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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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Does that warrant his silence on the matter?

If he is in fear of going against Ron because he will get sacked, someone should tell him that if he says nothing, there will be no job for him. There will be no club to support.
He’s not been silent, he came on a couple of days ago to say he doesn’t know anything about the takeover and explained what he has done re: the things he is responsible for (despite not being paid since October).

Leave him alone, he should not be the target for anyone on here.
Sorry but Stan should be the target. Give him the ball in half an inch of space and let his pace and strength do the rest.

Oh sorry I was reminiscing about the times when people were moaning about a Chairman and then subsequently a Manager.

As sure as eggs is eggs when the good times come again people will find something to moan about. Just look at Premiership fans for that. I’d happily go my entire supporting life seeing us fleetingly grace the second tier just once again.

Top tier English football stinks to high heaven. VAR, egos and the sort of money that makes a laughing stock of the situation we and others like us find ourselves in. Until football is regulated to run like a proper business it won’t change
So does anyone have any idea where we are with the sale, is it just the K group or are there definitely other parties?

Is there any investment to start the season from these sources?
It's perfectly legitimate to question SVC's silence while this situation gets worse day by day. He obviously doesn't need the money, unlike the unpaid non playing staff, so what has he got to lose by speaking up at a time of existential crisis for the club. He was vociferous and instrumental jn Brown's sacking, admittedly before he became an employee, so why is he silent now when if as is likely the club folds and he loses his job anyway? Some involvement from him now could have a huge influence on what happens next and could well be the tipping point.
There is nothing I know about the intricacies of any deal between Ron and any other party.

It is not my role to know.

You could of course say "John Still is quiet", but me being on all platforms, I'm the obvious one to question for some bizarre reason.

I haven't been paid since October.

I'm as much in the know as everyone else in the Football Department.

PS. Anyone seriously questioning Tom Lawrence is so far off the mark it's not even funny. Without him there is a very good chance there would have been no club, several times. Be careful who you throw your vitriol towards is my advice.

My remit is Football Department, Media, Commercial, Supporters. The first two there is literally zero I can add to at the moment, third one I've put some great partners to the club, last one I haven't been able to host my regular monthly meeting because it was decided above me not to.

I hope that's clear enough for everyone on my current input.

For those who appear to have missed Stan Collymore's posts this week......

Now please stop saying that Stan has been ominously quiet.
It's perfectly legitimate to question SVC's silence while this situation gets worse day by day. He obviously doesn't need the money, unlike the unpaid non playing staff, so what has he got to lose by speaking up at a time of existential crisis for the club. He was vociferous and instrumental jn Brown's sacking, admittedly before he became an employee, so why is he silent now when if as is likely the club folds and he loses his job anyway? Some involvement from him now could have a huge influence on what happens next and could well be the tipping point.

Maybe those who slag Stan the Trust or TL need to man up and stand up for themselves. If your going to protest at least do it with some pride. The someone else should speak up for me attitude is embarrassing.

Wanting others to lose their job so that they can sit on the sofa or whinge on their keyboards is also pathetic.
So does anyone have any idea where we are with the sale, is it just the K group or are there definitely other parties?

Is there any investment to start the season from these sources?

All I can say is Kimura have provided proof of funds on three occasions, so they have the money for this.

But there isn’t anyway they’d start funding things for the Club until they become owners. Why should they?

It would be incredible PR if they paid all the staffs outstanding wages for example, although I’m not sure how legal that is, but what happens if RM says thanks very much one less thing to worry about and either regains control, or sells to another interested party. Money down the drain for Kimura then.
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Maybe those who slag Stan the Trust or TL need to man up and stand up for themselves. If your going to protest at least do it with some pride. The someone else should speak up for me attitude is embarrassing.

