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Supporters Group News Rolling Protest Saturday 15/07/23

I hope to attend, either late morning or early afternoon - will try and get my son out of bed as well - best place to park?
Just a thought, in addition to this is there a large billboard anywhere near his home? I think the campaign by "Led by donkeys" like the image below has been quite powerful and he'd hate seeing his face up on a billboard as kind of a wanted poster ("Con Martin: Wanted for killing Southend United")

I think they also used powerful projectors to project stuff up onto public buildings.

Just a thought....

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 09.24.33.png
Just a thought, in addition to this is there a large billboard anywhere near his home? I think the campaign by "Led by donkeys" like the image below has been quite powerful and he'd hate seeing his face up on a billboard as kind of a wanted poster ("Con Martin: Wanted for killing Southend United")

I think they also used powerful projectors to project stuff up onto public buildings.

Just a thought....

View attachment 27295
To add to this, advertising trucks also exist. Any Shrimpers got a business in this sector?
Sadly, the "critical" time was probably years ago and as a fan base we sat on our hands.
I could go on about how I wanted him gone years ago but it would achieve nothing other than unsettling the unity we've finally achieved.

If anything I'm pleased everyone has realised just how dangerous he is to the existence of our club.

The alarm bells rang for me when I listened to Steve Dale's interview on TalkSport on the way to Lincoln in 2019, I could almost hear Ron saying the same stuff. Now he is saying the same stuff...
I’ll be there in spirit, unfortunately with my current condition don’t think it is wise or sensible for myself to attend. I am in full support and I really hope this gets the National exposure it fully deserves. Are we able to release a statement directly to the media outlets and ask them to attend. Can we get Sky sports down there, can talksport do live interviews, National papers etc, any negative press of Martin and pressure put on him to get gone has to be positive in my mind, we need as much exposure as possible.
Hope it works. Sadly a load of plaquard waving football supporters from division 5 isn't gonna make much of a difference to Ron and the general public outside Southend or other football supporters. Still, saves going shopping I guess.
Agreed, we need action, this still feels insignificant and after the horse bolted, recaught, had its dinner then was sent to the glue yard.
We need plenty of posters which displays how we feel, which will be printed in the media.

We absolutely don't want him involved with any potential investor where he'll continue to tarnish our club.

New ownership without Martin!
Just a thought, in addition to this is there a large billboard anywhere near his home? I think the campaign by "Led by donkeys" like the image below has been quite powerful and he'd hate seeing his face up on a billboard as kind of a wanted poster ("Con Martin: Wanted for killing Southend United")

I think they also used powerful projectors to project stuff up onto public buildings.

Just a thought....

View attachment 27295
I'd hate to put ideas in anyone's head, but in 2018 we rented the billboard outside EFL HQ and put up a poster that read :

E = English
F = Fans
L = Let Down

..... alongside a list of clubs who had been failed, and the question "how many more?".

Their senior staff had to read that for six weeks.
To add to this, advertising trucks also exist. Any Shrimpers got a business in this sector?
I know Paddy Power use the company Digivans in London for their various stunts using mobile billboards. Seems they can do next day provision. I've passed this onto the ST.


I can't make tomorrow as at Finals Day cricket but fully support the protest and will contribute financially if something like this is used.
Might it not be a good idea at some point to take the argument to the people of Southend in the City centre? One of the very odd things about SUFC as a relative newcomer of 6-years or so, is that it lives is a bubble - removed from the lives of most people. Do most people in Southend even know there is a football club, let alone what is going on?
Might it not be a good idea at some point to take the argument to the people of Southend in the City centre? One of the very odd things about SUFC as a relative newcomer of 6-years or so, is that it lives is a bubble - removed from the lives of most people. Do most people in Southend even know there is a football club, let alone what is going on?
Never a city. Always a town. Bloody American ideas of a city.
I know Paddy Power use the company Digivans in London for their various stunts using mobile billboards. Seems they can do next day provision.


I can't make tomorrow as at Finals Day cricket but fully support the protest and will contribute financially if something like this is used.
Might be worth a shout this?