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The State of Roots Hall

did anyone ask Tom why PG Tips are stalling over the shirt sponsorship, after all he does work for them?
Did anyone ask KM if he talks to Ron about paying HMRC quick to lift embargo?
Kev should be kicking Ron’s door down
We have so many great people associated with this club. TL putting his hand in his pocket and cutting the grass at night, coaching staff that are working in an impossible situation, players that have tried to remain loyal before having to move on and others that are still with us, staff that have gone unpaid for months and amazing fans that have protested, helped sort out Roots Hall and supported the club at home and away in great numbers despite the **** show.

There's just one reason and one reason alone why our club is on its knees. Ron Martin.

How shameful.

Living overseas, I haven't been able to do my bit, and that has been so frustrating.
I thanked Kev today for hanging in there. What a top man he is. Tom has been amazing. Even his family were there today helping out. It was the Shrimpers family at its best and endorsing how much we all love OUR club.
Brilliant well done to all who helped today. Unfortunately just too far to go for me. However, just a thought could we not encourage people to take home their own rubbish, rather than leave it behind. Might help a little and every little helps. Little bits of food left will only further encourage foxes and vermin. Only a thought.
We left them the burgers out to frighten them away.. :Winking:
Just home from RH. Inspired my how many people turned up, believe around 165 which is a great effort but really could have done with more. I worked in the NB. Cleaning seats and sweeping that area. My thoughts on what I saw and heard:

Firstly had no idea until close up how bad the ground really is. Walls cracked and brick work falling apart, broken seats, issues with drainage and gutters. Dressing rooms both home and away were embarrassingly dirty and run down. So many broken signs and paint peeling and flaking allover the stadium. Numerous advertising boards broken or missing. It really is very very sad to see how it’s been left. In the medical room there is one bed and that’s all but on the side 6/7 plates knives and forks presumably left over from last season.

The pitch is horrendous. Stood and spoke with Kev for some time and he said it’s not playable at the moment or would be a risk to play on it. From a distance it looks ok but close up the grass hasn’t knitted together and there is a lot of sand visible. Kev said players would lose their footing and risk injury and with an already depleted squad he wouldn’t want to take the risk. There are also fox holes all over the pitch, sone a foot deep. I counted at least 10 holes including 3 in the NB penalty area. Kev said he would obvs rather play at home next Saturday but not if the pitch stays like this and if an option would accept playing away instead

Henry Sandat- Kev said we wanted to keep him and he would have got a lot of game time but Henry wanted to test himself higher up. Kev also said that Henry’s agent also wanted him to stay as thought his development would be better staying here playing mens football rather than go to Hull and play u21 etc. apparently he has been offered £1200 a week which we couldn’t match

Kev said the team spirit as always is good and better since they’ve been kicking a ball and playing some games. The first month of the season will be like pre season for us but does feel we can still be competitive with the squad we have as long as we don’t pick up injuries. Said he hears nothing from above so no idea what the next few weeks have in store and for him it’s about working with what we have and getting prepared the best we can. His understanding is we can’t use youth players in the 16 unless registered, but we can only register 16 players so no idea how that would work. If someone gets injured they would get unregistered and someone else registered in their place I assume

But all in all he was in good spirits and thanked us all for being there

Spoke to TL as well. Said we do have a safety cert but needs it be to retained, guess that’s what tomrow is all about. Said that tickets aren’t on sale for Oldham yet as no point until we know if the game will go ahead and where it will be played.

Said contrary to SM posts he wasn’t mowing the pitch at 10pm the other night but has been doing other work around the ground. Obvs said nothing re Ron or any potential takeover. He, his wife and kids were all there mucking in today

Spoke to Anna Firth who was also there getting her hands dirty. She said the Kimura really is a write off, they don’t have the funds to buy the club, so at least RM wasn’t lying about that when he said they can’t afford it. Is aware of potential other bidders but she isn’t involved or had contact. She is working hard with the council and the trust trying to work some solution short term. But it’s clear she isn’t in it for the publicity and is passionate about helping the club etc

So it’s been quite a day but so much more to do around the ground. Met some workers, non Southend fans, who were jet washing areas of seating and terrace that have offered a couple more days to assist. I believe other work will continue this week.

