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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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By 'offering Roots Hall' as he describes, I think he meant lease rather than purchase?
Yeah, he's selling a lease agreement. Not a chance in hell hell outright sell RH/the land as the potential housing on it is worth £90m to him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand the active planning permission for Roots Hall expires in December.

Perhaps we should be lobbying the council for it not to be a formality that the planning permission is extended. Put his Roots Hall windfall at risk to squeeze him to do right by the club?
My understanding is kimura want it all… and have always wanted it all… the stumbling blocks were or are Ron not budging on the original terms agreed, and Ron doubts that’s once ff is built would kimura have the money to pay for it, if they didn’t where would that leave Ron? I don’t know but that’s my understanding .. hopefully things can turn for us all soon
Hopefully it is now very easy for Kimura to come out and say so.
Ron may have doubts about Kimura’s ability to pay for the most expensive option. That would be valid if Kimura were wanting to pay for the stadium only after it is all built? If they then couldn’t pay Ron would have a far bigger stadium than under the new plans at far more cost and who does buy it? Kimura would be providing proof of funds for 3 years down the line not now- and it’s not likely they will put the funds in escrow!!! The logical approach is for Kimura to pay staged payments as the build progresses. That seems a sensible “shared risk” approach? Meanwhile RH free of rent?
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Yeah, he's selling a lease agreement. Not a chance in hell hell outright sell RH/the land as the potential housing on it is worth £90m to him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand the active planning permission for Roots Hall expires in December.

Perhaps we should be lobbying the council for it not to be a formality that the planning permission is extended. Put his Roots Hall windfall at risk to squeeze him to do right by the club?
Good idea. @jphfitz another route of action to consider perhaps?
My thoughts on all this its time Kimura came clean and told everyone what the truth is , if there are a 2nd and 3rd party it is also time they also spoke up and said there piece , time to put the supporters at ease with whats happening , f**k NDAs they have already been broken . Do the proper and right thing let the supporters know the truth ,and the same goes for you RM . Personally im sick and tired of all the b8LLS88t.
I find it interesting that he mentions two other bidders....one of which seems to be at the forefront of his mind, with the other almost an afterthought.
He mentioned that "the other party don't want FF"....but of course we don't know which one that is.
It's been mentioned both on here and to me privately that Kimura won't be our eventual owners and that Ron has used them as a smokescreen and to secure a previous adjournment.
A very interesting (and worrying) week lies ahead.
Well he mentioned the other party as a “person”. So an individual or perhaps “investor” who only want the club. I don’t believe these options are preferred even if they are real in “a limited and specific way”. It suits Ron to be able to suggest a competitive situation. Lots have things have been mentioned & rumoured, often mutually exclusive information…. His reference to other buyers is half hearted at best…. Times running out for games…
Yeah, he's selling a lease agreement. Not a chance in hell hell outright sell RH/the land as the potential housing on it is worth £90m to him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand the active planning permission for Roots Hall expires in December.

Perhaps we should be lobbying the council for it not to be a formality that the planning permission is extended. Put his Roots Hall windfall at risk to squeeze him to do right by the club?
He definitely says to sell here. Whether it’s more Ron Con, who knows. If he needs money up front in lieu of a stadium being built, then “give me £15m for roots hall and this swaps to the new stadium in 2026 when built” seems like a potential bridge.
Believe me if this carries on much longer i will absolutely lose my love for the club and just close everything and never be heard from again, personally i know probably more than 99% of you what depression can do havent suffered it for so may years , I truly dont want to go back there again, I say this with tears in my eyes believe it , What this man is doing to many is and shouldnt be allowed .
Yeah, he's selling a lease agreement. Not a chance in hell hell outright sell RH/the land as the potential housing on it is worth £90m to him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand the active planning permission for Roots Hall expires in December.

Perhaps we should be lobbying the council for it not to be a formality that the planning permission is extended. Put his Roots Hall windfall at risk to squeeze him to do right by the club?
Well yet again we don’t know. Offering RH might be a negotiating tactic as well as saying Kimura can’t afford FF. This game could be dispatched very quickly by Kimura confirming what they want to buy.
But as I said originally I would have thought RH with planning was worth more than the cost of the new stadium- now the figure quoted for FF is only £15m even more so…(complicated by possibly wanting bigger stadium option).
BUT don’t forget whilst he would lose the residential on RH how many new units would get built on the FF stadium footprint? Surely that footprint is at least as big as RH???
He definitely says to sell here. Whether it’s more Ron Con, who knows. If he needs money up front in lieu of a stadium being built, then “give me £15m for roots hall and this swaps to the new stadium in 2026 when built” seems like a potential bridge.
We shouldn’t forget RH has charges against it? So he would necessarily get the gross sum? Not sure how the finance flows would happen here..
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There is no way he would not know every word his legal rep had with the potential buyers on Thursday. That’s 4 days ago and he should be on top of every technicality if he is seriously trying to sell the club.
Also his demeanour looked like somebody not really interested or invested in what’s going on.
He’s a proper snake, and as someone looking in without the obvious emotional buyin of you lot, I’m extremely worried for you that he’s just treading water until the league pull the plug. Then it’s someone else’s fault and not his in his mind. I would be pretty sure he has a plan A that is the development of both sites with no football ground anywhere to be seen

Really hope I’ve read him wrong, maybe he’s always that lapsidasical in his communication style
Yeah, he's selling a lease agreement. Not a chance in hell hell outright sell RH/the land as the potential housing on it is worth £90m to him.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand the active planning permission for Roots Hall expires in December.

Perhaps we should be lobbying the council for it not to be a formality that the planning permission is extended. Put his Roots Hall windfall at risk to squeeze him to do right by the club?

Roots Hall planning expires 3 May 2027 - 5 years from date of granting. FF I think was granted in Feb 22 - so expires May 27

As other people have said above we need Kimura to actually come out and say something rather than leaking bits and pieces to people.

If they are after the whole project as mentioned recently then there is no reason for the deal not to be already completed. The extra £1.5M would be nothing compared to the total outlay and it wouldn't matter what stadium was part of the deal as they could just change the plans to suit themselves.
In which case you've probably always been wrong.

I genuinely believe that Ron started with best intentions and still wants to deliver. he wants to finish the job he started as his ego will be massively hit if he fails. But he has run out of money, interest rates are crippling him and he has decided to sell.

For a multitude of reasons that I'm not going to list here, that hasn't happened yet and time is now against us. We need an injection of cash very, very quickly if we are NOT to become like Bury. I frankly don't know where it's going to come from as even if a deal with Kimura was sorted on Monday, I'm not sure there's sufficient time between now and the start of the season for us to clear the debts in order to lift the embargo.

So what may happen is that the club will be expelled from the NL. With no football, Ron may just let the club fold. He then has two major land assets in Roots Hall and Fossets Farm that can be sold to a large developer such as Weston Homes, Wimpey, whoever. By getting the planning consents he has already effectively by-passed the Covenant on RH which says that it can't be demolished until there is another stadium built for the club to play in. The planning consent is granted subject to that.

If the club just ceases to exist, then Ron will just submit a revised planning application. It will be impossible for the Covenant to be adhered to as the football club will have gone under and the council isn't going to let RH become derelict.

It might take a little while but it will almost certainly be quicker than a phoenix club coming through all the levels until it is at a suitable size to play in a big stadium.
Does the covenant say a football stadium - doesn’t specifically say for use by SUFC

Maybe the council new stadium hat the snake may try and this will ensure the city has a stadium for a football team not necessarily SUFC
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