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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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TL is reported to have said outside the court the other day, that he has seen the head of teams sales document of the club to KImura so surely this cant drag on for much longer..🙏

Don't really understand why Kimura haven't released a statement good news or bad.
Its not like we don't know its them buying the club.
I'm being thick but what does this mean exactly please?
So what exactly is Ron selling? The opportunity to buy an insolvent football club haemorrhaging cash for £1, taking on all the debts created by himself, and paying rent to play in a new stadium that he owns? Am I missing something? It’s hardly any surprise Kimura are the ones holding things up if this is the deal Ron has now put on the table.
If, as most now appear to think, RM has spotted his opportunity to make an extra £?m, by reducing the capacity of what was the Hotel Stand, by changing from said hotel to dozens of sardine packed apartments, why cannot an amendment to the plan, completely detaching the stadium from said apartments, now be proposed? It gets the greedy b*st*rd the extra pension he wants and with minor changes, aspect, poitioninig, shape or size, to the stadium plan, could still get close to the 21000 that prospective purchasers of SUFC may prefer.
Just got In from todays protest and well done to all involved as it'll really grind the weasels gears all this.

Kimura need to put out a statement first thing Monday confirming what they've offered, what's actually holding things up and more importantly what that weasel is wanting to sell exactly or else it'll drag on and on, until we're gone and guess who the weasel will blame?,

**** the NDAs, they've been broken many times already from the weasel and probably kimura the fact of the matter is we are running out of time in every sense and need action now.
Just got In from todays protest and well done to all involved as it'll really grind the weasels gears all this.

Kimura need to put out a statement first thing Monday confirming what they've offered, what's actually holding things up and more importantly what that weasel is wanting to sell exactly or else it'll drag on and on, until we're gone and guess who the weasel will blame?,

**** the NDAs, they've been broken many times already from the weasel and probably kimura the fact of the matter is we are running out of time in every sense and need action now.
I'm very much in favour of this stance now. I thought Kimura had handled themselves very well in regards to NDA at this point. A few positive emojis on twitter is hardly breaking ranks. However, they now have to play him at his game. What have they really got to lose? At this point, they haven't concluded the deal whilst acting professionally and respecting what they had agreed. He has decided to come out and state how much it's going to cost so why can't they come out and state what they've bid? He did that to put the pressure on them, they now need to put the pressure on him again.

One thing is for sure, the protest today will massively hit his ego. He won't want it to be a regular occurrence. Let's hope it's turning the screw on him to sell.
Not long back from the protest and good to speak to so many other fans about the situation and visibly everyone it’s at their witts end with it all. Lots of rumours and talk doing the rounds but I just hope this is all over with one way or another soon.
I'm very much in favour of this stance now. I thought Kimura had handled themselves very well in regards to NDA at this point. A few positive emojis on twitter is hardly breaking ranks. However, they now have to play him at his game. What have they really got to lose? At this point, they haven't concluded the deal whilst acting professionally and respecting what they had agreed. He has decided to come out and state how much it's going to cost so why can't they come out and state what they've bid? He did that to put the pressure on them, they now need to put the pressure on him again.

One thing is for sure, the protest today will massively hit his ego. He won't want it to be a regular occurrence. Let's hope it's turning the screw on him to sell.
Totally agree, we need to be outside his house EVERY single Saturday whilst we can't have a team to support due to HIM, and HIM only and with constant pressure from all angles giving him no room to squirm/blame others then just maybe it'll turn the screw.

If not we tried, and I'll be making his life a living hell alongside others so he knows what he's done to our club. We can be his karma by opposing/obstructing everything he does, calling out publicly anyone who does business with him and or so much as makes a penny out of his skullduggery.

The man's an absolute wrongen.
This club means everything to the community. It’s a part of life (huge part in fact). To have this taken away by some con named Ron is appalling. Don’t worry Ron, we’re coming to get OUR club back NOT YOURS, OURS (THE CITY’S)
Define community. If you mean the SUFC community that’s one thing. If you asked the majority of the residents of the Borough they would either gladly see the club go under or not fussed one way or another
Hypothetical question. If we’d scraped through the playoffs last season does anyone know what our position with the FL would be at this point. I’m guessing the rules might be slightly different.
TL is reported to have said outside the court the other day, that he has seen the head of terms sales document of the club to KImura so surely this cant drag on for much longer..🙏

Don't really understand why Kimura haven't released a statement good news or bad.
Its not like we don't know its them buying the club.
sounds positive however does Ron know this? Tom and Ron don’t seem to know what the other is doing at times (if at all)
Hypothetical question. If we’d scraped through the playoffs last season does anyone know what our position with the FL would be at this point. I’m guessing the rules might be slightly different.
there could also be the possibility that, with increased revenue streams and football league status back, Ron could do a U turn and take us back off the market 🤔🤔
You came up with this ages ago. Did you do any research or get anything going or were you relying on others to do it? You needed how many fans to put up 10 grand? I guess you’ve been putting the word out, getting their buy in? Or was that also for others to do….

I suggest you get on the blower to Ron and submit this idea pretty quick, even if it’s on a fag packet - as you’re kinda running out of time.

good stuff .... we are...
The thing that is most annoying is that permission on the Fossetts land is granted because of SUFC. For all the housing. That massively increases the value of the land. Ron needs the club to play in the stadium else it goes back down in value.

What about someone buying just the club - take the 3 year and build a stadium on another piece of greenbelt somewhere. Ron will be royally screwed and this would be very funny.
The thing that is most annoying is that permission on the Fossetts land is granted because of SUFC. For all the housing. That massively increases the value of the land. Ron needs the club to play in the stadium else it goes back down in value.

What about someone buying just the club - take the 3 year and build a stadium on another piece of greenbelt somewhere. Ron will be royally screwed and this would be very funny.
That isn’t a bad shout to be honest. Buy the club have 3 years of rent free at RH while this is happening, buy another bit of land then build a stadium on it. This would end up shafting Ron even more. Or maybe even ground share with another team if we can. Like Coventry and Birmingham.
That isn’t a bad shout to be honest. Buy the club have 3 years of rent free at RH while this is happening, buy another bit of land then build a stadium on it. This would end up shafting Ron even more. Or maybe even ground share with another team if we can. Like Coventry and Birmingham.
It's a nice idea but would the council approve planning permission for it when there is already one in place elsewhere. Also good.luck finding any land big enough at a low price.
It's a nice idea but would the council approve planning permission for it when there is already one in place elsewhere. Also good.luck finding any land big enough at a low price.
I mean if there’s enough bit of land around the Southend area I’m sure they’ll quickly accept the planning permission. Let’s be real but the council doesn’t really like land just being there someone has to do something to it therefore why not find a bit of land to build a new football stadium for Kimura to have? (If they are going to be the new owners)
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