If I was a betting man I would doubt the game can be played at RH next week, the pitch is simply not ready. What the consequence of this will be is a guessing game in itself

Anyway hope that’s helped people get an idea of the current situ


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Just home from RH. Inspired my how many people turned up, believe around 165 which is a great effort but really could have done with more. I worked in the NB. Cleaning seats and sweeping that area. My thoughts on what I saw and heard:

Firstly had no idea until close up how bad the ground really is. Walls cracked and brick work falling apart, broken seats, issues with drainage and gutters. Dressing rooms both home and away were embarrassingly dirty and run down. So many broken signs and paint peeling and flaking allover the stadium. Numerous advertising boards broken or missing. It really is very very sad to see how it’s been left. In the medical room there is one bed and that’s all but on the side 6/7 plates knives and forks presumably left over from last season.

The pitch is horrendous. Stood and spoke with Kev for some time and he said it’s not playable at the moment or would be a risk to play on it. From a distance it looks ok but close up the grass hasn’t knitted together and there is a lot of sand visible. Kev said players would lose their footing and risk injury and with an already depleted squad he wouldn’t want to take the risk. There are also fox holes all over the pitch, sone a foot deep. I counted at least 10 holes including 3 in the NB penalty area. Kev said he would obvs rather play at home next Saturday but not if the pitch stays like this and if an option would accept playing away instead

Henry Sandat- Kev said we wanted to keep him and he would have got a lot of game time but Henry wanted to test himself higher up. Kev also said that Henry’s agent also wanted him to stay as thought his development would be better staying here playing mens football rather than go to Hull and play u21 etc. apparently he has been offered £1200 a week which we couldn’t match

Kev said the team spirit as always is good and better since they’ve been kicking a ball and playing some games. The first month of the season will be like pre season for us but does feel we can still be competitive with the squad we have as long as we don’t pick up injuries. Said he hears nothing from above so no idea what the next few weeks have in store and for him it’s about working with what we have and getting prepared the best we can. His understanding is we can’t use youth players in the 16 unless registered, but we can only register 16 players so no idea how that would work. If someone gets injured they would get unregistered and someone else registered in their place I assume

But all in all he was in good spirits and thanked us all for being there

Spoke to TL as well. Said we do have a safety cert but needs it be to retained, guess that’s what tomrow is all about. Said that tickets aren’t on sale for Oldham yet as no point until we know if the game will go ahead and where it will be played.

Said contrary to SM posts he wasn’t mowing the pitch at 10pm the other night but has been doing other work around the ground. Obvs said nothing re Ron or any potential takeover. He, his wife and kids were all there mucking in today

Spoke to Anna Firth who was also there getting her hands dirty. She said the Kimura really is a write off, they don’t have the funds to buy the club, so at least RM wasn’t lying about that when he said they can’t afford it. Is aware of potential other bidders but she isn’t involved or had contact. She is working hard with the council and the trust trying to work some solution short term. But it’s clear she isn’t in it for the publicity and is passionate about helping the club etc

So it’s been quite a day but so much more to do around the ground. Met some workers, non Southend fans, who were jet washing areas of seating and terrace that have offered a couple more days to assist. I believe other work will continue this week.

If I was a betting man I would doubt the game can be played at RH next week, the pitch is simply not ready. What the consequence of this will be is a guessing game in itself

Anyway hope that’s helped people get an idea of the current situ
Two things stand out from this. One .. we have amazing fans who care about the club and community. Any prospective owner or investor MUST see this and be encouraged by it. Two .. how the hell has our ground been allowed to have got into this awful, dishevelled state. It’s heartbreaking.
Brilliant well done to all who helped today. Unfortunately just too far to go for me. However, just a thought could we not encourage people to take home their own rubbish, rather than leave it behind. Might help a little and every little helps. Little bits of food left will only further encourage foxes and vermin. Only a thought.
What about volunteers or security staff holding black sacks at the exits where fans can put their rubbish. Works well at the Odeon. I used the East toilets. We do need a harpic and bleach partner as they are called these days. Really amazing how quickly Mother Nature takes over when things are left. Tremendous effort from everyone.
Just home from RH. Inspired my how many people turned up, believe around 165 which is a great effort but really could have done with more. I worked in the NB. Cleaning seats and sweeping that area. My thoughts on what I saw and heard:

