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Supporters Group News Rolling Protest Saturday 15/07/23

I'd hate to put ideas in anyone's head, but in 2018 we rented the billboard outside EFL HQ and put up a poster that read :

E = English
F = Fans
L = Let Down

..... alongside a list of clubs who had been failed, and the question "how many more?".

Their senior staff had to read that for six weeks.
S how
U s
F orever
C hange

R uined
M y club
I know Paddy Power use the company Digivans in London for their various stunts using mobile billboards. Seems they can do next day provision. I've passed this onto the ST.


I can't make tomorrow as at Finals Day cricket but fully support the protest and will contribute financially if something like this is used.
Also at Finals Day

Might take my Scuba Gear
I know Paddy Power use the company Digivans in London for their various stunts using mobile billboards. Seems they can do next day provision. I've passed this onto the ST.


I can't make tomorrow as at Finals Day cricket but fully support the protest and will contribute financially if something like this is used.
Elonex mobile billboards!
Lots of 'be there in spirit' or 'more important stuff to do such as.......(insert here).

Average crowd equals 5% of the of the towns population.. if you get 300 people, you'll be doing very well
Might it not be a good idea at some point to take the argument to the people of Southend in the City centre? One of the very odd things about SUFC as a relative newcomer of 6-years or so, is that it lives is a bubble - removed from the lives of most people. Do most people in Southend even know there is a football club, let alone what is going on?

No. I hate to point this out but you will get nothing there. You either get being a supporter or you don’t and those who don’t will be quite happy if the football club goes away.
I am making the 200 mile round trip. Never protested for anything before.
Regarding the weather if it rains take an umbrella. Let’s not be accused of being fair weather fans.
I would love it if we turned up in significant numbers that requires a police presence. That would be more pressure on RM as the police won’t be wanting to resource this.
How about doing a leaflet drop to say 100 neighbours. Apologise for the disruption but explain exactly why the protest is happening and what’s and risk.
Then we do it all again another day and another day etc.
I am making the 200 mile round trip. Never protested for anything before.
Regarding the weather if it rains take an umbrella. Let’s not be accused of being fair weather fans.
I would love it if we turned up in significant numbers that requires a police presence. That would be more pressure on RM as the police won’t be wanting to resource this.
How about doing a leaflet drop to say 100 neighbours. Apologise for the disruption but explain exactly why the protest is happening and what’s and risk.
Then we do it all again another day and another day etc.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
I am making the 200 mile round trip. Never protested for anything before.
Regarding the weather if it rains take an umbrella. Let’s not be accused of being fair weather fans.
I would love it if we turned up in significant numbers that requires a police presence. That would be more pressure on RM as the police won’t be wanting to resource this.
How about doing a leaflet drop to say 100 neighbours. Apologise for the disruption but explain exactly why the protest is happening and what’s and risk.
Then we do it all again another day and another day etc.
Brilliant well done mate!!