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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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I think the biggest problems is the fans don't know and haven't been included in any debate because of the NDA. Understandable in a way but the outcome has been a lot of posts saying "I think, believe, have heard, someone said etc" Apart from some very good posts about the nature of NDAs and DD we actually know little of what's going on. Aaargh
You would think if they are buying FF “off plan” then it would be a version with planning in place. And they wouldn’t pay up front for the whole stadium but for stages of the build as signed off. Another basis on which Ron might try and spin the haven’t got the money idea- but in fact it’s just good business.

RH is already built hence maybe he now sees that as a way to get the money “up front”. Contractually we have to move out of RH into the new stadium when ready.

It seem to makes sense, at the same time speculation, who knows what is going on in reality….
why would anyone spend money on an empty field ???

it is not a stadium ...

AND if SUFC need a new stadium why do anything connected to the con man and his fantasy ..

and if you want to build new houses why get involved with the con man ?

RM is obviously desperate to con more millions out of the buyers ..

the FF stadium rubbish it has worked well on the supporters so of course he will try it on the buyers ...
I believe the problem here is that Kimura won't buy FF, whether that's because they can't afford it or they don't want to pay now for something that will only exist in 3 years time.

Obviously the cleanest option is that someone buys the whole of all of the developments and Ron cashes out, I doubt pockets are deep enough for that
They want Fossetts. That's how they are going to make themselves and the club some money.

Where the truth probably lies, is that they are likely hesitant to take the new stadium as planned by Ron Martin.

No matter what RM tells anybody, the new stadium is an afterthought tacked onto a housing development. It's enough to fulfill his obligation to provide one and, granted, isn't a cheap 9,000 seater like Wimbledon's. However, as things stand it is still not fully in the best interests of the club.

Anybody dropping £20m-£25m on a stadium will want to be able to maximise its fullest potential, but various things in (or not in) the planning application make it difficult to see how that can be done.

Whether that is naivety on behalf of the Martin's, or oversight, or willful ignorance in an attempt to push it through planning as quickly as possible so they can realise the Roots Hall pot of gold, I don't know.

There is then possibly the issue around money, and apparently around Kimura's source of funds. I was told by their side that proof of funds had been provided and accepted three times, and RM himself told me that he had their funding checked out and it was "all kosher". That matched up so if it's now shaky then I don't know why. Perhaps an investor has pulled our, or they're struggling to get cash up front for the documentary idea.

Some are also saying RM wants new stadium money up front. If that's that case then the goalposts have definitely been moved as I know he was happy for it to be paid in installments over a period of a few years. The money that Kimura were going to be paying immediately was essentially a down-payment perhaps this ties into proof of funds and what Kimura are struggling to provide is proof that they can pay the rest of the money over the time period mooted?

Who knows. So many questions.
They want Fossetts. That's how they are going to make themselves and the club some money.

Where the truth probably lies, is that they are likely hesitant to take the new stadium as planned by Ron Martin.

No matter what RM tells anybody, the new stadium is an afterthought tacked onto a housing development. It's enough to fulfill his obligation to provide one and, granted, isn't a cheap 9,000 seater like Wimbledon's. However, as things stand it is still not fully in the best interests of the club.

Anybody dropping £20m-£25m on a stadium will want to be able to maximise its fullest potential, but various things in (or not in) the planning application make it difficult to see how that can be done.

Whether that is naivety on behalf of the Martin's, or oversight, or willful ignorance in an attempt to push it through planning as quickly as possible so they can realise the Roots Hall pot of gold, I don't know.

There is then possibly the issue around money, and apparently around Kimura's source of funds. I was told by their side that proof of funds had been provided and accepted three times, and RM himself told me that he had their funding checked out and it was "all kosher". That matched up so if it's now shaky then I don't know why. Perhaps an investor has pulled our, or they're struggling to get cash up front for the documentary idea.