Wanting others to lose their job so that they can sit on the sofa or whinge on their keyboards is also pathetic.
SVC, Simon Cox or any other footballing name making a public statement carries far more weight and influence than some anonymous supporter airing their views. As for 'wanting others to lose their job' surely you are not suggesting that SVC would be on the breadline if he spoke up and got sacked as a result, when accoring to him, he hasn't been paid for months anyway!
any excuse to stay poor me .... on your kneees ...... aw Ronnies run off with my footy club and there nothing i can do ...
You came up with this ages ago. Did you do any research or get anything going or were you relying on others to do it? You needed how many fans to put up 10 grand? I guess you’ve been putting the word out, getting their buy in? Or was that also for others to do….

I suggest you get on the blower to Ron and submit this idea pretty quick, even if it’s on a fag packet - as you’re kinda running out of time.
Ron martin you should hold your head in shame .Reading that the shrimpers trust has rasised allmost 4 grand with donatins from the fans .I have also just read that York city fans will be having a bucket collection before and after there friendly today .Ron martin these people are doing something to help pay the staff that have not been paid for 4 months .This you horribale little man is what you should have done .Istead of going out for lavish slap up meals and rubbing peoples noses in it Ron martin you are the lowset of the low .
All I can say is Kimura have provided proof of funds on three occasions, so they have the money for this.

But there isn’t anyway they’d start funding things for the Club until they become owners. Why should they?

It would be incredibly PR if they paid all the staffs outstanding wages for example, although I’m not sure how legal that is, but what happens if RM says thanks very much one less thing to worry about and either regains control, or sells to another interested party. Money down the drain for Kimura then.
Ron would never do such a thing 😂
So does anyone have any idea where we are with the sale, is it just the K group or are there definitely other parties?

Is there any investment to start the season from these sources?
My thoughts are this clairvoyant is Ron Martin or his muggy cuckhold son again. They will not and never were going to sell to a group with more business sense and more power in the outside world than them. The deal from kimora was x amount they unearthed loads more debt so they changed their bid to x to cover the extra debt they have inherited . Also they want the ground to be built as it is 21000. Because it Currently has planning so they know what they are buying, and they will be better prepared with a bigger stadium as it allows them extra space, Ron doesn’t want to build that stadium because of price of materials nudge nudge wink wink .. We all know the real reason .. so stale mate . The second mystery bidder also wants a proper deal and to be able to own something credible again another big player ( I am lead to believe ) but have no further info you will note weststand blue of what ever he is called has gone cold again as he knows his mates have no chance … same as the yank nash they all thought they were dealing with an straight up business man and all thought the seller really wanted to sell.

Then there is PG Site Service and Emerson’s the local sponsor and electrical company both wealthy in our working class world both have money and both are trying ( regardless of what you all think) to save us because they genuinely care both companies are owed hundreds of thousands by Ron. Ron will want this sort of deal as he keeps control of everything except the loss making part of the deal, he can then he in control dictate and have the new owners in his pocket ! That’s more like it that’s what Ron and Rupret boy wanted all along … there are two spins here a couple of guys who can barely keep a none league club afloat buying the club to HELP and SAVE it and for that we must commend them we will live to see another day, will there be a champagne life style celebs big Sponsors TV deals absolutely NO we will just about survive … will it be by People that care ? Absolutely YES …

This is seriously all a hunch I’m just playing out scenarios ..

Actually I am going to rattle on a little bit more SVC I like him and think he’s ok, I’m in the camp that feels he has hung us out to try … he came into the club like a whirlwind from nowhere telling us all to strike demonstrate drive Ron Martin out , told us all he know people ready and waiting etc etc etc his intention was to change the club from top to bottom even encouraging us to demonstrate he’s a high profile x player who works in media … I damn rifgt think he could be doing more … if one of your own can’t try and make a stand yet York fans can leave buckets out .. then something is not quite right … he laid out Id manifesto very early on and we all thought he was for the many . We are all allows our thoughts about this , these are just mine. It doesn’t mean I hate him just that I believe he’s using the ‘football’ department as a shroud ..

