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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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I today wrote an email to Anna Firth, MP. With some minor alterations concerning my identity, it reads as follows:

Dear Ms Firth,
I should say at the outset that I am not a constituent of yours. I was born in Rochford Hospital, brought up in a road close to the former SUFC stadium in Grainger Road, and attended Westcliff Grammar School. After A Levels I joined BP and moved to London. My brother lives with his partner in Leigh.
I am 76 years old and have supported Southend United since I was 7, since 1953. It is not something you can get out of your blood.
As I know you are aware, the club is about to go out of existence, due totally to the appalling mismanagement of the Chairman, Mr Ron Martin.
No facts concerning the Kimura Group have been made public, but as I understand it, the situation is as follows:
Kimura have made a firm offer to buy the club and the land on which the training ground sits, the land on which the stadium is to built, together with the planning permission already granted for a 21,000 seater four sided arena. They have no interest in ownership of other land at Fossetts Farm due to be developed as a much needed housing estate. They have also no interest in the land on which Roots Hall sits.
Mr Martin has turned down this offer, making it clear that he is happy to sell the loss-making club but unwilling to sell the land, insisting on retaining ownership of a proposed 16,000 seater three sided stadium in which a bunch of hideous flats is incorporated. Planning permission has NOT been granted for this aspect of the development.
While all this has been going on since March (and in a wider sense since before the 2008 banking crash), Mr Martin has made it clear that he is no longer willing or more likely able to fund the football club. Debts are huge, the club is insolvent and, it seems to me, the directors of South Eastern Leisure may be breaking the law, trading whilst insolvent.
Mr Martin has said on several occasions that Roots Hall is a cash cow and that the future viability of Southend United depends on being able to move into the new stadium at Fossetts Farm. Whilst acknowledging this, he refuses to allow Kimura the possibility of making the club profitable, by denying them ownership of the stadium and the training facilities.
All this you know Ms Firth.
No one can make Mr Martin sell the club. But I think there is one solution. A compulsory purchase order can be made where there is a compelling case in the public interest. The continuing survival of Southend United Football Club is such a compelling case. The club means a very great deal to many thousands of fans living in the city, and elsewhere, and is of significant benefit, economically and culturally, to the life of the city, more so if the ambitious plans of Kimura are fulfilled.
The council should rapidly agree a fair price for the land and planning permission for the stadium, compulsorily purchase it at that price from Mr Martin, and immediately sell it to Kimura. Mr Martin’s plans for the housing developments would be unaffected. The club would then be properly run and funded. And we as fans would be shot of Mr Martin.
Thanks for your time.
Yours sincerely,
Like you I was born in Rochford hospital I was rasied in Rochford malting Villiers Played in my local park with one spud Taylor. I Started watching southend in 63 my best Friday night game was the 7 0 drubbing of Workington fc And like them we may soon be dead It doesn't bare thinking about .Ron Martin you was not incharge then .And really hope you won't be very soon God willing.
Let’s see if we can get to 15000 posts on it 🤣.