Some are also saying RM wants new stadium money up front. If that's that case then the goalposts have definitely been moved as I know he was happy for it to be paid in installments over a period of a few years. The money that Kimura were going to be paying immediately was essentially a down-payment perhaps this ties into proof of funds and what Kimura are struggling to provide is proof that they can pay the rest of the money over the time period mooted?

Who knows. So many questions.
Questions that they can only answer talking to each other frequently. Are they doing that now Medway do you know?
In which case you've probably always been wrong.

I genuinely believe that Ron started with best intentions and still wants to deliver. he wants to finish the job he started as his ego will be massively hit if he fails. But he has run out of money, interest rates are crippling him and he has decided to sell.

For a multitude of reasons that I'm not going to list here, that hasn't happened yet and time is now against us. We need an injection of cash very, very quickly if we are NOT to become like Bury. I frankly don't know where it's going to come from as even if a deal with Kimura was sorted on Monday, I'm not sure there's sufficient time between now and the start of the season for us to clear the debts in order to lift the embargo.

So what may happen is that the club will be expelled from the NL. With no football, Ron may just let the club fold. He then has two major land assets in Roots Hall and Fossets Farm that can be sold to a large developer such as Weston Homes, Wimpey, whoever. By getting the planning consents he has already effectively by-passed the Covenant on RH which says that it can't be demolished until there is another stadium built for the club to play in. The planning consent is granted subject to that.

If the club just ceases to exist, then Ron will just submit a revised planning application. It will be impossible for the Covenant to be adhered to as the football club will have gone under and the council isn't going to let RH become derelict.

It might take a little while but it will almost certainly be quicker than a phoenix club coming through all the levels until it is at a suitable size to play in a big stadium.
You are right from the 1st line down @fbm & probably especially that bit.

Plans, that as far as I know still aren't really approved, can always be amended & resubmitted. As you say it might take a bit of time but from RM's argument he won't need to subsidise SUFC so he'll live of whatever his other income is, wait for a real property developer to come in without the restriction of a ground & won't care at all.

Without SUFC RH will just disintegrate & eventually become a huge eyesore as will B&L. The council will want that resolved & will do what they want. Just happened on a smaller scale over our way with a large house on a big plot that the council originally wanted restored, left empty, eventually became dangerous so now has numerous flats on it.
The word is that Rons wife has really had enough of the whole situation.

I think a big part of him finally wanting to sell is the pressure from family, particularly his wife.

He has definitely been getting grief for all the abuse and protests Infront of the house etc.

So from that perspective, there has been an impact.
Then we need to keep up the pressure

The word is that Rons wife has really had enough of the whole situation.

I think a big part of him finally wanting to sell is the pressure from family, particularly his wife.

He has definitely been getting grief for all the abuse and protests Infront of the house etc.

So from that perspective, there has been an impact.
I can’t imagine his neighbours will be best pleased either. Especially if the club dies and this stuff takes a long time to go away. Their house prices won’t exactly go through the roof with protests every weekend and car horns beeping every few seconds
Some are also saying RM wants new stadium money up front.

This is absolutely bananas if it’s true.

Not only does he want paying for the stadium, which is a joke in itself given how owning Roots Hall, and attaching a new stadium to FF, is enabling him to make a huge amount of cash.
But he also wants someone else to pay for the build, upfront, and probably wants the profit from the sale of the stadium, to be paid up front too.

Has it been established that Ron can’t sell the plans for the stadium build to a buyer?

Surely that would be better for Kimura, assuming they can appoint a developer to handle it?
They want Fossetts. That's how they are going to make themselves and the club some money.

Where the truth probably lies, is that they are likely hesitant to take the new stadium as planned by Ron Martin.

No matter what RM tells anybody, the new stadium is an afterthought tacked onto a housing development. It's enough to fulfill his obligation to provide one and, granted, isn't a cheap 9,000 seater like Wimbledon's. However, as things stand it is still not fully in the best interests of the club.

