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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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No, that is not him . His owner is decent and honest but unfortunately does not have a lot of cash to splash . He will absolutely change our image in the footballing world and SUFC will become highly respected once again . One of his backers is a lender of last resort so it becomes very problematical if he is up against purely commercial bidders . Of course a bidder like Kimura may now be taking a major interest in the property element of the scheme - just like Carl did . This is not what we want - it is only the footballing assets that the fans should worry about because they are a community asset and need to be preserved. This should not be primarily a residential homes deal .
Who are 'WE' please?
Bloody hell, here we go again.

Guys, this is negotiation. This is a multi million pound business at stake here, not someone buying a car off Auto Trader.

A few days ago I said that in any effective negotiation, each party has to make the other one think they'll walk away. If Kimura still want it, they have to hold their nerve. Ron isn't in a position to run it himself otherwise he would have done so. Interest rates are going up, he probably can't service the existing debt that exists.

I see the vast majority of people on here have believed that he wants to cling on and not sell. So he's convinced you lot of that; I don't think Kimura will be so easily swayed.

We all know Ron needs a deadline. We know this because every time there is a deadline, he acts. This time is no different.

Of course, there are no guarantees, but there is nothing anyone can do at this point to force the issue. We have to let it play out.

There will be more twists and turns before 12th July, but my guess is that at some point (it may not be quite as long as the 12th) either Kimura will bite the bullet and buy the club as it stands or Ron will buckle and get the deal done. Personally I think it will be the latter. They may be a bit more horse-trading, but the price has already been agreed several weeks ago.

I know keeping calm is the hardest thing, but think back to all the times we have potentially been about to die... Torquay away could have been our last ever game, for instance. It wasn't.

@The Clairvoyant may not be 100% wrong; I'm sure it's brinkmanship all the way; there are no guarantees of course, which is the worrying part.

But I'm not worried. Not yet, anyhow.
I know you can't prove it's from him. But it sounds exactly like him
That's him alright, and matches exactly with what I've heard 2nd hand is his line. Hence my surprise at a few suggestions that he might try to cling on. I think he'll take it to the wire, squeeze and pinch everything he can out of it, deflect and give the impression that it's in Kimura's hands when actually it's finding solutions to his mess that is holding things up......but I do think he'll sell.
I emailed what I think is Ron’s email address so if it isn’t him it’s not me mugging everyone off it’s someone else who’s replying to me that’s mugging me off
Has he also e-mailed asking for your bank details because he’s won the Nigerian lottery?

Seems too good to be true, he doesn’t give a a flying **** about the club or the fans. Just the land
That's my hope too. I hope the players handing in their notice is the catalyst for both sides to work to get this done. Whilst it's a bargaining chip for Kimura they won't want the players walking prior to sale as it becomes a very different purchase with its own costs and hurdles.

Depends who the players are? Harsh to say but there's probably more than 1 that aren't really in Kev's plans
Has he also e-mailed asking for your bank details because he’s won the Nigerian lottery?

Seems too good to be true, he doesn’t give a a flying **** about the club or the fans. Just the land
He doesn’t care but Tbf he always says he does
Well it sounds like him. Seems to have got his eyes in back to front again - seeing the opposite of the real world.

‘Funding its survival’ - by this you mean spaffing away the clubs revenue on heath robinson planning, a wing and a prayer, or jollies and luxuries for yourself. All after having put all the fixed assets in your own name and deciding to charge the club big bucks to rent it’s own stadium.

‘The club means the same to me as it does to you’. **** off Ron, you really haven’t got a clue! There is no way I would ever do what you have to the club, staff and fans and neither would anyone of the fans. You have presided over the worst period - by far - in our history. This wasn’t inevitable, you made it happen by being so **** at running the business. Much like all your other businesses.

‘I want to save the club’ and ‘I put in £2.2M’ - what a load of rubbish. I’d bet that £2.2M wasn’t your money, but borrowed, and the bills it paid were ones you ran up! It’s not ‘the clubs fault’.

If you really want to save the club Ron, prove it. You’ll walk away with some tidy millions, but show you actually genuinely do give a **** and make a proper effort to meet one of the bidders at an acceptable valuation this week. A valuation that has some basis in reality according to a financial model that makes sense and isn’t all about filling your boots.
This is really harsh. I’m not generally someone to man protests or picket lines, but we are days away from accidentally going out of business if Ron can’t agree with any of the bidders or find the needed funds by that date.

If ever there was a time to protest, I think this must be it. If the worst happens, I would definitely prefer being able to say I’d made an effort and joined the protest. Unfortunately I haven’t as I don’t live in the area and couldn’t be there today, but I must say I’m thinking about joining the next one if I possibly can.

There are much more effective ways to get Ron/the club to talk.

I'm sure there would be a statement quite fast if the entrance to B&L was blocked on a training day.
There are much more effective ways to get Ron/the club to talk.

I'm sure there would be a statement quite fast if the entrance to B&L was blocked on a training day.
This remains to be seen, but it’s what we all clearly want to happen. If you have better ideas for how to use the energy of those who want to do something, that’s great! Sharing those ideas might be a more welcome contribution to the debate than slating the efforts of a few folks today?
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