Firstly had no idea until close up how bad the ground really is. Walls cracked and brick work falling apart, broken seats, issues with drainage and gutters. Dressing rooms both home and away were embarrassingly dirty and run down. So many broken signs and paint peeling and flaking allover the stadium. Numerous advertising boards broken or missing. It really is very very sad to see how it’s been left. In the medical room there is one bed and that’s all but on the side 6/7 plates knives and forks presumably left over from last season.

The pitch is horrendous. Stood and spoke with Kev for some time and he said it’s not playable at the moment or would be a risk to play on it. From a distance it looks ok but close up the grass hasn’t knitted together and there is a lot of sand visible. Kev said players would lose their footing and risk injury and with an already depleted squad he wouldn’t want to take the risk. There are also fox holes all over the pitch, sone a foot deep. I counted at least 10 holes including 3 in the NB penalty area. Kev said he would obvs rather play at home next Saturday but not if the pitch stays like this and if an option would accept playing away instead

Henry Sandat- Kev said we wanted to keep him and he would have got a lot of game time but Henry wanted to test himself higher up. Kev also said that Henry’s agent also wanted him to stay as thought his development would be better staying here playing mens football rather than go to Hull and play u21 etc. apparently he has been offered £1200 a week which we couldn’t match

Kev said the team spirit as always is good and better since they’ve been kicking a ball and playing some games. The first month of the season will be like pre season for us but does feel we can still be competitive with the squad we have as long as we don’t pick up injuries. Said he hears nothing from above so no idea what the next few weeks have in store and for him it’s about working with what we have and getting prepared the best we can. His understanding is we can’t use youth players in the 16 unless registered, but we can only register 16 players so no idea how that would work. If someone gets injured they would get unregistered and someone else registered in their place I assume

But all in all he was in good spirits and thanked us all for being there

Spoke to TL as well. Said we do have a safety cert but needs it be to retained, guess that’s what tomrow is all about. Said that tickets aren’t on sale for Oldham yet as no point until we know if the game will go ahead and where it will be played.

Said contrary to SM posts he wasn’t mowing the pitch at 10pm the other night but has been doing other work around the ground. Obvs said nothing re Ron or any potential takeover. He, his wife and kids were all there mucking in today

Spoke to Anna Firth who was also there getting her hands dirty. She said the Kimura really is a write off, they don’t have the funds to buy the club, so at least RM wasn’t lying about that when he said they can’t afford it. Is aware of potential other bidders but she isn’t involved or had contact. She is working hard with the council and the trust trying to work some solution short term. But it’s clear she isn’t in it for the publicity and is passionate about helping the club etc

So it’s been quite a day but so much more to do around the ground. Met some workers, non Southend fans, who were jet washing areas of seating and terrace that have offered a couple more days to assist. I believe other work will continue this week.

If I was a betting man I would doubt the game can be played at RH next week, the pitch is simply not ready. What the consequence of this will be is a guessing game in itself

Anyway hope that’s helped people get an idea of the current situ
So. Back to square one re new buyer.. we don't know if anyone else is a real option and how far along they are. Sad and depressing state of affairs. Reading about the state of the place, we don't have a home either way.. disgusting situation to be in. Ron, only you to blame. Your pride is bigger than your ego. Rubbish.
Just home from RH. Inspired my how many people turned up, believe around 165 which is a great effort but really could have done with more. I worked in the NB. Cleaning seats and sweeping that area. My thoughts on what I saw and heard:

Firstly had no idea until close up how bad the ground really is. Walls cracked and brick work falling apart, broken seats, issues with drainage and gutters. Dressing rooms both home and away were embarrassingly dirty and run down. So many broken signs and paint peeling and flaking allover the stadium. Numerous advertising boards broken or missing. It really is very very sad to see how it’s been left. In the medical room there is one bed and that’s all but on the side 6/7 plates knives and forks presumably left over from last season.

