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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Southend United 4-0 Oldham Athletic

The only surprise for me was that we attacked and went for the game. Must say thought Maher would setup for a 0-0. Perhaps lessons learnt?

Not too surprised at the outcome. All of the team were first teamers from last year. They know each other, tight knit team culture. It's already been commented on with the small squad value and previous promotion seasons.

I like Taylor and Ralph in that back 3 because they spread and become fullbacks to allow bridge and Gus attack as wingers. Having central defenders playing those roles might not suit as much. Lomas for example would be a direct replacement for kensdale (that said small squads will require to play anywhere).

I like Mooney in what I will always refer to as the Benji role. I'd love to see whether he could play instead of Gus. Attacking wingers on both sides could really open up the game but we would lose some defensive support and capability in our mid and deep defense transition ( bridge is not a wing back). The issue is his defensive game. Remember tilson always playing a more defensive winger in a 442 as an opposite to an attacking winger which enabled us to balance defence without the ball.

I also think Mooney is a better option than Powell in the box midfield alongside fonguck. Powell always an odd one - never a striker - perhaps another option to bridge ? We bought both Mooney and Powell to play wide forward in a 343 but seeing as we changed to a more fluid 352 they are probably both more valuable in the 2 up front.

I like husin and Miley protecting the defence and moving the ball forward. Miley perhaps operating as another central defender at times that's stepped forward. Good to see all 3 of our midfield play - husin, Miley and fonguck. 343 never allowed us to do that.

Love cardwell. Only going to get better with games.

I think this is a strong nucleus and good setup. I'd love to see us more attacking in games even though we've just scored 4. Looks like we've also learned to take shots. Mooney and coker prime examples.

Well done blues. Dagenham up next week. Tough game.
Out of interest what made you think Kev would set up for a 0-0?

The way we played yesterday wasn’t too different to how we played most of last season it was just that we took our chances and kept the intensity up. The passing and link up play was evident during the long unbeaten run - it’s a style the Amigos have persevered with.

The players have the benefit of a NL season under their belt (some 2) .. in Coker’s case a season out on loan has done him the world of good (hopefully Wood, too). Set pieces we could still improve, nail that and stay clear of injuries .. Ralph was lucky yesterday .. we can have lots of fun watching SUFC this year.
Yesterday I took my 84 year old stepdad to his first ever live football match. His comment walking back to the car….‘everytime they scored a big shiver went down my spine….I’ve not had that since I met your mother’.
Are you the guy that posted in the pre-match thread? I was actually looking for the post to ask for an update.
That was quite simply one of the most complete performances I have seen from a Southend team for years.
Yes Oldham were poor, but we made them look far inferior by the way we played. Controlled possession... incisive passing all afternoon. We were on a different planet today and I was so pleased that in the end we got the goals to match the performance.
Nathan Ralph....take a bow sir. That was your best performance in a Southend shirt. He was incredible and didn't put a foot wrong during the entire match.
Harry Taylor and Ollie Kensdale were at it all afternoon. Confidently stepping out with the ball and starting our attacks.
Husin and Miley were sublime all afternoon and controlled the midfield, never giving the ball away. Some of the interplay between Wes, Bridge and Ralph in that first half was just too much for Oldham to cope with.
Just as Wes began to tire, to my surprise up stepped Ollie Coker. I had assumed (wrongly) that Jack Wood would the first change, but wow....what an impression Coker made after coming on. Shooting on sight for his brilliant goal, before a delightfully floated ball with his left foot for Cardwell to power home with his head for our much deserved 4th goal. His play in that final 15 minutes was eye catching. He looked confident, has clearly been working on building up his physique over the summer and displayed some fantastic touches as we played our way both around, and through Oldham.

Also I was so pleased to see Powell get our opener. He gets a lot of stick, but today he was everywhere and deserved his brilliantly taken goal with a instinctive finish.

Dan Mooney....what a goal....picking the ball up 20 yards inside his own half before moving forward with purpose and curling the ball around the Oldham keeper's outstretched right hand. That's what he has in his locker and we need him to empty it more often.

Final word has to go to Kev.....we are so lucky to have him as our manager. He must have had a lump in his throat at full time. He, along with all our supporters will be rightly proud of our team tonight. That performance and atmosphere will live long in the memory.
superb write up! i still can talk i cheered so much... feel sorry for all thos who missed this wonder....up the mighty blues!
One of the best first home game performances I've ever seen. Every player did their job and tried their best. I also liked the way we passed it about until the right opening came, then we attacked with pace with options to pass to. The substitutions turned out to be right with two of them scoring that came on, despite Powelly's little hissy at being taken off. Fair play to those Oldham fans that joined in with the Martin out chants. Yes a little mob of them left early and tried to go up Shakespeare Drive I'm told, but were turned back by the police. I think they gave up and drowned their sorrows in The Blue Boar. You can understand their frustration at coming all that way to get battered by a team that's short on numbers and has all types of off field troubles. Even one of our supporters on here was backing Oldham to win by 2 or 3. If anyone doubted it, this club is worth saving. This management team and players are worth backing. Let's do that at Dagenham next Saturday.
The Non-League paper gives the game 4 stars out of 5 for entertainment. I wonder what a 5 star game would be like to watch.

Some of the statistics make interested reading - 12 shots with 11 on target.

7 fouls conceded in a game - given the injury time played, that is around 1 foul every 15 minutes.