I appreciate what you’re saying but you can only try and in most scenarios nobody ends up with full payment of the debt, no matter what is evidenced. Which is more a sad indictment of the system rather than anything else.
Well, I do have my suspicions that Clairvoyant is in fact Cricko and he's been created in order for this thread to reach a record number of posts!😂😉
Like you I was born in Rochford hospital I was rasied in Rochford malting Villiers Played in my local park with one spud Taylor. I Started watching southend in 63 my best Friday night game was the 7 0 drubbing of Workington fc And like them we may soon be dead It doesn't bare thinking about .Ron Martin you was not incharge then .And really hope you won't be very soon God willing.
It just occurred to me that I was born in Rochford Hospital.........
before It was in the NHS!😀
I have been going to The Hall since my dad took me in the early 70's......and as far as i remember we have never had decent owners/chairman that the fans have really got behind. Even Vic Jobson was disliked and he got us to the second tier. They all seem to have been 'dodgy' in one way or another.
I have never really understood how a stadium built and owned by the fans ever became 'owned' by one individual.....and then sold on to a succession of 'dodgy' individuals....
Anyway, as long as there is a club in the area with Southend in the name they will get my support,phoenix club or otherwise..... and that includes Southend manor.
Starting the season will be an achievement let alone the finishing position. That implies we make it to the end
My view now is that Ron never ever had any intention of selling the club, it’s all a charade. Think his plan is to let things disintegrate, so the club can’t function and we fold.
Then go back to council and get planning amended. All this about 3 buyers is total bollacks . I believe Kimura made a realistic offer, but were used to make Ron’s sale plan look more authentic and legitimate.
Some people in life are givers and some are takers. But sometimes the takers totally take the ****.
Ever since Wednesday I’ve been crying so so much. I can’t bare to think that in 39 days our club could go bust. Never ever would you think another club could but here we are in 2023 with us being the next one 😭😭😭. THANKS RON 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I just want to confirm that the 3rd bidder is only interested in buying the club . It does not have sufficient resources to buy the stadium . Ron is quite happy with this outcome but would have much preferred to sell the stadium as part of the deal . Unfortunately , the other two bidders have not been able to come up with viable plans that are acceptable to him. It is therefore likely that he will be forced into a position where he has no alternative but to accept the terms set out by the 3rd bidder . The people behind the 3rd bid are now carrying out DD and taking the owners and directors text . Any significant problem unearthed by the DD will be the responsibility of Ron to sort out . The paperwork involved in buying a football club is considerable and will take a few weeks to complete . Meanwhile , there is absolutely no point in continuing with protests and boycotts. It is now time for fans to step up to the plate and buy their season cards for the new campaign . The lads on the pitch need to know they enjoy the full support of the fans.
Thank you for your contribution Ron. Classy as always.
Lets say Ron is feeling generous and decides not to make you pay the £20m owed to creditors...

No-one (apart from a few posters on a fan website) take RMs debt seriously ..

You still need to buy the Fossetts Farm stadium or you'll be back at square one. Southend United at Roots Hall is not a viable prospect.

Nope - there is nothing there - no interest in it at all -

You either renovate Roots Hall instead of moving to Fossets Farm which will cost a **** tonne or you buy the Fossetts Farm stadium which will cost a **** tonne

Keeping RH functioning will cost a bit ..... but a lot less than FF

Dear Boy,

You have been rubbing me off the wrong way all day. But now, after relaxing with a couple of bottles - scrub that - glasses of my favourite red, I realise you are a genius!

Trouble is, like a lot of smart individuals your timing is appalling. If the worst happens and SUFC ceases to be, then fan participation (stumping up money) to buy a serious chunk of a phoenix club is absolutely the way to go.

Trouble is right now you sound like an inappropriate child discussing inheritance around your last surviving parent’s deathbed.
My view now is that Ron never ever had any intention of selling the club, it’s all a charade. Think his plan is to let things disintegrate, so the club can’t function and we fold.
Then go back to council and get planning amended. All this about 3 buyers is total bollacks . I believe Kimura made a realistic offer, but were used to make Ron’s sale plan look more authentic and legitimate.
Some people in life are givers and some are takers. But sometimes the takers totally take the ****.
Then why did he pay the players two weeks ago?

You guys give Ron Martin waaayyyyyy too much credit when you suggest this is all some part of his masterplan.

Ron Martin isn't trying to send us bust - he's just incompetent, delusional and skint.
and you believe anything that comes out of Martin's mouth ?

The man is a narcissist -- he will never take the blame for anything
I just want to confirm that the 3rd bidder is only interested in buying the club . It does not have sufficient resources to buy the stadium . Ron is quite happy with this outcome but would have much preferred to sell the stadium as part of the deal . Unfortunately , the other two bidders have not been able to come up with viable plans that are acceptable to him. It is therefore likely that he will be forced into a position where he has no alternative but to accept the terms set out by the 3rd bidder . The people behind the 3rd bid are now carrying out DD and taking the owners and directors text . Any significant problem unearthed by the DD will be the responsibility of Ron to sort out . The paperwork involved in buying a football club is considerable and will take a few weeks to complete . Meanwhile , there is absolutely no point in continuing with protests and boycotts. It is now time for fans to step up to the plate and buy their season cards for the new campaign . The lads on the pitch need to know they enjoy the full support of the fans.
Sounds horrendous out of the fire into the frying pan , funny thing is you’re muggy enough to think this is a good deal !
A very sensible suggestion of yours and I will put it to the people in charge when I next meet them . They are very good people who have supported the club for many years and I can see no good reason why they should meet all this hostility on the forum . The more backers they have the better chance there is for moving the club forward .duck
Not sure why you've quoted me there
28 letters and 1 apostrophe, he’s got a point mate
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