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Potential new signings for this season

I hear that Theo Walcott has been released now he would be a good signing, probably not old enough at the moment to get in our team though.
I hear that Theo Walcott has been released now he would be a good signing, probably not old enough at the moment to get in our team though.

We have Scannell and Laurent, so no need for him ..... anyway, Barnet will beat us to signing him ....
I believe we can sign players who are unattached ....

as I understand it the PFA had to pay our players, thus we owe the PFA money, if we can not afford to pay the players we have we are not allowed to sign others, if we pay the PFA back then they take it you can pay players you have...embargo lifted (until next time)
as I understand it the PFA had to pay our players, thus we owe the PFA money, if we can not afford to pay the players we have we are not allowed to sign others, if we pay the PFA back then they take it you can pay players you have...embargo lifted (until next time)

To be honest, I don't think anyone understands the rules, apart from the FA (I hope they do).
i think we can 'sign' them as long as the embargo is lifted by the 1st july, when the transfer will officially go through!
i think we can 'sign' them as long as the embargo is lifted by the 1st july, when the transfer will officially go through!

We can't pay the ones we already have so god knows what sort of incentive that would be for a new player looking to join us.
We can't pay the ones we already have so god knows what sort of incentive that would be for a new player looking to join us.
Ye spot on, this thread means not a lot at all, untill we unload the high wage earners we have on our books, thats if anyone wants them. then i can see a season of lonees got in at the last minute, that if we are allowed, because of this bloody embargo. Then Martin has to find wages, which should be intresting.
I don't think it will be so easy to shift players like Francis/Macca/Mildenhall etc,what other clubs will be willing to take them on with their high wages of 2/3k odd a week and the fact they are coming from a team just relegated..They will either have to consider a pay cut to go elsewhere or I think we may be stuck with some of them.There will be enough players out there this close season for clubs to pick and choose without looking at ours.
I don't think it will be so easy to shift players like Francis/Macca/Mildenhall etc,what other clubs will be willing to take them on with their high wages of 2/3k odd a week and the fact they are coming from a team just relegated..They will either have to consider a pay cut to go elsewhere or I think we may be stuck with some of them.There will be enough players out there this close season for clubs to pick and choose without looking at ours.
wouldn't they take any wage rather than no wage?!
37 pages of potential signings for a club that can not sign a single player(embargo and all that) hee hee hee best thread ever

Even if we wern't, we are skint. Players paid late numerous times, making it incredibly difficult to attract players better than what we have.

Best. Thread. Ever.
Even if we wern't, we are skint. Players paid late numerous times, making it incredibly difficult to attract players better than what we have.

Best. Thread. Ever.

And to that being able to play in front of around 6,500 loyal, devoted fans each week ....

... and if you don't score a in 3 games out will be hounded out the club.
Billy Kee, who has been mentioned on here, has signed for Torquay Utd.

you can see how happy I'm feeling right now!!