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Strikes take 2

Ultimately it is a question of whether the unions think that the government will cave in. The only reason they would is if the public sided with the union position. I think the unions may be optimistic on that point.

Particularly when the economy's not exactly picking up yet...
Very nice but totally irrelevant. The electorate vote for their constituency representative. Whomever commands a majority in the Commons is entitled to form a government.

On the topic, the union leaders and the membership are perfectly entitled to strike. The whole point of unions is to win their membership better terms and conditions than they would otherwise get in an open labour market. They are entitled to strike just as the government would be entitled to offer slightly worse terms the day after. I hope they do.

Ultimately it is a question of whether the unions think that the government will cave in. The only reason they would is if the public sided with the union position. I think the unions may be optimistic on that point.

Quite right, however I don't that the unions nor their leaders treat their membership as pawns in a power struggle to bring down an elected government.
This is a pretty good write up of how most teachers are feeling right now: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/nov/21/striking-teacher-30-november?CMP=twt_gu

This article is total drivel. The, "because I'm worth it," argument is nonsense. It betrays a total misundersing of even basic economics, especially the value of near absolute job security.

As I said above, by all means strike. Your union exists to get you better pay than you otherwise would on an open market. Just be aware that negotiation is a two way street.
This article is total drivel. The, "because I'm worth it," argument is nonsense. It betrays a total misundersing of even basic economics, especially the value of near absolute job security.

As I said above, by all means strike. Your union exists to get you better pay than you otherwise would on an open market. Just be aware that negotiation is a two way street.

Yes, but unions do have a key role to help ensure a wage that reflects the value of the service provided by an employee, due to monopsony conditions. Nurses/Teachers etc may have good job security, but they are exploitable to a significant extent too
If you genuinely want to to improve education, as the private sector and Tories constantly say we need to, you need to create a highly competitive workforce of the most skilled and able workforce. How do you get those people in education?
This is a pretty good write up of how most teachers are feeling right now: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/nov/21/striking-teacher-30-november?CMP=twt_gu

Loved this reply to that load of twaddle

"I can only sympathise with your plight for a better pension, so much so that I'd be willing to support you through my little boy who's currently 5. Take him with you on the march and bring him back by 3.30pm. Oh and no fizzy drinks, it makes him **** like a race horse" :hilarious:
I wonder how many teachers you actually know?:unsure:

Mr Smith
Mr McGuffy
Mr Jones
Miss Hart
Mrs Everett
Mr Pooley
Mr Marchant
Miss Coombes
Mr Jenkins
Mr Green
Miss Swiles
Mr Tyler
Mr Sampson
Mr Palmer
Mr McGarry
Miss Able
Mrs English
Mrs Martin
Mr Lowe
Mrs White
Mr Featherstonehaugh
Mr Colman
Mr Smith
Mr McGuffy
Mr Jones
Miss Hart
Mrs Everett
Mr Pooley
Mr Marchant
Miss Coombes
Mr Jenkins
Mr Green
Miss Swiles
Mr Tyler
Mr Sampson
Mr Palmer
Mr McGarry
Miss Able
Mrs English
Mrs Martin
Mr Lowe
Mrs White
Mr Featherstonehaugh
Mr Colman

That's not a number.As an English teacher I can't count,as you must know.:hilarious:
I know 3, I lived with one. Lovely girl but left work after I did every day and was home before me. Did the odd parents evening and extra curricular activity but I got the impression she did those because she enjoyed it and felt a sense of duty to her pupils, and maybe in return for the 6 weeks holiday when she did nothing to do with teaching for the whole period but enjoyed hols etc. Not to mention the 2 weeks at xmas, 2 weeks at easter, etc etc.

I'm not saying teachers arent worthy of decent pay but be realistic, the countrys finances are ****ed big style. Public sector pay rocketed under labour and now we are all having to pay the price. People are living to 80/90, 30 years of pensions in some case. We simply cannot afford it, not with the huge rise in population expected in the next 20 years (dont get me started on immigration!). Striking is not the answer, you are letting the children of this country down.
No one voted for a coalition. Plenty vote for a strike, and who knows what the unheard voices of the NASUWT feel? You can't automatically judge that they're anti-strike, as I can't say they're pro-strike.

For something so important it baffles me how they can be so apathetic.

Well actually I did . I suspect a few others also hoped that they could force the coalition outcome to make the political environment change .

The other thing about this strike ballet result is its a secret vote how did the results get leaked or published ???