Lastly the martins … if all the above is true then there really is no hope for us until they have built a stadium not fit for purpose .. they might eventually sell but if this **** show is anything to go but they simple won’t ever let go … so the only way to get them out is by making their life HELL just as they are deliberately and definitively deliberately making ours and the clubs HELL too….
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Thanks for this information. The key point, however, is that someone who has not fulfilled their most basic duties as owner - like paying Southend United employees and ensuring the club meets its financial obligations - cannot expect to dictate the terms of the sale of the football club.

If Southend was not under an embargo, free from winding up orders, and all its staff were paid on time, few supporters would begrudge the owner having the last word on the terrms of selling the club. But RM has not fulfilled the most basic requirements of being a fit and proper owner and seems quite prepared to destroy the club he says he loves in order to get the sort of sale he wants.

If RM really wanted to improve the immediate situation of Southend United, he would immediately contact Kimura - the only party to have tabled a substantial offer - and sit down with their representatives to identify the difference between he wants and what is being offered and then work round the clock to negotiate a compromise that would satisfy both parties. This should not be too difficult given that the Chairman has already accepted Kimura's bid on 2 June and that he is "motivated" to sell.

If RM wants to preserve Southend United as a professional football club, he needs to act with urgency and energy and accept that he has largely forfeited the right to dictate the terms of a sale to Kimura. If RM cannot compromise with Kimura within days, he runs the risk of losing everything. The supporters of the club have clearly had enough and the National League are fully aware that RM has failed to meet his fundamental obligations as a owner and will not be sitting it out for the next 42 days.
Exactly this, on MONDAY this sit down needs to happen or we're basically screwed and it's 💯 down to that c*#t.
My thoughts are this clairvoyant is Ron Martin or his muggy cuckhold son again. They will not and never were going to sell to a group with more business sense and more power in the outside world than them. The deal from kimora was x amount they unearthed loads more debt so they changed their bid to x to cover the extra debt they have inherited . Also they want the ground to be built as it is 21000. Because it Currently has planning so they know what they are buying, and they will be better prepared with a bigger stadium as it allows them extra space, Ron doesn’t want to build that stadium because of price of materials nudge nudge wink wink .. We all know the real reason .. so stale mate . The second mystery bidder also wants a proper deal and to be able to own something credible again another big player ( I am lead to believe ) but have no further info you will note weststand blue of what ever he is called has gone cold again as he knows his mates have no chance … same as the yank nash they all thought they were dealing with an straight up business man and all thought the seller really wanted to sell.

Then there is PG Site Service and Emerson’s the local sponsor and electrical company both wealthy in our working class world both have money and both are trying ( regardless of what you all think) to save us because they genuinely care both companies are owed hundreds of thousands by Ron. Ron will want this sort of deal as he keeps control of everything except the loss making part of the deal, he can then he in control dictate and have the new owners in his pocket ! That’s more like it that’s what Ron and Rupret boy wanted all along … there are two spins here a couple of guys who can barely keep a none league club afloat buying the club to HELP and SAVE it and for that we must commend them we will live to see another day, will there be a champagne life style celebs big Sponsors TV deals absolutely NO we will just about survive … will it be by People that care ? Absolutely YES …

This is seriously all a hunch I’m just playing out scenarios ..
Yeah. That does seem to what’s playing out. If it does, rons words for the last 25 years about making the club self sufficient etc are ALL rubbish. I’m sure there will be protests even at his grave
Like you I was born in Rochford hospital I was rasied in Rochford malting Villiers Played in my local park with one spud Taylor. I Started watching southend in 63 my best Friday night game was the 7 0 drubbing of Workington fc And like them we may soon be dead It doesn't bare thinking about .Ron Martin you was not incharge then .And really hope you won't be very soon God willing.
Can’t make the protest this weekend for obvious reasons but will be with you all in spirit.

However if someone turned up with a ‘Martin Out’ banner at the England v Haiti Women’s World Cup game next week do you think they’d get thrown out? Asking for a friend…
Go Andy, it would make uncle Pete very proud if a FRIEND of yours were to do that 😂😂👍
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