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Supporters Group News Rolling Protest Saturday 15/07/23

There probably isn’t time for it now but perhaps any future organised protests (there needs to be many more) the Trust could write to their counterparts at local clubs inviting their support?
How about making BBC Essex, Anglia news and talk sport aware?
Just a thought…..

should we be opening this up to much more of a broader audience rather than just SUFC

could we open this up to ALL football fans
, fans that feel sympathy of our plight. There is allot of sympathy on social media.

Would it not be great to see colours of other football teams coming to support the fight against rouge owners.

Yes -This should be open to all football fans from all clubs to support us in our plight.

Brighton done this way back in the 90's and their home stand was full of different football shirts from all clubs. all there to show solidarity.

I'm not on social media, but feel the word should go out for their help.
How about doing a leaflet drop to say 100 neighbours. Apologise for the disruption but explain exactly why the protest is happening and what’s and risk.

Don’t know how familiar you are with the location but the residents are not going to take kindly to seeing plebes marching up their quarter mile driveways. They’ll probably set the hired help on you.

Don’t worry though. A large presence of the great unwashed will not go unnoticed and Ron’s neighbours will show their disapproval of him in their own blackballing ways.
I am making the 200 mile round trip. Never protested for anything before.
Regarding the weather if it rains take an umbrella. Let’s not be accused of being fair weather fans.
I would love it if we turned up in significant numbers that requires a police presence. That would be more pressure on RM as the police won’t be wanting to resource this.
How about doing a leaflet drop to say 100 neighbours. Apologise for the disruption but explain exactly why the protest is happening and what’s and risk.
Then we do it all again another day and another day etc.
Probably better option would be going to whatever social clubs Ron belongs to and doing likewise. He'd hate to be outed amongst his peers. I doubt he cares for his neighbours
There probably isn’t time for it now but perhaps any future organised protests (there needs to be many more) the Trust could write to their counterparts at local clubs inviting their support?
How about making BBC Essex, Anglia news and talk sport aware?
Too little, too late.. they didn't show much interest before. A minor 'interest' slot just after the weather and the local celebrity slot
Will our local MPs have the ba*** to show up .Sorry Anna if the term isn't quite right
Tbf, not a lot of time to change her ministerial diary.. however, they do break up soon. (Not a facetious comment, but is she a regular visitor to Roots Hall or is she in for the votes?)
Just a thought, in addition to this is there a large billboard anywhere near his home? I think the campaign by "Led by donkeys" like the image below has been quite powerful and he'd hate seeing his face up on a billboard as kind of a wanted poster ("Con Martin: Wanted for killing Southend United")

I think they also used powerful projectors to project stuff up onto public buildings.

Just a thought....

View attachment 27295
And if this could be organised, those of us not in the country or able to get there could contribute financially to do our bit.
Personally I believe this should be the first of many protests arranged. Every Saturday until he has sold up. It'll soon ramp up. He may hide this weekend but he can't hide on all of them.
How many Saturdays do you reckon are left? This could be the only one until the NL kick us out