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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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Why is an MP, a man with no selling experience of a football club or the potential grounds for a stadium, now the middle man? We have a football agency brokering the deal no? Every piece of information that comes out baffles me even more.
Election next year…
If he now wants to sell Roots Hall, why?
Would this mean he still has to build a stadium at Fossetts as per planning permission, but the new owners have a right to stay at Roots Hall, the new stadium will be empty . The money raised from the sale of Roots Hall gives him funds to start the build at Fossetts? If the club then decide to move to the new stadium what then happens at Root Hall?
On another planet isnt he.

Waving at people honking. Going to pick up a ron out banner that flew away.

Away with the fairies.

Well done the people questioning him.
A few interesting things said here. Well done the protest group for getting their early doors, before he shot off around 9:30am.

Some very interesting stuff . Always difficult for the fans to step in as interviewers with the focus and structure to get all the questions answered. And there are always some of the misconceptions like the nonsense about new debt being placed on the club when the charges were recently applied by group companies. But he stood there for 15 mins and in the end all of the right questions (or most of them) were asked.
I think hiding behind NDA is also exploded by the interview there. Nothing to stop Kimura responding.
So Ron is saying the club is available fore £1 with the outstanding debt figure being £2.5m. Kimura are now offered RH free of rent for 3 years and then they can buy after 3 years (we don’t know price for RH)
Or they can buy new stadium (presumably the 16k) for £15m (on the face of it an attractive price)
Hopefully we will get further clarity on Mon from Ron side. And hopefully clarity from Kimura as to what they want to buy. Rumour on here says they want the old 21k plans- so perhaps neither of the above- which might be the problem. And the interview didn’t really get into why he can’t still build that. If the change to 16k was to keep to the budget, the presumably if Kimura fund the delta then it could still be built.
So that would be £1 for club, £2.5m club debt, then £15m plus the 16k to 21k delta for the new stadium?
What would that delta be?
We should look for award to clear statements from Ron and Kimura on Monday at which point lock them in a room with the lawyers, and don’t let them out until done.
5 days to get it done..

PS if they buy RH how does that affect FF stadium? No way will there be the possibility of ending up with both stadiums and an empty FF stadium. So either Kimura would commit to staying and developing RH or commit to exiting RH and moving to FF when built. If former presumably the FF stadium would be replaced by more housing???

We need answers and now no NDA should stop some clarity from both sides..
Selling RH is a change from the position in March though. I thought it was the club and ideally the new stadium, FF already has planning for a stadium and RH for residential.

If RH is now the only part of the deal no wonder things have stalled that is a massive u turn and one which doesn’t seem, on the face of it, correct
Selling RH is a change from the position in March though. I thought it was the club and ideally the new stadium, FF already has planning for a stadium and RH for residential.

If RH is now the only part of the deal no wonder things have stalled that is a massive u turn and one which doesn’t seem, on the face of it, correct
By 'offering Roots Hall' as he describes, I think he meant lease rather than purchase?
Selling RH is a change from the position in March though. I thought it was the club and ideally the new stadium, FF already has planning for a stadium and RH for residential.

If RH is now the only part of the deal no wonder things have stalled that is a massive u turn and one which doesn’t seem, on the face of it, correct
My understanding is kimura want it all… and have always wanted it all… the stumbling blocks were or are Ron not budging on the original terms agreed, and Ron doubts that’s once ff is built would kimura have the money to pay for it, if they didn’t where would that leave Ron? I don’t know but that’s my understanding .. hopefully things can turn for us all soon
Selling RH is a change from the position in March though. I thought it was the club and ideally the new stadium, FF already has planning for a stadium and RH for residential.

If RH is now the only part of the deal no wonder things have stalled that is a massive u turn and one which doesn’t seem, on the face of it, correct
No- he said Kimura could buy the FF stadium for £15m but then suggested they can’t afford it (doubt that more likely they only want the stadium that has pp and that will be £15m and the extra it costs Ron. And it’s that they might not like. Seems FF stadiums would be subject to stage payment so not all up front?)
He is now saying OK you don’t want to buy the new stadium I will sell you RH? Calling bluff? Genuine alternative? We weren’t told what the sales price of RH would be?Less than the £15m?
Kimura at this point needs to be clear about what they want to buy? They may have been with Ron , but now is the time to be open about it?
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A few interesting things said here. Well done the protest group for getting there early doors, before he shot off around 9:30am.

I'm no psychologist, but it is very telling that he stands on his lawn, a foot or two above the supporters. In his mind it's him looking down at the plebs, and more so the plebs having to look up at him in adulation.
I find it interesting that he mentions two other bidders....one of which seems to be at the forefront of his mind, with the other almost an afterthought.
He mentioned that "the other party don't want FF"....but of course we don't know which one that is.
It's been mentioned both on here and to me privately that Kimura won't be our eventual owners and that Ron has used them as a smokescreen and to secure a previous adjournment.
A very interesting (and worrying) week lies ahead.
You can call me Stan, firstly.

Secondly, there are no NDA's restricting me from saying anything.

Thirdly, since Ron's statement saying he's selling the club, nobody in the football department knows any privileged information about anything bar TL, as CEO. And the football department is clear that a running commentary on anything isn't forthcoming, nor should be.

Kev and the coaches will be given information on a "need to know" basis, just like every other coach of the club in the last 20 years. Ron owns the club and I would have thought that every single person reading this understands that Ron makes arbitrary decisions. If you don't understand this, I'll write 1467865322 examples down for you.

If you want my personal opinion on anything, I'll keep it very simple. The football department created a very good system to recruit football players, good football players were recruited, team was competitive as a consequence and that was obvious in style and substance. All of that good work due to an embargo is going to waste on a daily basis.

There is zero value in me standing outside Ron's house in solidarity because I currently have a role at the club. So my personal feelings of support and frustration are meaningless.

If you all want me to stand down, I'll do it this evening, because some of the vitriol aimed at me is nothing short of a disgrace and to be frank only aimed at me because I'm the most contactable.

If ex players like me gave as much of a care as I do, maybe much of the malaise of recent years wouldn't have happened, but nobody did stand up until having watched an omnishambles against Chesterfield I banged on Ron's door to offer help to the club. "He bought Tom and the coaches in but has done little else " isn't only factually incorrect but a direct insult to someone who has only EVER served the club well.

I know nothing.
I have been told nothing.
The football department whatsapp group is repleat with targets lost.
Commercial partners who've contacted me only want to sponsor when the situation is clear.

I understand the frustration of everyone. This is my club too.

But I don't update anything because this club is not functioning as a club. It functions as the owner's club with TL only privy to "some" of the ongoing situation. TL, who on more than a few occasions has literally stopped bailiffs, water and electricity companies calling in debts.

When I hear something, I'll pass it on to those amongst the supporter base who trust me and I trust them. As I've done from day one.

Finally, adjust your tone. Remember who you're taking to and ask "has this guy with a 30 year association with this club, deserve to be aggressively questioned ".

The answer is no.

Stan Collymore.

Please dont leave!

99.9% of decent people fron our fan base and beyond, know you are better off inside the club for the duration rather than outside Ron's house for a couple of hours!

I am certain that you, TL, Kevin, the backroom staff, the players and club employees are all as in the dark as we are, and probably even more frustrated by the shenanigans! And of course, you cannot say anything about this either! I stand with you, and support your stance on this!

Keep up the good work, as i am sure it is still going on, despite the s***show that is going on!
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