The pitch is horrendous. Stood and spoke with Kev for some time and he said it’s not playable at the moment or would be a risk to play on it. From a distance it looks ok but close up the grass hasn’t knitted together and there is a lot of sand visible. Kev said players would lose their footing and risk injury and with an already depleted squad he wouldn’t want to take the risk. There are also fox holes all over the pitch, sone a foot deep. I counted at least 10 holes including 3 in the NB penalty area. Kev said he would obvs rather play at home next Saturday but not if the pitch stays like this and if an option would accept playing away instead

Henry Sandat- Kev said we wanted to keep him and he would have got a lot of game time but Henry wanted to test himself higher up. Kev also said that Henry’s agent also wanted him to stay as thought his development would be better staying here playing mens football rather than go to Hull and play u21 etc. apparently he has been offered £1200 a week which we couldn’t match

Kev said the team spirit as always is good and better since they’ve been kicking a ball and playing some games. The first month of the season will be like pre season for us but does feel we can still be competitive with the squad we have as long as we don’t pick up injuries. Said he hears nothing from above so no idea what the next few weeks have in store and for him it’s about working with what we have and getting prepared the best we can. His understanding is we can’t use youth players in the 16 unless registered, but we can only register 16 players so no idea how that would work. If someone gets injured they would get unregistered and someone else registered in their place I assume

But all in all he was in good spirits and thanked us all for being there

Spoke to TL as well. Said we do have a safety cert but needs it be to retained, guess that’s what tomrow is all about. Said that tickets aren’t on sale for Oldham yet as no point until we know if the game will go ahead and where it will be played.

Said contrary to SM posts he wasn’t mowing the pitch at 10pm the other night but has been doing other work around the ground. Obvs said nothing re Ron or any potential takeover. He, his wife and kids were all there mucking in today

Spoke to Anna Firth who was also there getting her hands dirty. She said the Kimura really is a write off, they don’t have the funds to buy the club, so at least RM wasn’t lying about that when he said they can’t afford it. Is aware of potential other bidders but she isn’t involved or had contact. She is working hard with the council and the trust trying to work some solution short term. But it’s clear she isn’t in it for the publicity and is passionate about helping the club etc

So it’s been quite a day but so much more to do around the ground. Met some workers, non Southend fans, who were jet washing areas of seating and terrace that have offered a couple more days to assist. I believe other work will continue this week.

If I was a betting man I would doubt the game can be played at RH next week, the pitch is simply not ready. What the consequence of this will be is a guessing game in itself

Anyway hope that’s helped people get an idea of the current situ
That pitch is absolutely embarrassing and no surprise Kev doesn’t want any of the lads playing on it.

Genuinely, a lot of Essex Senior pitches are better. Absolutely disgraceful yet again. But not a surprise as again it was left far too late and not enough money provided by the owner to do even a semi decent job.

Looks like it needs a fair bit of work next week to get it playable. I imagine Oldham and their officials won’t be happy with it either. For many reasons, the game needs switching In my opinion. But that’s down to the authorities to decide tomorrow.
I can't stand tories.
However credit where its due she has at least raised our case in Parliament tried to do bits....could have done naff all.
I’m the same as you but seeing her with a mop & bucket going round helping this morning and talking to her she does care about our club she was getting stuck in doing anything and apparently tried to get BBC east to come down this morning but they wouldn’t,but next time she will have my vote
Braintree was mentioned on an Oldham site as an alternative to a reversed fixture . Don't know where that suggestion came from although they are away next Saturday.
Braintree was mentioned on an Oldham site as an alternative to a reversed fixture . Don't know where that suggestion came from although they are away next Saturday.
I have heard that too.Not sure how it would work with the capacity etc.Also many season ticket holders will have paid for a seat but would end up having to stand