rons house so they are both getting it?

I know I will get shot down by the usual suspects but everyone needs to take a step back and look at what is happening and what key people are saying is going on.

For the record I personally think Ron wants something in writing from the council around moving the properties over to Fossetts and the council are getting cold feet about doing this. They are a catastrophic failure with almost every large project they have any involvement with like Ron.
Curious on what people base their actions or proposed actions of protest. The phrase "personally I think" (and similar by others) does not equate to known truth and reality. Like many on here (me included) we all have our own opinions and our own take on what's happening.

For some there seems to be a need to rehearse the outcome and then determine action on the basis of what they have rehearsed. We could all be SO wide of the mark, and then some may have a grain of truth...who really knows? But I guess it all provides opportunity to bash individuals and groups and makes us feel better having done so. For the sake of all our mental health.... perhaps we could tone back the rhetoric, and the rehearsals. Take a more pragmatic view, and chill a bit? Just a suggestion from someone who wants the best for the club and the supporters, the players and the managing staff (who must feel it even more than we do).
But whatever assurance they give won't be enough unless it's legally binding, and I don't believe the council can promise that without a full council meeting.

Moreover, even if the council agrees, he then has the worry that he might not get planning permission. So is he going to then make us wait until he's submitted plans and got them approved?

At some point he needs to take a leap of faith.
This is where my thoughts sit.

The council absolutely cannot give any legally-binding assurances as that circumvents the planning process, for which they would be guilty of gross misconduct in office.

This is where I'm shaking my head at people cutting Ron some slack here. If he's trying to squeeze more money out of them on rental agreements, land transactions, etc., especially when there are already some verbal agreements in place, then that's ****ty but par for the course for the Martins and hopefully rectifiable.

If he is expecting them to do something that they realistically and legally cannot do, and I'm sure he knows it, then I don't know what to say.

As you say, he has to take a leap of faith. The change to the plans aren't huge (different market conditions though), and the Council want this development - and relatively quickly. They've bent over backwards for him. Now is the time to take it or leave it.
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This is where my thoughts sit.

The council absolutely cannot give any legally-binding assurances as that circumvents the planning process, for which they would be guilty of gross misconduct in office.

This is where I'm shaking my head at people cutting Ron some slack here. If he's trying to squeeze more money out of them on rental agreements, land transactions, etc., especially when there are already some verbal agreements in place, then that's ****ty but par for the course for the Martins and hopefully rectifiable.

If he is expecting them to do something that they realistically and legally cannot do, and I'm sure he knows it, then I don't know what to say.

As you say, he has to take a leap of faith. The change to the plans aren't huge (different market conditions though), and the Council want this development - and relatively quickly. They've bent over backwards for him. Now is the time to take it or leave it.
Fully Agree,
This is where my thoughts sit.

The council absolutely cannot give any legally-binding assurances as that circumvents the planning process, for which they would be guilty of gross misconduct in office.

This is where I'm shaking my head at people cutting Ron some slack here. If he's trying to squeeze more money out of them on rental agreements, land transactions, etc., especially when there are already some verbal agreements in place, then that's ****ty but par for the course for the Martins and hopefully rectifiable.

If he is expecting them to do something that they realistically and legally cannot do, and I'm sure he knows it, then I don't know what to say.

As you say, he has to take a leap of faith. The change to the plans aren't huge (different market conditions though), and the Council want this development - and relatively quickly. They've bent over backwards for him. Now is the time to take it or leave it.
This. The man needs an ultimatum.

Brinkmanship is all he knows and and all he's ever done. Give him an inch and he'll take the p****

Take it or leave it rat. None of us condone it but if he leaves it, I'm sure the protests against him would be very ugly.
Has or have not .1 Has the council approved houses and a stadium to be built on fossetts .2 If so how many homes have been approved as well as the stadium .So is planning has brrn approved surly ron can fet on with it .Then go for a plan for the extra 500 homes at a later date .From what i have read write or wrong .That the martins stand to get millons of pounds without the 500 homes .So if so it shows to me that the martin clan are just greedy barsteds .
Until some people on here open their view that it isnt always Ron with the issues we arent going to get anywhere.

Ron is a leach and has been killing us for years but for gods sake guys pull your heads out the sand and understand that it isnt just Ron causing issues and isnt just him who has contributed to us getting to this stage (albeit Ron is the biggest issue).

I dont know how many more times some people need to be told by consortium members etc that the council are the ones holding this up on this occasion and not Ron. We can all go and protest at Rons but is that going to achieve anything if the issue is on the council side?

The council are useless with everything. None of them can tell the difference between their arse and their elbow and Anna's recent update appears to show that she hasnt got an idea what is going on at the moment fully. Matt Dent for example made a comment the other day which showed he clearly wasnt aware of what was going on. Anna's comments today - are they correct or wide of the mark? The difference in comments from different parties is so different yet I would much rather believe the man in charge of the consortium who must clearly hate Ron over politicians who arent involved much at all with them.

For those of you that want to take action (and I fully agree with the reasons behind it) then it needs to be aimed at the correct people. The hatred for Ron is the same as Man Utd fans hatred to the Glazers which means that anyone else not pulling their weight gets a free ride (Erik Ten Haag) but in our case the people who have always had a free ride is the council. They are constant failures like Ron.

May I suggest protests alternatively at council offices and Rons house so they are both getting it?

I know I will get shot down by the usual suspects but everyone needs to take a step back and look at what is happening and what key people are saying is going on.

For the record I personally think Ron wants something in writing from the council around moving the properties over to Fossetts and the council are getting cold feet about doing this. They are a catastrophic failure with almost every large project they have any involvement with like Ron.

Great post but sadly will be completely ignored by some as I doesn't fit their personal agenda.

I have spoke to a consortium member and he confirmed that its over one issue between Ron and SBC. Its going back and forth but he made it sound more Council than Ron.

Having had business dealing with both I certainly would trust the council anymore than Ron.....At least with Ron you know what's coming.

The good news is they are raring to go and have a plan on the redevelopment. West and North with more corporate etc.Then demolish and rebuild the East.

They are all successful business men so are used to setbacks. So the fans who are chucking teddy in the corner will just have to trust them.......We don't have a choice anyway.
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Yesterday was one of the saddest days and also one of the proudest of supporting SUFC. 12 players, 5 of which I think are non contract, Ralph, Bridge, Brooklyn, Martin, Vilhette and yet they played like it really mattered to them and understood everything Kev says about playing for the shirt and what it means to play for us. All the while Ron sits back and lets the consortium pay the wages while he waits for the Council to dot every i and cross every T on his huge pot of cash.

Enough is enough - it could well be that at some point over next week or so, we won’t be able to field 11 players.

The national league seem intent on screwing us.

Time for footballs to be thrown on the pitch to signify disgust at the national league?
Yes sorry Liam, we spoke with him at the bar after the meeting and he shared a few things with us one of which was all is good to go just need the council to get their act together. Believe he said that to a few and JR said today also. So some mixed messages coming across at the moment … not fir the first time
You see he could be telling it as he thinks it is. Lets say him and the consortium have done all they can, and the final hurdles are between the Council and Ron. Justin phones Ron, and asks, ''How's it going Ron''? ''What's the hold up''? Ron says, ''It's the Council delaying things now''. But greedy Ron doesn't tell Justin that he's asked for more, more than the Council can really give.
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