Anybody dropping £20m-£25m on a stadium will want to be able to maximise its fullest potential, but various things in (or not in) the planning application make it difficult to see how that can be done.

Whether that is naivety on behalf of the Martin's, or oversight, or willful ignorance in an attempt to push it through planning as quickly as possible so they can realise the Roots Hall pot of gold, I don't know.

There is then possibly the issue around money, and apparently around Kimura's source of funds. I was told by their side that proof of funds had been provided and accepted three times, and RM himself told me that he had their funding checked out and it was "all kosher". That matched up so if it's now shaky then I don't know why. Perhaps an investor has pulled our, or they're struggling to get cash up front for the documentary idea.

Some are also saying RM wants new stadium money up front. If that's that case then the goalposts have definitely been moved as I know he was happy for it to be paid in installments over a period of a few years. The money that Kimura were going to be paying immediately was essentially a down-payment perhaps this ties into proof of funds and what Kimura are struggling to provide is proof that they can pay the rest of the money over the time period mooted?

Who knows. So many questions.
I guess the other thing that doesn’t really make much sense is that they seemed to agree a deal. These problems are big ones, but surely 95% done from “wolfy” - wallops on the other side… they must have agreed. Surely DD didn’t uncover that there may be delays in the stadium build. Let’s hope something like kimura get Roots hall as collateral to reduce their risk until the stadium is built will work.
Is there any confirmation of yesterday's rumour that the National League have given us until 28th July to provide assurances?
In which case you've probably always been wrong.

I genuinely believe that Ron started with best intentions and still wants to deliver. he wants to finish the job he started as his ego will be massively hit if he fails. But he has run out of money, interest rates are crippling him and he has decided to sell.

For a multitude of reasons that I'm not going to list here, that hasn't happened yet and time is now against us. We need an injection of cash very, very quickly if we are NOT to become like Bury. I frankly don't know where it's going to come from as even if a deal with Kimura was sorted on Monday, I'm not sure there's sufficient time between now and the start of the season for us to clear the debts in order to lift the embargo.

So what may happen is that the club will be expelled from the NL. With no football, Ron may just let the club fold. He then has two major land assets in Roots Hall and Fossets Farm that can be sold to a large developer such as Weston Homes, Wimpey, whoever. By getting the planning consents he has already effectively by-passed the Covenant on RH which says that it can't be demolished until there is another stadium built for the club to play in. The planning consent is granted subject to that.

If the club just ceases to exist, then Ron will just submit a revised planning application. It will be impossible for the Covenant to be adhered to as the football club will have gone under and the council isn't going to let RH become derelict.

It might take a little while but it will almost certainly be quicker than a phoenix club coming through all the levels until it is at a suitable size to play in a big stadium.
Sometimes, opinions such as this whether realistic or not, are not needed when the morale of supporters is already on the floor.
I’ve always thought the club should have been sold when planning permission for the 21,000 seater stadium was granted. RM said that there were ‘no buyers’. There clearly were. His subsequent unwillingness to sell the club and his diabolical running of the club over the years has led to our almost terminal decline. He has two weeks to get this sorted and he needs to get this over the line before the NL blow the final whistle. We as fans must keep the pressure up and the recent unification of all supporters groups pulling together to arrange yesterdays protest was a necessity. To those who have been in front of a microphone on national tv and radio I salute you. The message is getting out there across the country and all the donations from far and wide to the hardship fund set up for our beleaguered unpaid staff, is much needed and very much welcomed. I’m really hoping their efforts will be recognised at a future game.

We are fast approaching the cliff edge and ONE MAN can prevent it from happening. I hope to God he compromises (a word probably not in his vocabulary) and we see our club, which many of us and our ancestors were following way before RM was around, survives and thrives. We in the meantime have got to keep up the pressure. How that pans out is for the supporters groups to decide. Whatever that is I will be there, and I will never ever forgive what Martin has done to our club.
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